• 5 • Disaster (Edited)

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My head was hurting when I woke up. I slowly opened my eyes and felt someone's back on mine. The place seems unfamiliar but sure does smell familiar. I turned around to see a broad back. Without thinking, I touched that back.

"Are you awake now?" I could hear Caustic's voice when the body vibrated. That back belongs to Caustic. "C-C-C-Caustic! I-I didn't mean to touch your back!" I quickly kept my hands back to myself. "Wh-Where am I anyway?"

"In my room. Because you left your bag at the bar." I shrieked as I sat up from the warm cozy bed. "My wallet and everything is in there! I am going to lose it, I definitely lost it!" Caustic turned to face me and looked at me with a face that says that he is so done with me. "Mm.. Lifeline has your bag."

"Oh." I stopped whatever I am doing. "So I can't remember what happened to me last night. I hope I didn't do anything weird." Caustic looked at me in the eye and exhaled. "You definitely did something I didn't think you would do." He said. Oh Lord, please save me. I said my prayers.

"What kind of things." I asked. "Where should we start. You practically confessed your love to me. So much for 'being my daughter'." His mouth curled into a small smile. My face flushed. "No way.. I said that..?" He nodded as he yawned. "I didn't sleep a wink thanks to you. You didn't even allowed me to go to the gents. I had to wait till you have fallen asleep." He seems like he is enjoying it.

His face expression seems to have soften up. "And you stayed with me when I was clinging onto you?" He yawned again. "What can I do? You were lying on top of me, clinging onto my clothes like a koala bear." I didn't know this embarrassing moment happened. I can never face Caustic again. I slowly got out of the bed but was pulled back under the covers by Caustic.

"Stay. You are a valuable test subject. Besides, you don't have anywhere else to go." My back felt warm. Caustic's breath tickled my neck everytime he exhales. "Hhng..!" I accidentally let out a soft moan. Caustic's grip on me became tighter. "Don't let out unnecessary noises or I will not be able to control myself."

"Knock knock." I heard someone verbally knocked on the door. "Who's there!" Another voice answered outside of the door. "It's me, Life." The first voice answered. "Life who?" "Imma end your life if I see Eternal in there, Caustic." Ah those must be Lifeline and Wattson.

I turn back to look at Caustic who sat up and rubbed his neck. "Ugh.." He sighed as he walked out of the bedroom to the living room. "What do you want." Caustic grumbled. "Eternal's bag was with you. Where else can she go? I can't just leave her out in the lobby, can I?"

Caustic's voice is so soothing. I yawned and fall back to sleep. Can I safely say that Caustic likes me too? I didn't think he will like someone who is half his age. He looked like those that will die alone haha that's mean of me. I am sorry.

I know I like Caustic. Ever since I saw him on television, I loved him. But he is still pretty scary up front. He was known to be merciless, act on his own and is a great survivor even when he plays solo.

But now that I am here, in his bedroom, wearing this oversized t-shirt without pants. Wait, oversized t-shirt WITHOUT PANTS!? WHY AM I WEARING HIS CLOTHES AND HOW WAS I CHANGED?! I screamed.

Lifeline, Wattson and Caustic all ran to where I was. "W-Why am I wearing your clothes..?" I asked. "You vomited on your own clothes when you arrived at my place. I had to change you but don't worry, you still had your undergarments on."

"Now that you are awake, please head home and get yourself clean. I don't like unhygienic people walking around in my place." He pushed all three of us out of his apartment and we just stood outside his house, dumbfounded.


There was a surprise meet-and-greet session today in the afternoon and all of us were panicking. "I hate it when they do this." Wraith hissed. All of us were wearing tuxedos and gowns. I can't help but look over to Caustic. He was wearing a dark blue suit and matching pants with a while collared blouse paired with a pale yellow tie.

I got self-conscious and rushed to the toilet. I checked myself. I was wearing a light pink that sticks to my body to highlight my curves. My chestnut hair was permed at the end by Lifeline to give it an extra volume. I have a pair of dangling shimmering earrings as well. My make up was perfect too. Pale pink glittery eyeshadow with shiny pink lipstick.

"Looking pink as always, Eternal." Mirage whistled at me when I got out from the restroom. My face was red. Caustic looked so hot with his hair trimmed and combed back smartly. He was not wearing his gas mask today because everyone stopped him.

Wattson was wearing a navy blue dress. She looks absolutely stunning. Her short blond hair was permed to make it look puffier. She looked even more mature than how she was normally.

Crypto's drone was also wearing a mini suit with a small lime green tie, matching it's owner. Crypto was Wattson's partner. They always look so good together. I admire them from afar as Crypto offered his hand for Wattson to hold as she adjusted her shoe strap.

I looked up to look for Caustic. He was partnered with Lifeline. I was envious of her. "Who am I partnered with.." I sighed loudly. Soon, I saw everyone had a partner to sit with while I sat somewhere at the far end. "Due to having an odd number, Our new player and a champion team will sit with the MC of the day!" The announcer said.

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