Chapter 6

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I was frozen at my place as the massive beast took steady steps towards me, baring it's sharp canines at me and warning me of any movement. His low rumble of growls were accompanied by his menacingly beady black eyes, burning me down with a piercing gaze.

Every step he took, left me visibly shaking my heart pounding at an alarming rate, almost leaving me in hysterics. I could imagine my own look of terror; mismatched eyes opened wide with dread, lips parted in silent scream and body quivering like a leaf in the wind.

Mortified yet slightly in control of my own body, I slowly crawled back away from the direction of the beast. The headboard cradled my trembling back upon contact while my tight hold on the sheets did little to comfort my shaking hands.

My daring eyes caught movements behind the large animal, beckoning me to run at the first sign of distraction. Aiden held a finger up, discreetly pointing towards the Alpha and mouthing the word ' run '.

" My Lord! " Lucas called out loud with a hint of fear behind his pretense of a strong voice. His stance wavered the slightest bit when the wolf turned his way with a malicious growl, gnarling his fangs at the intruder.

The distraction was enough to shock my body into action as I leaped out of bed and ran full speed towards Aiden who covered a few distance to reach me sooner.

But before I could jump into Aiden's open arms I found myself on the floor with the monstrous wolf above me. The canines which were once directed at the Alpha were now bared down at me, making me gulp audibly.

His dark onyx eyes looked as though he wanted to devour me but he didn't hurt me, only studied me with cold eyes. His large paws on my chest moved languidly and tentatively, before resting it besides my aching sides. The pain that ripped me when his paws landed lightly on my ribs earned a soft cry of protest from me despite my best to muffle the scream that nearly escaped.

A baffled look passed the wolf's eyes and his gaze shifted to the wound. Having realized his mistake he moved his paws away and pressed his muzzle on my neck, almost as though he felt guilty.

My breath got caught in my throat at the show of apology and with great caution I lifted my hands to pet him. His black fur was the softest thing I had ever felt and I couldn't help but smile when he nuzzled against my palm.

His large tongue drew a wet line up from my neck to my forehead, lapping at my cheeks in what look like a claim of his possession. As though he wanted to bite me, he nipped the skin at the crook of my neck before his attention was finally drawn away.

" My king." It was a new voice not one belonging to any member of the pack or my father but held such authority and confidence that it scared me slightly. His voice made me flinch which caught the attention of the wolf making him growl at the intruder.

A look of understanding passed the wolf's eyes and with a nod he turned towards me again, this time nudging my shoulders to get up. I sat up without protest and followed his order to stand up on my feet.

His men caught my wrist as though capturing a prisoner but immediately let go when a low growl resonated the room. They bowed in excuse before leading me out and towards the lounge without anymore need to touch me. Except for the Alpha and the wolf everyone left the room to quietly settle down on the now clean couches.

Aiden's warm hands were laid casually over mine, thumb drawing circles to soothe my still shaking form. His scent of pine and musk rafted over my senses, calming me down as I nervously wiped my free hand on my pants.

" Don't worry too much Ane." Aiden threw a small smile my way, before caging me into a comforting side hug. His fingers tugged my chin, facing me towards him when he caught me eyeing wearily at the two other people in the room

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