Chapter 9

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I was getting used to waking up to a light migraine and loud shouting so it didn't come as a surprise when I saw two figures glaring down at each other in anger. The Hazel eyed guy who I had last met before loosing consciousness seemed wary of my presence as his eyes nervously scanned the room till it landed on me.

He studied me for the longest time so I finally gave him a small smile. He seemed confused but nonetheless ignored the figure talking to him and walked towards me. The King seemed frustrated at the action but turned my way too his eyes holding mine in place.

" You're truly a beautiful thing!" The genuineness in his tone made me blush and I let out a nervous chuckle as he reached forward to touch my flustered face.
Before his fingers could feel my skin a hand wrapped itself around his wrist forcing him to pull back immediately. A grunt of annoyance was all he gave before he ignored the king again.

" Tell me what happened!" The order was firm, leaving no room for argument as the King glared down at the man who sat besides me.

I felt slightly guilty knowing that I was the reason this Vampire was put at a tight spot but I wanted to know what had happened too so I quickly stepped over my guilt. The lack of memory gnawed me from inside out but all I could do was expectantly stare at hazel eyes to answer his King's question.

" You don't remember ?" I only realized he was talking to me when his hazel eyes observed me accusingly.

I shook my head and tilted it slightly urging him to explain what went down. His calculating eyes shifted from the king to me till we saw his eyes glint in amusement and understanding. He seemed to be way to laid back in the presence of the king. He was either family or the King's close friend.

" Nothing actually happened. " He began " I actually found him by the dinning hall. I guess he got overwhelmed by my strong aura so he lost consciousness. I was just carrying him to my room and that's when you saw us."

Something in his tale didn't seem right and left an even bigger loop in my memories. His version of our episode was too simple so to say and I could feel that the King didn't trust him either but he didn't press on further.

" He's my prisoner so don't try anything on him." The authority in his voice made us both shiver slightly and while hazel eyes was quickly able to mask it away I was left slightly breathless.

I was indeed a prisoner.

" Sure ." It was a half-hearted promise but the king ignored him and walked out of the room after a warning to not touch me while he was gone.

" What's your name?" The curiosity in his voice sounded childlike not fitting for an adult but I allowed that thought to slide as I nervously backed away from his gaze.

"Anemone." My voice was low but it was audible enough for any supernatural to hear.

" So like the flower that wards off evil ?" At first I didn't understand what he meant till he decided to elaborate further " you know the flower Anemone from mythology."

" Oh!" I sounded stupid with my answer because even I had no idea who had named me or what my name stood for. All I knew was that my name was the only thing I remembered when the Night's had found me. Everything was a black empty page before that.

" I don't know." My sadness was not hidden to his ears and I could see the concern in his eyes and the tinge of guilt in his face.

" It's ok. " He comforted as he placed his hands on top of my clasped ones.
" And I'm Aldrich Valentine, Alaric's brother."

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