Chapter 16

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I wasn't sure what I was running from but I kept running till my muscles cramped and my feet felt numb. My clothes were stained with blood and scars ran all over my body.


That word ran about my ears, louder and louder till I felt myself thrown off a cliff.

A rush a adrenaline flooded me, my heart started beating harder and faster and my voice seemed to be lost to something.

I wanted to scream and call for help but my body suddenly collided with a thick glass-like wall. I felt no pain just an empty void, like death.

On the other side of the glass stood Alaric. He seemed to be arguing with a someone without a face.

He couldn't hear my cries. And no matter how hard I hit the wall or how loud I screamed for his name, it all went to deaf ears.

My legs gave way and I fell limply on the ground with Alaric's dead body by my side. His face was a pale, and his body as cold as ice. And blood coloured the ground where he laid without a sound.

But I didn't cry, didn't call his name again. I felt nothing, only held on to his body.

I hugged and cradled my mate without a tear till I felt the emptiness. His body was fading away with the wind, disappearing into the ray of light that had escaped past my aura that had coloured the skies black.

I could see shadows like tendrils dancing about my body, could feel the darkness swallowing me but I couldn't feel the pain that I was suppose to feel. I felt numb.

I watched my darkness cloud the last ray of light till nothing could be seen.

My darkness had engulfed the whole world.

And all around us, a sinister laughter echoed.

I only wanted to scream.


" Ane..."

" Wake up ! Ane." It was a deep heavy voice that seemed to shake me, familiar with an anxious undertone.

Kairus' worried eyes were on me when I blinked my eyes open. His blue eyes glowed like sapphire amongst the sea of darkness as a deafening silence echoed around us.

The iced floors cut through my thin layer of clothing like blades, threatening to wreak a shiver through me. The only warmth that protected me were Kairus' arms around me and his heated palms on the sides of my face.

His features were hidden away by the night but it wasn't hard to tell that he was worried. He was fidgety, anxious, looking about everywhere, holding me protectively as though he was scared of something snatching me away from his grasp.

The ground was slippery, ice covering the paved paths and small white particles were falling from the sky. It was beautiful yet so cold that I could hardly move.

" I'm sorry. You must be cold." Kairus hurriedly removed his jacket and wrapped it around me.

The warmth that engulfed me was enough to make me sigh in contentment. A smile catching onto my lips as I thanked him.
He placed his arms around me again and I could feel him using his powers to heat me up.

" Where are we and what are those white flakes falling from the sky ?" Kairus let out a small laugh as he led me towards an open area where street lights were lined down an empty road.

" We're in the human word. It's winter here so it's snowing." His answer did nothing but only made me more confused. Seeing my perplexed look he continued.
" You were pulled into the veil by a demon. I've dealt with the demon but we're lost in the human world." Standing under the lights, his face coloured in concern were much clearer.

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