•Save Me•

5.6K 103 40

Tom Hanson

Before we get started I just want to say that Johnny Depp is one of the only reasons I have faith in the male species

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Before we get started I just want to say that Johnny Depp is one of the only reasons I have faith in the male species. I really am in love with this 57 year old beautiful man.

A soft knock on the door snaps you back into reality. After a while the door opens and he walks in. You still sit against the corner with your knees brought to your chest.

"You need to eat." He holds a plate down in front of you expecting you to take it.

You look up at him and squint your eyes. Was he serious right now? Three days in this empty room and now he wanted to feed you?

You get up and grab the plate, chucking it against the opposite wall.

"Wow. Someone's having a bad day." He snickered.
"Go to hell."
"I'll take you with me sweetheart." He winked. "I'll be back with lunch." He grumbled as he left the room.


"My wife is out there in the hands of some creep and you're telling me we've got nothing?"
"Hanson, you're too connected to this case! Go home and get some sleep."
"Are you out of your mind? No! I can't sleep. I won't eat until I have her. I need her man."

He wipes a tear and goes back to the board.
"Alright." He says, "He's narcissistic."
"But taking a blow to his ego will trigger homicidal rage."
"Let's not do that."
"How about a press conference? Let's boost him up. Make him come to us."

Tom nods, taking a deep breath.
"Let's do it."


It started to get dark. As promised, he came back with lunch. Instead of pulling the same stunt you just sat until he put the plate down and went away. You hadn't touched the food. You couldn't bring yourself to.

"Get up darling. We're going to see your boyfriend." He came in, grabbing you up by your arms and pushing you in front of him.
"Yup. You'll be killed right in front of him." He laughed.

He tied rope around your wrists and pushed you into his van, keeping a gun pointed at you as he drove.

"Why are you doing this?" Your voice was quiet and hoarse.
"Oh so she talks. You really aren't just a pretty face." He snickers. "You're quite an expert in psychology. You tell me why."

You couldn't. Despite all the education you had on why people did things. You couldn't explain this one. He was so messed up, you wouldn't know where to begin.

"Nothing? Oh look we're here." He stopped the car in front of the police station. He sighs and looks over at you. "You know, I've always wanted to do something like this." He grazes the gun over your cheek and smirks.

Now there you were, being used as a human shield as at least 15 cops and agents aimed their guns at you and Wilder as he aimed on to your head.

"Where's the boyfriend!? Huh? He had so much to say on that little conference! Where is he now?" He laughed and you closed your eyes ready to accept what ever happened next.

"Just let go of the girl man. Put the gun down. Let go of the girl." One of the officers urged. He seemed like a trigger happy one just waiting for Wilder to make a move.
"You hear this guy y/n? He wants me to let you go. I'll never let you go again."

His grip on you tightens and the cold metal is pressed into your temple.

"You don't want to kill her." His voice makes your eyes go wide.
"Tom-" You cry.
"Shh shh it's gonna be okay princess. Just don't move okay? Can you do that for me baby?" You can hear the tears he's holding back. He was just trying to stay strong for you.

"Tom Hanson."
"Jacob Wilder."
"You really love her?"
"More than anything."
"Would you die for her? Cause I would. I almost did and you took her from me you son of a bitch."
"Jake she was never yours."
"What did you just say to me?"

You almost broke down right there. He was gonna get himself killed.

"You heard me. She was mine then. She's mine now."
"I'm gonna-"
"What? Kill me? You won't."

Within seconds, Jacob released his grip on you and had his gun pointed at Tom. Before he could pull the trigger, someone took a head shot.

Tom pulled you close to him and held you as you cried.


Finally, you were back home taking a well needed shower and washing your hair.

"Hey." You could here the door creak open. "I'm so sorry. Y/N I should've been there."
"Don't beat yourself up about it." You shook your head, turning the water off and grabbing your towel.

"Is there anything I can do? You want something to eat?" He watched you as you tied a towel around your head. You turned and hugged him for the millionth time.

"Just lay with me."
"I love you sweetheart."
"I love you too."

Word count: 875

I rewrote this twice convincing myself it wasn't good enough. Also y'all help me his 1.22k votes so thank y'all so much!!

As always comment what y'all think and anything else you want me to write. I also want to say I'm starting school tomorrow so yay seasonal depression and the anxiety of failure lol

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