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''Going underground'' is my favourite episode because it has a lots of maddian haha, but of course it's never enough for maddian shippers like me, so to ya'll maddian shippers there you go some lovey dovey maddian stuff.

This takes place after Maddy and Rhydian jump into river.

Maddy's P.O.V.

"I told you we will make it!"

I said as we laughed at each other.

Then something grabbed me and pulled away.


I screamed as fear begun ti build up in my vains.

"Maddy!" I heard Rhydian scream as he jumps up. His face pale as ice.

"Please! Alric! I'm begging you! Please! She's everything to me!"

Rhydian cried literally, I was on the edge of crying because of the fear I had from Alric.

"You want me? then take me! let her go! "
Rhydian tried to convice him, but that was the last thing I wanted.

"Why?! why would i?! you didn't save Jana!"
Alric screamed as he kept pulling me and I kept trying to pull away from him.

"Alric, Jana's okay! she's the new leader!" I yelled helplessly.

At that moment he let go of me and i ren to rhydian.

He hugged me like it was a matter of life.

"Really? my littlle jana has become the leader?" he said in the sweet, caring tone - his father insticts were awakening.

"Yes. and she'll be the great one."
Rhydian said

"You shouldn't have attack us. you... " I didn't even finish before me parents showed up.

"what..." mom yelled

"happend?!" my dad finished as they approached us.

"mom, we got this, okay?" I said trying to calm them down.

"Alric, we're not enemies. We respect wild wolfbloods. And..."

I took rhydian's hand.

"we're all an pack."

I said and looked at Rhydian and he smiled.

I smiled back.

"And we don't have leader." There are even humans in our pack, Alric."

rhydian said.

"You're wrong if you think you don't have a leader. You're tame friend..."

"Maddy." Rhydian added.

"Maddy, you're a good leader."
Alric said

"Thank you Alric." I said with a small smile.

He looked down as he was doubting himself.

" I know. you think you won't survive on our own. But you will, Alric. I did.
You never know what life can throw at you. wnich people you can meet.." Rhydian encouraged him.

"start a new life."

Rhydian said.

"I will.. Thanks Rhydian.. and thank you Maddy."

then he walked away.

but then he turned around.

"maybe you think i'm not an expert at it, but i know love when i see it."

he pointed to me.

Rhydian looked down smiling.

I smiled too.

"thanks and goodbye alric. and if you want, you can come to visit us."

I said with a smile.

" Thank you all. "

and then he sprinted of.

Rhydian's P.O.V.

I'm glad alric's fine.

I  turned around to see where Maddy was and she was smiling wildly.

"what?" I said obviosly not able not to smile back.

We laughed and without knowing, we both slowly leaned in, lookin' to each others eyes.


we jumped apart.

dad! maddy yelled.

I laughed.

"We need to go, full moon's not goin' to wait you two to flirt, kiss and then......"

"Dad! shut up!" maddy yelled emberessed.

"well, let's go, will you?"

mrs. smith said.

" yeah, sure." i said still blushing.

at maddy's house...

Maddy's P.O.V.

Once we reached the house, my parents walked in.

"you comin'?" mum asked.

"we'll be there in a sec."

"okay, but hurry!"

she walked in.

"and don't you dare touch her!"

dad said , trying to sounds mad, but he was too funny.

dad! get in! i said.

hah, sorry for that.

it's okay.

mads, I...

don't say anything.

and finally our lips touched.

he's lips were soft and warm, making my heart beat faster and faster.

he put his arms around my waist gently.

i put my arms around his neck.

and when we finaly broke the kiss to catch the breath, our foreheads touched.

"you have, no idea, how much i wanted to do that."

rhydian said smiling.

"me too." i giggled.

"rhydian." I said


"i love you."

he smiled.

"i love you too."

"are you two comin'?!" mum yelled from the house.

"okay, okay!"

let's go.

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