Chapter 1

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It wasn't very wise of me to wander off after school, I should've gone straight home but I also couldn't ignore the cry of help that was coming from deep within the woods.There was no mistaking that the sound that echoed the deep dark forest was that of a wolf.

The piercing howl that reached my ears were enough to alarm me and drag my feet faster. I knew I was going deeper but I couldn't stop myself, the voice that rang from within the wolf only proved my doubts that the werewolf was trapped somewhere.

Even if it was just a regular wolf I would've still helped it but that fact that the cry was that of a werewolf made me only more concerned to help him. His voice was scared and in agony as he cried out to the Moon Goddess to help him.

His thoughts ran wild as he tried to mind link his mate but in vain. I could sense him, feel his pain and hear all his prayers and thoughts as he feared his death. He wasn't too worried about himself but his mate who would loose his sense if he were to die.

I always had a connection with wolves but this was the first time I could hear a wolf's thoughts but I was more accepting to that because my parents had once told me that I was from the mythical world too but wasn't like one of them. I wasn't a vampire like my parents, nor a shifter like my friends from school neither a warlock or the others but I wasn't exactly human too. It confused me to no ends because I wanted to be like Mom and dad but with time I accepted my fate.

" Goddess please if I don't survive have mercy upon my mate. A second chance mate!"

The wolf's prayers brought me back on track making me run faster towards him with blurry eyes. Fighting back my tears while stumbling every other step I prayed to whatever Gods were out there that I would reach him on time.

My sense of direction was never the best so I could only rely on his voice that still continued praying and his pain that was slowly making him loose consciousness.

At times like this I hated my weak body, my powerless form that could only walk and talk, that was like a human too weak to survive in this world.
If only I was as fast as mommy or as strong and powerful as Dad.

His thoughts finally went silent, his prayers no longer loud enough for me to hear and all at once I stopped feeling his pain and sensing his presence. The little ability that I had seemed to gain for a while was all gone within the blink of an eye.

More tears licked my already cold wet cheeks and with no voice to direct me nor any lights to guide my path I fell clumsily down a slope only to land on the body that grunted in complaint.

" Ahhh Fuck !" I instantly recognised his agonised voice and let a sigh of relief at finally having found who I was looking for. He had already transformed back to his naked human self and was groaning in more pain as I landed on the leg that seemed to be bleeding.

Having realised my idiocy I crawled off of him and reached for my phone which I was sure would be out of any signal making it useless but the lights would've helped nonetheless.

Before I turned on the lights in my phone I made sure to pull of my cardigan and cover him to the least possible.

His blood had covered the whole area where he was lying and despite his efforts to tie a cloth of some sort on his thigh I could still see more blood drowning the area. Any other human would've died from the blood loss but his werewolf self was trying to keep him alive but it wasn't healing as fast as it should have.

" Silver bullets ." He answered my thoughts and by the sound of it he was shot more than once in the same spot. He was twice my small size with brown hair and tanned skin so carrying him home was going to be one of the biggest obstacle ever.

Taming Wolves ( MalexMale)Where stories live. Discover now