•Don't Be Afraid To Catch Feels•

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"When does your shift end?" You ask your sister, working around the restaurant as you sat at the bar, sipping a martini.
"Uhh 15 minutes. Why? What do you want?"
"Can you drop me off in the park later?"
"Drop yourself off!" She scoffed as she took the martini from your hand.
"Hey! I wasn't done with that!"
"It's 2 pm and you're barely 21."
"My birthday was yesterday. I'm 21." You say matter of factly.

The bell on the door rang and three people walked in.
"Hi, welcome!" Your sister greeted them as she wiped down counters. "Go wait them please."
"I don't work here." You complained.
"YN I'm the only waitress working today and if you can't tell I'm pretty busy. So be nice and go." She waved you off and you rolled your eyes.

You grabbed three menus and led them to the bar. "My name is YN. Just let me know when you're ready." You sit the menus in the middle in front of a man in a hat. He looks up shyly and smiles at you.
"Hi." He says softly and waves.
"Hi." You respond as he takes his hat off.

You walk into the kitchen to find your sister.
"Has that guy been in here before?"
"Who? Oh Sam. Yeah all the time with Benny and Joon." She says shrugging.
"Oh? No snarky remark?" She asked concerned.
"Um no. Nothing." You say looking at Sam from behind the small window on the door.
"You think he's cute don't you?"
"I'd rather eat a bag of hair." You roll your eyes, stealing her note pad and pen and approaching the trio.

Sam immediately perks up at the sight of you, pulling the menu over his eyes and blushing.
"Can I start you off with something to drink?"
"Just a water." The older man said. Must be Benny, you assume.
"Milkshake." Joon says quickly, fiddling with her fingers.
"And you?" You smirk at Sam. His eyes peek up over the menu but disappear as fast as they appeared. You giggle and lean on the counter.
"How did you know my name?" He put the menu down.
"My sister told me." You blush. "So, what can I get you?"

He looked over the menu again and looked up at you.
"We have sodas." You nodded putting down Sprite just in case he wouldn't like a strong coke-cola.

You got their drinks and placed them in front of each other. Sam's hand brushed against yours as he reached for it. You smile and go back to the kitchen where your sister cheeses at you.
"You like him."
"I don't!"
"Yes you do. Can't blame you. He's really cute."
"Shy though." You look at him. He catches your eyes for a second and does a little trick with his hat making you laugh.
"Here. I can take over if you want."
"Please do." You say shoving the notepad back in her hands.

She goes out and takes their order and you grab your coat, hugging her goodbye and sneaking her keys into your jacket.
"Sorry. I'll see you at home."
"Where you going?" Sam asks turning to you in the bar stool.
"Stroll in the park. You guys should stop by after."
"No. No I have to work." Benny interrupted, hitting his shoulder.
"Oh. Well. It was nice to meet you all."

Scattered replies filled your eyes as you pushed on the entrance door, sounding the bell.
"Wait." Sam jumped off the stool and ran after you. "Here." He stuck his hand in his hat and pulled out a sunflower.
"No way." You say taking it from him.
"You like it?"
"That's amazing." You smile at him, kissing his cheek. He blushes and waves, turning to go sit back down.

You leave the diner and get into your sisters car, holding onto the flower, smiling down at it.
"Nice to meet you Sam."

Word count: 664

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