"Oneesannnnn" your sister whines while sitting on the dinner table trying to do her kindergarten homework.
"Yes, Rina? I'm making cookies," you ask while rolling the dough.
"What have you been doing for the past few weeks? You never pick me up from school anymore?" she whines.
You frown then turn to look at her, "I'm sorry. Didn't I already tell you? I started playing volleyball again." Rina sighs and then slouches in her chair.
"Do you not like me playing volleyball?" you ask.
Rina hesitates answering, "I like it. It was fun watching you play back then and when I'm bored, I look up daddy's games sometimes... but sometimes I get sad." You finally finish, put the cookies into the oven, wash your hands, then walk next to her chair and knelt to her height.
"Why do you get sad? You know I will never leave you right?"
"I know you won't but you spend so much time on it more than me. I'm afraid you might leave me one day," Rina starts to cry.
You wipe her tears and started to feel your heart shatter remembering when Rina had to leave Myagi to live in Tokyo with your dad while your brother and you continued living there for your brother to finish high school at Karasuno High School while you finished your third year in Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High. When your brother graduated, he left for America to fulfill professional volleyball as a career. It was the hardest time for you guys because when he left, you both lived in Tokyo with your dad. That was terrible because your dad was never home and it made you realize how lonely Rina was when she lived alone with your dad. So you decided to quit volleyball.
"I'm so sorry Rina... I should've thought about your feelings," you cry and hug your baby sister.
After the both of you had calmed down, you told her that after the cookies were done, you two should go to the park and play while the cookies cooled down. Rina happily nods then tries her hardest to finish her coloring assignment. After 20 minutes, you take the cookies out and turn off the stove then grab your sports bag and the two of you walk to the park.
"What are we going to play, Oneesan?" Rina asks once you guys got there.
"Want to play volleyball?" You ask and take a blue and yellow volleyball out of your bag. Rina stares at it and feels hesitant. Your whole family had a love-hate relationship with the sport, but in the end... It was like volleyball just flowed in the (L/N)'s blood.
"I'm not going to be good," she looks down.
"You will be great! I will teach you, Rina!" you assure her then start to help her learn how to receive.
"Okay, I'm going to throw the ball at you now. Try to bump the ball back to me, okay?"
Your sister just nods and gets her arms into their position. You throw the ball and Rina successfully bumps the ball perfectly into your arms.
"See? I told you you could do it!" you smile as Rina starts smiling as well when she succeeds.
"I can do it!"
"Let's continue doing this then," you said and you guys continued doing so.
After doing that for 45 minutes, you guys sat on the swings as the sun was setting.
"Oneesan..." Rina calls out to you.
"Can you teach me more about volleyball? I want to become really good!" your sister all of a sudden asks.
You stare at her in shock but then smile.
"Okay. How about I also enroll you in a volleyball club that can help you get better? You can play with kids your age. Maybe you can even practice during the same time I have practice so you won't have to wait for me. You will have volleyball," you ask as she excitedly nods.

𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 | 𝒎. 𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒖
FanfictionIncludes spoilers:) The way life events happened for you had forced you to grow up quicker than you were supposed to. Your mother dying in a car accident when you were at the age of 10, your father being very popular in the sports industry that he c...