•It's A Date•

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Gilbert Grape Imagine

It was a normal day in Endora

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It was a normal day in Endora. Scratch that, it was a boring day in Endora. Very few people came to the diner so you were spending most of your shift replacing napkins and cleaning.

"Afternoon y/n." The bell dinged when the door opened and Tucker came through.
"Hey Tucker." You smile at him as you wipe down a chair.

"Hey y/n." Gilbert comes in soon after with Arnie. Arnie just waves as you smile.
"Hi." You lose your breath for a moment but regain it.

"Hey hey y/n. Ya got any coins?" Arnie taps your shoulder. You stick your hand in your pocket and pull out a couple quarters. You give them to him and he goes on his way.

You approach the pair and give them menus, even though you have a pretty good idea of what they want.

"What can I get you guys?"
"Bacon and egg platter. Side of grits."
"Coffee, extra creamer." You finish it off and he laughs.

"What about you Gilbert?" You turn to him and he stumbles with the jar of sugar he had been pouring out on the table.
"Uh s-sorry. Um I guess the same thing he's having.  Mi-"
"Minus the coffee." You finish and smirk.
"Right." He chuckles, looking down at his fingers.
"I'll be right back."

You walk off and ruffle Arnie's hair as you go into the kitchen to make the orders.

"If you're gonna crush on her, at least try to hide it some."
"I'm not crushing on her." Gilbert rolls his eyes as he cleans up the sugar. He turns to the kitchen as he sees you moving around in it.
"I might actually believe that if you weren't staring heart eyes at her right now."
"I'm not staring."

He breaks his gaze from you and turns to Arnie, yelling as he wins another game on the machine.
"Arnie quiet down."
"Sorry Gilbert."

Soon enough you come back out with two plates of hot food, a bowl of grits and a cup of coffee. You set everything down and give Arnie a few more quarters.

"Hey y/n. You're single right?"
"Unfortunately. Why?" You turn back around and look at Tucker in curiosity. You hoped it wasn't for his own sake. No offense to him, he wasn't your type.

"Just checking." He kicks Gilbert under the table.
"Okay. Gilbert you sure you don't want anything to drink?"
"No I'm fine." He mumbles.

You clean everything else in the diner and sit until Tucker leaves and he left behind a generous tip. You stick the tip in your pocket and clean up the plates as Gilbert gets up.
"Let's go Arnie."
"No wait! I want to finish my game! The prize Gilbert! The prize!"
"Arnie, mama is expecting us home." Gilbert tries to pull him away.

"He can stay with me. I mean if you're worried. It's no biggie." You lean on the machine as Arnie pleads.
"Okay. I'll be back to pick you up though okay?"
"Yayyy." Arnie hugs him and goes back to his game.

Hours pass before Gilbert comes back. When he does, you and Arnie are eating pancakes.
"Look Gilbert! We made pancakes!"
"That's good Arnie. Go on get in the car while I talk to y/n."

You blush as Gilbert sits across from you. You cut up a piece of your chocolate chip pancake and put it on a fork, holding it out to him.
"What do y-"
"Eat it duh." You giggle as he takes the pancake in his mouth.

"That's amazing."
"I know." You smile.
"Thanks for watching him."
"No problem." You shrug. "But now you owe me."
"I owe you?"
"Mhm. I watch Arnie you do something for me."
"We never made a deal."

You laugh and nod. He wasn't exactly wrong but it only seems right.
"Its something simple. Promise."
"Okay. Hit me. Not literally."
"Go on a date with me." You smirk, placing the last piece of pancake in your mouth.

"You heard me Gilbert. Go on a date with me and we're even." He blushes and looks down.
"Okay. It's a date." You giggle and kiss his cheek.

Word count:703

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