Chapter 5

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It didn't matter how long I glared at the white ceiling, the lack of colour remained the same. There wasn't even a spot of red or any other colour for that matter neither was there any explanation in my mind for what I had seen.
I knew my memories were always a little fogged when I woke up but I was sure I saw dark red ceiling.

It only got creepier as I stared attentively at the spotless bright ceiling. Not a trace of any other colour or even a speck of dust to confuse me.
" But how can that be ?"

The terror that rumbled in my shaky voice caught the attention of Aiden who took a seat besides me placing my head in his lap. I didn't resist the action as I soon felt his fingers gently running about my hair. The comfort I felt in his presence was confusing yet I enjoyed it while it lasted.

Something about the Beta told me that I could trust him even when everyone else leaves my sight. His warm scent of the forest didn't deceive the care and concern that shone in his eyes. He was careful with the way he held me as he massaged my scalp with soothing hands.

" Do you remember anything else ?" Hearing the words from Atticus made me realize the other thing that had happened.

" There was someone in the room with me but I couldn't see his face." My voice sounded foreign to me as I closed my eyes at the pleasure of the fingers occasionally petting me while still doing wonders luring me to a dream like state.

" Why isn't he healing ? He's not human so he should be able to heal." Aiden's voice was low and calculated keeping himself from speaking too loud as though he feared someone else would hear him.

" He's not like us. He doesn't heal." It was dad who answered the Beta making him stop his movement.

A mewl of sadness left me when the fingers stopped playing on my head and despite my drowsy state I pushed myself against Aiden forcing him to resume his gentle ministrations.

" His mother and I, we've been protecting him our whole lives but it's seems as though they have found Ane again." The sadness in dad's voice made me reminisce the days when mom and dad would invite witches and warlocks to our home to cast protection spells. I couldn't remember getting hurt but I did remember having to run home many time when I felt something following me.

I ignored it as much as I could but sometimes when I was alone in places I wasn't supposed to be, I had felt hands gripping me leaving behind dark angry bruises.

My memories were a jumbled pile of mess yet I could connect pieces of a dreadful encounter with a demon as my dad puts it. The demon was merely a shadow hidden away from the lights, his eyes the darkest shade of red and his clothing painfully contrasting with his pale white skin.

I was only eleven at that time so naturally I was left frozen in its presence as he clawed upon me, his long fingers and nails entwined upon me writs pulling me further into the darkness.

Luck was by my side because a rogue wolf had found me in time and preyed me away from the demon. I remembered the rouge growling with malice at the shadow, protecting me from drifting further into the darkness.

His howl was the only thing that had succeeded in waking me from my lost state. The rouge wolf had dragged me away from the darkness to the bright sunlight coaxing me in the direction of my home. I wasn't aware what he was doing till I felt the heat of the sun in my face, it's warmth urging me to follow the path that the rogue wolf was leading.

It was only a few hours later that my parents had found me sleeping soundly on a wolf's back at the porch. The wolf had kept me company till my parents returned. They had been out looking for me and had returned home heavy heart at midnight.

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