12. 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒔

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"I'm sorry for keeping you so late, Atsumu-san. You really don't need to help me clean up," you say while washing the dishes.

"It's okay, I'm fine with it. Plus, you made dinner," he shakes his head while rinsing the dishes. Rina had already gone to her room and fell asleep after the long day. It then became quiet between the two but it was a peaceful silence with water running from the faucet.

"I don't think I ever hated volleyball," you suddenly bring up. This catches Atsumu's attention that you were all of a sudden really open to him.

"I know. I did my quote on quote 'creepy' research on ya and read through yer quotes. All of it seemed genuine. I also watched some of yer plays in middle school and it was obvious how much you loved it. Yer eyes would gleam and when ya first played against me, I saw it too."


"But I still do understand why ya felt like you needed to quit," he continues. You shake your head.

"That wasn't the only reason." He stops rinsing and stares at your face that was looking out of the window that was in front of the sink.

"Atsumu... You're my friend, right?" He feels the tension but nods.

"Yes I am."

"Well, in my third year of middle school, becoming the best player and being the daughter of a famous volleyball player started to affect my teammates and I. Everyone would compare my teammates with me and whenever we would win, our opponents would always say that it wasn't the team that they lost against... It was me who defeated them." You didn't know why but you had held it in for so long. It was like the bottle of water was being filled to the top that you needed to just overfill and say what you have always wanted to say to someone other than yourself.

"It was so hard. Everyone had left me and there was no one who I could call a friend. Then, my brother had to leave me as well. I realized how much volleyball was affecting our family's relationship and my relationships with other people that I decided to quit but that was the hardest thing to do. The only person I truly had was my sister... But when I met you, I was annoyed. I started to let my feelings and emotions out again and I even realized my love for volleyball again. I know I already said my thanks but, thank you for bumping into me. I haven't felt so happy in years," you smile at him and a tear falls out of your left eye. Atsumu hesitates but then just sighs.

"Since you're my friend, I want to be honest with you too. My intention at first was not to be your friend. They were actually evil. I wanted to befriend you then leave you once you got boring to play with, but the more I hung out with you and saw your personality showing, my intentions changed. Then on the night that you thanked me, that was when I also wanted to truly become your friend too, so I'm sorry." Your reaction wasn't what Atsumu was expecting. He was expecting you to be mad and tell him to leave your house but instead you grinned.

"Without your bad intentions, I wouldn't be here with you or the others and my sister wouldn't have started to take an interest in volleyball. So I don't care much. Thank you Atsumu," you smile then go back to washing the dishes. Atsumu felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

'How do you make me feel this way, (F/N)-chan?'

𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 | 𝒎. 𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒖Where stories live. Discover now