Chapter 12

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Alaric's hands were wrapped firmly around my waist as he sped towards the bedroom. In a flash we were both in the bright open room as he steadied me on my feet. My mind was slightly distorted from the ride, my eyes blurry and my ears deafened so it took sometime to come back to my senses.
I applied pressure on my head to get rid of the dizziness as Alaric slowly guided me towards the bed.

" Sorry ! I tend to forget you're not exactly one of us." His voice was low and gentle and I could feel his fingers brushing away the hair on my face that had fallen from my loose braids.

He laid my head on his chest and rubbed my back while I relaxed in his musky scent which drew me closer like aphrodisiac. The sound of his heart thrumming against his chest calmed my own as I closed my eyes. My hands rested firm on his lower abdomen, his pecs tempting my fingers to run over them but I controlled my desire over his comfort.

There was something about his wolf that lured me in but I still wasn't sure of his Vampire side so it made me feel safe and scared at the same time. Somehow I knew his wolf would protect me but the same could not be said about his counterpart. I had felt his sharp fangs on my neck and had moaned in pleasure but I still wasn't sure if I would feel the same the next time he decides to bite me. For one I could be writhing in pain and close to dying.

" We still have to buy clothes for you !" He sighed above my head.
" I don't want you to ride a dragon half naked."

An image of me riding a dragon with what I was wearing clouded my mind but I saw nothing out of the ordinary. It was only a dragon ride after all and I wouldn't feel anything other than the joy of being in the air.

" Why not ?" My mind could only conjure thoughts of being up high on the ground so I couldn't exactly understand what Alaric was trying to say.

" Don't question my decision !"

My eyes turned up to meet a grimace on Alaric's face as his eyes looked away in deep thought. His sharp features were his best attributes but it was his eyes and lips that drew me in. My heart skipped a beat when his dark eyes flickered to mine making me gulp nervously. My hands decided to return back to my laps so that they wouldn't make a move to run all over his body.

His eyes held a gentle warmness to them as I studied meticulously and I blamed my stupid mind for never noticing them. My eyes followed his only to be distracted by the slow movement of his lips. He was saying something.

I was lost in his eyes drawing all the possibilities of what I would do to him if he were mine. I wanted to kiss him and feel his fingers run down my body as he deepened the kiss. I wanted to see his perfect body without clothes and feel his skin as he claims me. I wanted to feel his fangs sink deep into my skin as I wrapped my legs around his waist. But most of all I wanted to feel him inside me as he made sweet love to me.

I could feel my body reacting to his touch as he pulled his hands away from my back to rest of my nervous hands. His touch was warm against my cold fingers sending tingles down my lower body. I studied his lips with fervent desire as I bit down my lower lip to calm my nerves.

What is wrong with me ?

My thoughts scared my slightly because I had never felt anything like this. I wanted Alaric more than air itself and had to blink once or twice to remind myself to breathe.

" Stop looking at me like that ." His strained voice brought me out of my reverie making me snap my eyes away from his.

I chewed on my lower lips nervously as I shifted to sit further away from him. I could feel his burning gaze on me but I pretended not to be too affected by it.

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