Chapter 3

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The situation escalated pretty quickly and what was a verbal fight took its worst turn as the human forms which surrounded us shifted to their werewolf selves. My dad took his stance to fight, manhandling me flush against his back, arms caging me awkwardly behind him as he bared his fangs at the gnarling wolves who waited impatiently for orders.

A head nod from the Alpha was all it took for the wolves to dive towards us despite the screams of the Luna who was being held back by his beta. Dad backed me away from him in an attempt to protect me and fought against the wolves who threw themselves on him.

Black, brown, orange, white and red in dozens kept attacking the single man who only wanted to defend his son. They were merciless as they aimed their sharp ferocious canines at my father's limbs.

They pounced on him from all sides but my dad refused to give up taking down whatever or whoever came his way. He was bleeding badly and I was sure he wouldn't be able to fight any longer.

After what seemed like hours a wolf, the darkest shade of red pounded on my dad from behind finally managing to bring him face down on the blood stained carpeted grass. The beta stood tall, hovering over dad who fought to stay conscious while the rest of the wolves who had fallen from the fight got up on its legs in silent cheers.

Despite being fully surrounded I pushed my way towards my dad who laid almost too still under the beta. Deep bite marks ran all over his body and blood coloured the place where he laid in defeat and all I could do was cry as he turned his tired eyes on me.

My eyes searched the Alpha to beg for mercy but he swiftly ignored me and gestured a command at his Beta. I understood what was about to go dow wolves caged in on us and the beta bared his teeth at dad to end his life.

Adrenaline flowed through me when his sharp teeth clamped down on my father and with all my might I jumped at the beta.
Perhaps it was the adrenaline, perhaps it was the will but whatever it was my strength even surpassed the beta and I brought him down on the ground with me on top of him.

Maybe he saw something in my eyes or maybe all of them did but I heard the wolves moved back further away from the circle they had made. My anger didn't let me see past the fact that I was glowing. I got off the beta and kicked him smirking at the satisfying crack of a sound I heard when his back hit the tree.

I felt no remorse as I heard his groan of pain.
A hand landed on my shoulders but retrieved it as fast as it came hissing from the burn that I sent to my shoulders to rid it. Leaving the beta to his pain I turned my gaze on the other wolves that had fallen back in surrender. Their heads bowed and their cries low as I sauntered towards the one who dared to attack my father first.

A maniac laughter escaped my throat as I watched the Alpha who stood in his human form in front of me to protect his pack who was shivering behind his Alpha.

"Shift." My own voice was unrecognisable as I commanded the proud Alpha.

His eyes glowed a brilliant yellow as he clenched his fists and steeled himself against my command. A dark smirk fought against my inner self to calm my anger but in the end my anger won.

The bright glow radiating from my body turned dark as a grin danced on my lips.

" Shift." I demanded again.

My thundering voice brought every werewolf on its knees, heads bowed so low it seemed to hurt and yet the Alpha stood in his human form in front of me. The heavens roared in response to my anger, lightning crashed against the ground besides the Alpha and yet still the Alpha stood firm.

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