•The Book (2)•

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Dean Corso

You inspect your face in the mirror

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You inspect your face in the mirror. Your insecurities popping out at you. You sigh and let your hair out, leaving the bathroom. You sit on your couch and turn on the tv. You settled on My 600 lb Life.

After a while, you hear a couple of knocks on the door.
"Who is it?" No answer. You groan and go to the door, looking out the peephole. A man stood with his head down.

You opened the door and he looked up. His glasses missing and his coat in his arms.
"Dean." You lose your breath, almost fainting right there.
"Hey baby." He tried to come in but you pushed him back.
"What are you doing here?"
"I needed to see you y/n."

You take him inside and close the door behind you.
"Two months Dean! And now you need to see me? Are you crazy?"
"I'm sorry baby."
"Don't call me that. How did you even find me?"
"I had my ways."

He chuckles.
"Where have you been?" You were on the verge of tears and your voice was breaking.
"I-It's complicated."
"Complicated? Dean, I'm this close to kicking you out. I need an explanation. You just left me! I thought you died!"

He leaned on a wall and hit his head against it. A splitting headache forming as you ranted. He closes his eyes and tries to focus on something else. But then you stopped.

"Are you listening to me? Dean! How could you?"
"I said I was sorry." He groaned lowly as the headache got worse.
"Sorry won't cut it!"
"It's gonna have to! I tried okay? I told you shit got complicated!" He snaps and yells at you, taking you back.

You start to sob. He never yelled at you. Ever. Literally never happened. On top of that, it's been two months and this was the first interaction you had with each other. It wasn't good and you didn't like it one bit.

"Shit. I'm sorry y/n. I swear I didn't mean to yell at you honey. Don't cry baby."
"Get out."
"You heard me! Get out! I hate you you bastard!"

You open the door and push him out, slamming it closed. You cover your mouth as you cry. He knocked on the door endlessly.

"Y/N I'm so sorry. Please. Open the door!"
"I thought I was ready Dean. I really did."
"Y/N don't do this to me please." His voice cracked. "You're all I have left baby girl."
"Dean, go. Please just go."

You hear his footsteps retreat and you close your eyes. The tears falling like a flood. You thought you were over it. That maybe you could move on. But seeing him again was just too much.

Dean was broken up about it too. He got a room at a hotel not too far from where you worked. When he got to the room, he unraveled completely. He snatched the tie off and unbuttoned his shirt as his body heated up.

He went to the bathroom and rested his hands on either side of the sink.
"Gotdammit. What the hell was I thinking?"
"You weren't thinking."
"What?" He looks up at the mirror and sees someone behind him. He turns but there's no one there.

"To her you disappeared without a trace. Of course she'll be upset jackass."
"Who are you?"
"Your conscience."
"You sound like a girl." He runs his hands over his face
"And? You'll need me to get her back."

The girl smiles in the mirror and moves Dean aside.
"What's your name?"
"Give me one." She shrugs.
"No." He rubs his eyes, looking for his glasses.

She rolled her eyes and goes to the bed, grabbing them. He turns him to face her and puts them on his face.
"Wait you're like physically real?"
"Sure let's go with that." She laughs. "Anyway, if you want your girl back-"
"She hates me. She said it herself."
"She's emotional." The girl shook her head laughing at Dean. "You left her with nothing for two months. You didn't even call."

He lays on the bed and pinches the bridge of his nose. Your words kept replaying in his head. Your voice, your angry voice. He hated it but it taunted him to no end.

"I just need her to forgive me."
"And how are you gonna do that?" She paced the room with her arms crossed.
"I gotta show her that I'm sorry."
"Whatever you do, don't buy her flowers."
"Why?" He sat up curious.
"Too cliche." She smiles and disappears.

He gets dressed again and goes out to get your gift. After hours of looking he decides on something and heads to your apartment again. He hesitates to knock but does it softly.

"What?" You sniff from behind the door. He doesn't answer so you open it slowly. "What do you want now?"
"I came to say I'm sorry. The right way." He pulls a gift bag from behind his back and smiles.
"The right way? You think getting me a gift is the right way, Dean?"

The tears coming up burned your eyes.
"Wait y/n I'm really sorry." He dropped the bag and came closer to you through the cracked door. He sighed. "I don't know what you want from me sweetheart."
"How about an explanation or alternatively you can go to hell!"

You shut the door and roll your eyes. After contemplating with your thoughts a bit, you open the door again and he is still standing there.
"This might sound crazy but tell me this has nothing to do with that book." He doesn't say anything. He doesn't even try to deny it.

"Come in."

Word count: 962

I couldn't wait to drop it guys lol

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