Running around town like a maniac, yeah I--Author-chan--said it, "MANIAC," Atsumu didn't even know where he was going. However, his feet brought him to school.
It was already 7:30pm and you were on the verge of just giving up, but you couldn't. Around this time, Rina's volleyball practice should be over by now and that was the only thing on your mind. Plus, the girls said that the janitor should be coming at eight and whether they were telling the truth or not, that was the only hope you could hold onto.
"Please!!! Let me out!!" you yell and kick the door. For some odd reason, the janitor's closet just had to be far away from all of the buildings and towards the soccer field. However, it was still far enough that people couldn't hear you from the field. Running around the entire school, Atsumu is panting like he never has.
"I checked everywhere?! Where could she freakin' be?!" he slams his head against the outdoor lockers. "Use your stupid brain, Tsumu!" he commands himself and stays in that position as he thinks FOR ONCE. (I'm sorry for throwing shade at you, 'Tsumu😭) "F/n-chan isn't someone who would disappear on her own without telling anyone and leaving her sister... So, someone must've done this to her... and the last time Mira-chan saw her was at lunch... She disappeared during lunch! But where???" Atsumu thinks aloud. Earlier that day, when Atsumu had finally escaped the crowd of girls, he went to the bench where he was expecting to see you, however, you weren't there. "Well, someone said she left school for an emergency, but that's unbelievable... So that must've meant she lied... Who was that girl? A... cheerleader maybe because of all the makeup on her face?" It suddenly hits Atsumu and he runs towards the soccer field--which is the only place he hasn't checked.
"Someone, let me out," you're literally whispering as you are lightly knocking on the door. It's been thirty minutes since the last time Author-chan gave an update about your current situation and you were on the verge of passing out. You used so much energy throughout the approximately eight hours you were in the closet and as a reminder: you had not eaten a meal the entire day, it was colder than usual that day, you've been injured pretty badly, and you had been yelling for the past 8 hours. By this time, you are exhausted until you hear someone's voice calling your name. Your eyes barely open as you hear the voice again.
"F/n-chan!!! F/n!!!!" You hear faintly.
"I'm here," your raspy voice whispers but you continue to hear yells of your name. With the last of your strength, you take a deep breath. "I'M HERE!!!!!!!" Atsumu stops his yelling and listens closely until he hears a lighter voice say, "I'm here."
"Keep talking, F/n-chan!!" Atsumu yells. You obey.
"I'm here." After five more times of you saying it, Atsumu finally finds where the voice is coming from and tries to open the door; however, it's locked. With all of his strength, he continuously and desperately kicks the door until he successfully kicks the knob off.
"F/n-chan!!" Atsumu cries as he sees you on the floor with a pale face and dried blood on your lips. He kneels down and holds your fragile body. With half closed eyes, you look to see worried eyes.
"You're freezing, F/n-chan!! We need to get you to the hospital!" he desperately says and easily lifts you up.
"She's with Kita-san!" Atsumu immediately answers, knowing that Rina would be on your mind above all things.
"I want to see her."
"Are you serious? Stop it, F/n-chan! We need to get you to the hospital!" Atsumu practically yells as he's running as fast as he can with you in his arms. You pull on his sleeve.

𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 | 𝒎. 𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒖
FanfictionIncludes spoilers:) The way life events happened for you had forced you to grow up quicker than you were supposed to. Your mother dying in a car accident when you were at the age of 10, your father being very popular in the sports industry that he c...