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There was a funeral for Violett Skyler two days after her death. Her family was crying their eyes out when they found out that their beloved daughter has died. "We thought that Apex Legends was safe. What happened to the securities?" They asked. I understood where they are coming from. I was angry too. I would have done and said the same thing if my daughter died from being an Apex Legend too but it's different. It was my wife to be and I was an Apex Legend too. So why wasn't I there with her to keep her safe?

No one knew that I had been crying. I could still remember the weight of her. Her last words and her last kiss. I did not return her kiss. It was one of my regrets even though I did say that I have no regrets, its not in my DNA. Everyone has regrets in their life. Take Ms. Paquette as an example. She had been crying all night long and even blamed herself for Violett's death. No one should be blamed for this. Not all but one. That man who laid his filthy hands on my deceased wife.

That man will be sentenced to death in a few days. He was happy about it. "I am able to find Violett again even in my afterlife." His smile was twisted. His whole personality is twisted. I hope that wherever Violett is now, is happy. And hope that no more harm will be done to her. She does not deserve to die like that. I did not even let her dreams come true.

As I see her coffin being lowered into the ground, my tears threatened to fall. It was getting harder to breathe. Like somebody removed my respiratory mask from my face. Wattson hugged me from the back and sobbed uncontrollably. Crypto just stood by her and patted her back. I did not move an inch when it was time to go. I stared at her tomb for a good few minutes before turning back to the other legends.

"Even if I can't marry you in this life, we might be able to see each other again in another life." I could hear Violett's voice from afar. I turned back to see the small bouquet of flowers that I have placed beside her tomb is gone. She must have received it. I gave her a rare smile but she would not be able to see as well due to the mask that I was wearing. Who am I kidding. She is gone, Alexander.

The flight back to the dormitory was slow and painful. A flight back without Violett. Her little pink space feels empty without her. Her toys were still there lined up perfectly and tidy. I stared at Wattson who slowly made her way to the small space and placed a Nessie on her sitting area. Everyone was visibly sad. "May the Nessie guide your way to happiness, Violett." Wattson said as she started sobbing again.

We have reached our dormitory and Gibraltar refused to leave me alone. He did not state his reason why he didn't want to leave me alone but I found out why when I opened my door and looked to my right. It was a passage way to link both of our rooms together. I could see the pink room where Violett used to be in. Her favourite plush toy that she always brings to my room when she sleep. She had always wanted to be a princess and she was my Princess. It's not something that I can say out loud but I have never regretted any moments spent with her.

Gibraltar patted me on the shoulder and gave me a smile when I turned back to look at him. I kept the plush toy as close to my heart as possible. That was the other thing that bounds me to the memories of her. "You can take that with you bruddah." Gibraltar encouraged.

We both headed back to my room when suddenly my door bell rang. I opened the door to see everyone outside of it. "Dr. Caustic. Can we come in?" Wattson was the first to speak. Her eyes was red from crying so much. I wiped her tears that was threatening to fall and nodded my head. "You may all enter. This is the first and last time I am allowing this many people in my room." Everyone nodded.

The girls headed to Violett's room while the boys stayed in mine. I sat on my bed and placed the plushie at where Violett always sleeps at. Crypto was looking at Natalie. He must be really hurt to see her crying so much. It's like she had lost another family member. Pathfinder was silent too. For a happy robot like him, I thought he would had at least tried to cheer us up. But thankfully he didn't. That would be annoying.

Lifeline placed her D.O.C plush on Violett's bed and smiled to herself. Plush Doc will heal you from all pain, Violett. Violett extremely loves toys. Maybe that's why all the legends decided to place their plushies on her bed as a farewell gift. Wraith placed her kunai plush while Bangalore placed her 'smoke-out' plush. Crypto was the first to head over to her room and left his drone plush on the bed before the rest of the guys decided to place theirs.

I could imagine Violett being so happy as she hug all of the plushies together and flashing her biggest smile as she thank the legends. I placed my gas canister plush on her bed as well and hope that she was here to see how many toys she had just received. She will be thrilled.

A single tear dripped from my eye unconsciously. Natalie came to where I was a offered me a piece of napkin which I then realized that I was tearing. "You don't have to force yourself, Dr. Caustic." She said. Octane was the first to give me a hug before everyone started joining in. "What are you people doing." I asked. "Hey old man, we are just trying to cheer you up. We are all here for you." Elliott pouted. I guess everyone was just trying to cheer me up out of kindness. "I thank you all." I said, letting them do whatever they want.

Violett had made a huge impact in our lives. And we thank her for that. She made me how I am now today. I was no longer a merciless mad scientist. Everyone regards me as their father in Apex Legends now as they find me easier to talk to now.

Thank you Violett. Thank you for ever entering into my life...

Even if it's just for a short while.

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