•Shoot Me•

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Johnny's John Dillinger Imagine

You roll your eyes as the rope rubs against your wrists

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You roll your eyes as the rope rubs against your wrists. It burns so you try your best not to move.
"What's your name?"
"Shouldn't matter. You're gonna kill me anyway."

You roll your eyes and the men laugh.
"Don't be difficult. Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine." He turns in the front seat and faces you, smiling.
"You go first."
"I wasn't born yesterday, sugar."

Your body starts to shake as a chill comes over you. Something about the way he said it was just unusually attractive.
"John. John Dillinger." He takes off his coat and puts it around your shoulders as the car comes to a stop. "What are you doin? Keep going!"

The driver looks at him confused and so does the two men beside you.
"We gotta get rid of her."
"Keep going. I like her." He winks at you and turns back in his seat as the car starts back up.

Obviously, everyone else wasn't too fond of the plan but John was dangerous. They didn't question further. It took a while but they eventually ended up at a safe house.

John held you in his room to make sure you didn't try anything.
"If you're gonna stay with us, you gotta learn how to shoot."
"I'm just a hostage."
"I don't kidnap." He laughs but you're unamused.

Is that not what he's doing right now? You thought. You roll your eyes and lean on the windowsill as he takes you in. Everything about you he noted in his head.
"Fine. What do I need to know?"

He stops staring and snaps back into reality. He points at a hand gun beside you.
"Pick it up. Point it at me." You do so with no hesitation.
"Now what?"
"Shoot me."
"Shoot you?"
"That's what I said doll. Come on. Just pull the trigger."

You point the gun down and look at him like he lost every brain cell he's ever had.
"You're kidding."
"I'm not. Shoot me."
"I'm not gonna shoot you!"
"Do it!" He yells and you point the gun back up at him and pull the trigger.

The gun clicks and nothing comes out. You sigh in relief as he laughs.
"How'd it feel?"
"I don't know." You toss the gun on the bed, going into shock. "You crazy son of a bitch!"

He keeps laughing, taking the gun in his hand and loading it. He tries to give you the gun back but you back away shaking your head.
"Oh come on." He rolls his eyes and points the gun out the window, shooting it twice and scaring a few birds. "Take it shoot it out the window. Just like I did."
"I can't."

He pulls you to him and takes your hand in his. You point the gun out the window and shoot.
"Beautiful." He rests his hand on your hips. "Do it again."

Then you pull the trigger twice more. A wave of adrenaline taking over your body as you shoot it again.
"Alright cool it."

He takes the gun from your hand and kisses your cheek when someone bursts in the room.
"What the hell is going on here?"
"Calm down, Red. Just having a little fun." John leans into you, placing a soft kiss behind your ear.

The guy, Red, leaves the room leaving you two alone again.
"That was fun." You admit.
"I know right."

Later that night, you couldn't sleep and conveniently, John didn't either.

"Are you ever gonna let me go?"
"I don't kidnap."
"Seems like kidnapping to me." You mumble and shrug.
"Tell me. What do you have to go back to?"

You sit up and look as he eyes his guns in the corner of the room.
"Why me?"
"Why'd you pick me? In the bank you looked over a bunch of people but you picked me."
"You caught my attention. You seemed-" he thought for a moment before he chose the best word. "Fun."

You laugh a little, before laying back down.
"For a criminal, you're kinda nice."
"For a regular girl, you're intriguing."

Word count: 697

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