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Hey guys. That was a much needed break but I'm back now and I want to thank y'all for supporting me through this. Much love xoxo
y/d/n= your daughters name

You pick a random object and throw it at Sparrow.
"Damn you Jack!" You scream as he continues to walk away from the house. "You're insane!"
"Maybe I am!" He shouts back sticking his tongue out like a child. The people around looking at you two like you were the weird ones.

You huff and roll your eyes going back inside and slamming the door. You look down at your daughter crawling towards your leg and clinging to it.d
"Da da." She yawns as you pick her up.
"Daddy isn't here sweetheart. But its okay. He's gonna come back."

You make the trip to her room and set her down in the bassinet. Hours went by and the sun set. You had done the laundry, made dinner, even slept for a bit but were woken by y/d/n's hands on your face as she crawled over your body.

Now you sat in the main room, reading as your daughter slept on your lap. The fireplace warming your feet. Hard and urgent knocks on the door snapped you out of your world. Your child stirred in your lap and you lifted her, laying her beside you as you got up.

You cracked the door opened and Jack was on the other side.
"Hello love."
"What do you want?"
"I can't come home?" You sigh and open the door just enough for him to get through.

He stumbles in leaning against the wall as his head spun uncontrollably. You close and lock the door, taking his coat off his back.
"Where were you?"
"I went places." He groans as he goes to the kitchen, leaning over the sink and feeling nauseous.
"Do I want to know?"
"Probably not." He retches over the sink but nothing comes up.

You roll your eyes as you take your daughter in your arms and set her down in a separate room.
"Sober up. We need to talk."
"I don't believe we do."
"Jack I'm not going back out there."
"Darling, you don't have to come with me and I promise I will visit."
"Visit?" You shake your head. "And what do I tell y/d/n when you're gone?"
"Daddy went on a little trip."

He sits up and sighs, starting to walk slowly towards you.
"She doesn't need a father that visits Jack."
"Alright then come with me y/n."
"We can't raise our daughter with the dangers of the sea. You stay with her. With me, Jack."

He squeezes his eyes shut as he lays back on the couch.
"I can't. I really wish I could but I can't."
"And why not?" You ask getting irritated by the second.
"There's a debt to pay."
"There's always a debt to pay."
"This one could end me y/n."
"Couldn't they all?" You scoff not understanding the gravity of the situation.

He stands up and grabs your arms, getting your attention.
"If the debt isn't paid, there's no telling what they'll do to you and y/d/n."
"So you really have no choice."
"I love you. I really do." He hugs you tightly as you cry into his chest.
"I love you too Jack Sparrow. Now you better come back to me. Alive." You wipe the tears away and push his chest back. "Or I swear to God I will bring you back to life and kill you myself."

He laughs bringing you back to him.
"Yes darling but before I go." He pulls a couple of bracelets off of his wrist and sets it on yours.
"You gave me a child. Why do I need these?"
"So I'll just take them back then." He reaches for them but you take them away.
"No no. I keep them just tell me why."
"In case anything happens to me-"
"Which it won't but go on."
"Give those to her." He says softly, peering at the baby in the other room.

You nod playing with the rough material of the bracelets. He kisses your nose as he gets himself ready to go.
"At least say goodbye to her." Your voice cracks. He nods and goes into the room, picking up his child.

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