35. 𝑻𝒐𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏

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I warned you bb.

"F/n-chan, over here!" You hear a familiar voice call out. Immediately turning, you see Oikawa with the biggest grin on his face as he waves.

"Hey, Tooru. It's nice to finally see you!" you happily exclaim and are about to sit in the seat in front of him before he pulls you into a tight hug.

"F-F/n-chan... I got in," he whispers into your hair as your eyes widen.

"You did?? You got into Argentina's national volleyball team?!" You pull away from the hug as he happily nods. "T-that's amazing, Tooru!" You bring him into a hug again and rest your cheek against his chest. "You really deserved it." Once you guys were done hugging, you both ordered your meals then went back to talking.

"You know," Oikawa says, "I never doubted my abilities as a volleyball player and I always knew I could do something amazing with volleyball... but the feeling of when it actually happens just feels so amazing and unreal." His fists tighten up and he shuts his eyes. "I just hope this isn't all just a dream," he whispers. Before any more negative thoughts could continue to run through his head, you place your hand on his shaking fist which breaks the spell.

"It isn't a dream, Tooru. All of the hard times and losses you went through helped build the man and amazing player you are today. Trust me, you're going to win more and more in the future!" Oikawa's eyes widen as he feels his heart race. Your words were so convincing and sounded so nice to his ears.

"Thank you, F/n-chan." With that, the rest of dinner included talks about the training camp, Iwaizumi, how he was going to move there and where he'll live. That was the hardest thing to talk about. Although you were excited for Oikawa—and he was too—he couldn't help but feel a part of him feeling unfinished. When looking in your eyes, he knew there was one last thing he needed to do before he would leave for Argentina by the end of the school year.

"Thanks for walking me back to the camp, Tooru. You didn't need to."

"It's honestly fine, F/n-chan! I need to make sure you get back safely." He throws you one of his best smiles before relaxing his features. "It's sad to know that after two years of not seeing you, I finally find you again and now I have to leave."

You give him a lopsided smile.

"I know... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, Tooru," you apologize and place a hand on his arm. "But don't worry. Even if you're miles away from me, I'll always be here for you."
With every word you speak, Oikawa's heart races and his hands start to shiver.

"Well, goodnight Tooru. I'm so glad I got to see you again and I'm so proud of you. Make sure you have a big party before leaving!" you bid but before you can leave, Oikawa suddenly grabs your hand to prevent you from walking away.

"I like you, F/n-chan," he confesses. 'It's now or never.'

Your eyes widen but your heart rate stays the same. No blush is present on your cheeks and no butterflies are flying in your stomach.
Oikawa takes a big gulp before continuing, "I've liked you since we were kids, F/n-chan... it's to the point where I think it may even be love. I know I'm going to leave and it may be a terrible time for me to confess, but I wanted to tell you before I may not even get the chance to."

"T-Tooru—" As you're about to respond, your phone starts ringing. Grabbing your phone out of your pocket, you see it's Atsumu calling and Oikawa is able to see the caller ID as well. Not too long ago, Atsumu had stolen your phone and changed his contact photo and name to 'Umu💗.' Knowing that Oikawa was more important at the moment, you decline the call and face forward. "I appreciate your confession, Tooru but I can't accept it," you confess—knowing already who your heart belongs to already. Hesitantly, Oikawa lets go of your hand and takes a breath.

"I expected that response but it was worth a shot!" He immediately puts on a big smile and laughs happily. Knowing it was fake, you frown.

"Tooru, don't fake a smi—"

"I'm not faking it, F/n-chan! Plus if it did end up working out, we would be miles away from each other! It'd be too hard to have a long distant relationship," he interrupts you. "I'll see you before I leave, okay? Stay safe in Tokyo and I'll be sure to watch your matches. Goodnight, F/n-chan!"

He gives you one last pat and before you can even properly say your bids, he runs off.

"You stay safe too," you whisper to yourself and stay in place. Looking at your missed call, you sigh. 'Even though I rejected him for Atsumu, we still aren't actually dating like a real couple,' you pout to yourself. Suddenly, two big arms wrap around your body.

"Why did you ignore my call?" a pouty voice asks.

"I'm sorry; I was having a serious conversation with Tooru—"

"I don't like him," Atsumu interrupts you and turns your body around to face him. "You give him too much attention!" The sides of your lips slide down in irritation.

'Why is he acting like such a king? Thinking I have to listen to everything he says. I'm not even your girlfriend,' you think to yourself. "I barely get to see him, Atsumu."

"I don't care! I'm more important!" he says like a baby and tries to hug you, but you dodge it.

"I'm not in the mood, Atsumu," you say and start walking towards the building. Irritated and surprised, Atsumu reaches for your hand.

"What's wrong, F/n-chan?" He turns your body around to face his.

You sigh, "I'm just not feeling well, okay?"

"Don't give me excuses, F/n-chan. Tell me, you're my—"

"I'm your what?" you interrupt. Atsumu pauses to think before answering.

"You're my... special person!" Atsumu makes up which only causes you to frown. You stare in disbelief before you sigh and play along.

"Okay then, I guess... Well, you... special person, Tooru just confessed to me," you speak with irritation in your voice.

Atsumu's eyes widened in concern. "He did? ... what did you say?"

"I said, 'no.'" What you say relieves Atsumu as he throws his arms around you once more.

"Thank goodness!" he cries as you just roll your eyes.

"Yep, but you know, Tooru is also a special person," you bring up which causes Atsumu to push your body back.

"Say what?" You simply nod.

'I'm going to be the baby now; you've been babied for too long!' you think to yourself. "Yeah, he's also a special person to me. So is Osamu, Kita, Rintarou, Ginjim—"

"I thought I was your only special person, F/n-chan!!" he whines.

"Well, you aren't, Atsumu! You're simply just a special person to me!" you say back and turn to walk away. "I'm going to sleep, one of my special people."

Once you're gone, question marks appear all over Atsumu's head.

"I-Is she mad at me???? What did I do?! I-is she on her period?!!!!"

Date: 3 August 2020

𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 | 𝒎. 𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒖Where stories live. Discover now