•I Don't Hate You• (Requested)

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Tom Hanson

You rubbed your eyes as the microwave hummed, heating up your coffee again

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You rubbed your eyes as the microwave hummed, heating up your coffee again.

"Late night?"
"Leave me alone." You groaned as you stopped the microwave.
"Just making conversation."
"Stop it."
"You're such a bitch." He mumbles.

You turn and look at him. Tom Hanson. That 'pretty boy' made your work life miserable. He could say the same about you.

"Excuse you?"
"Did you just call me a bitch?" You held the hot coffee in your hand as he tried to think of what to say.

"Yeah I did. You can't ever be a little nice."
"I'm nice just not to you!" Your raised your voice as you stepped closer to him.
"You know what? I don't have time for your arrogant ass." He rolls his eyes and leaves the room.

"Y/N. I gotta job for you." Your boss came in as you finished your coffee. You nodded and followed him to his office.
"What's up?"
"You gotta go undercover. Well you and Hanson."
"I'm not doing anything with Hanson."

You prepared to get up but when the door opened and Hanson came in, your boss told you both to sit. He handed you both a case file.

"He kills married couples. Specifically when there's trouble in paradise."
"How would he know?" Tom asked looking over crime scene photos.
"It was reported that both couples had very loud arguments in public places. Seemed perfect for you two."
"I told you I can't work with him!"

Tom scoffs tossing the file back on the desk.
"You want me to work with her? I won't. She's stuck up."
"I am not stuck up! You just work my last nerve!"
"I don't do anything to you!"
"You exist!"

By now your standing in his face and its taking everything in you to not hit him.
"Enough! This is why I wanted you two on the case!" Your boss laughs as he watches the whole interaction before his eyes. "You're perfect."

You and Tom agreed to do the case. You were given rings and directions to the house you would be staying in. Now the killer goes after couples who argue in public. He feels like he's putting them out of their misery. So you and Tom go to the grocery store where both couples shopped.

You throw things in the cart while Tom just stands there.
"You know it wouldn't kill you to help."
"What the hell do you want me to do?" He puts his phone away and pushes the cart while you look at different meats.

You put in packs of chicken and beef.
"Can you even cook?"
"You have no idea."
"Better not taste like shit."
"I'm this close to killing you I swear." You threaten.

He laughs a little as he leaves the cart to you. He goes off in the snack aisle, picking up anything he can think of. Neither of you knew exactly how long this would take anyway.

"You and your wife argue like that all the time?"
"What I do with my wife is none of your concern."

Tom carries the snacks back to the cart.
"What is that?"
"Oreos." He shrugs.
"You're unbelievable."
"Cause I like to snack?"
"No wonder you're gaining weight."

You push the cart into his stomach and smile.
"Stop it."
"Move!" You push it again but he turns it out his way. "Listen, you got one more time to test me Tom!" You push him and he grabs your arm pulling you to him.
"Or what?"
"I have a gun."
"So do I."
"Get off me."

You snatch your arm back and look around. Several people were watching the interaction but they weren't good at hiding it. But there was one person, who was paying attention a little too closely. The custodian. He was subconsciously mopping but he was making eye contact with Hanson.

When you got back to the house, of course he had to start.
"That was extra."
"I restrained from hitting you. That should be enough."
"I need a shower."
"You didn't have to tell me that."

You finish dinner just as Tom comes out the shower. He didn't bother putting on much. Just a pair of basketball shorts.

"We should fake another argument."
"Why?" You say already irritated.
"Just to sell it." He laughs.
"This isn't funny Tom. If we aren't on our guard we could get killed."
"It was just a suggestion."
"Such an idiot I swear."
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"You heard me."

He grabs the remote and turns the TV off, sitting up on the bed and ready for your answer.
"I don't hate you."
"You have such a nice way of showing it."
"I'm serious. I don't hate you."
"Why do you act like it?"
"Cause.." You trail off not ready to admit it.
"I kind of like to make your life a living hell."

You laugh a little so he wouldn't take it too seriously. He smiles a little, laying back down.
"You wanna know why I act like I hate you?"
"I like you."

He says softly. Your eyes go wide and you turn on your side.
"You're joking."
"I'm not. I've like you a lot but you were such an asshole. I didn't think I had a chance."
"Oh my goodness. That is crazy."
"I like you too."

Just as you finished your sentence, the sound of glass breaking ruined the moment.
"I think he's here." You whisper as you go into the drawer beside you for your gun.
"You think?"
"Just cover my six."
"Got it. Oh wait."

He grabs your chin and connects your lips, moaning softly. A creak in the floor causes you to pull away. You load your gun and get up, going by the door.

You nod to Tom and you go out first.
"Y/N Y/L/N, DEA. Put your hands up." The man drops the gun and puts his hands up.

Tom brought him to the ground while you called for back up.
"He ruined our moment man."
"Oh yeah don't even mention we stopped him from killing anymore couples." You roll your eyes.

Time jump..

You woke up as the sun shone on your face. You rub your eyes as you sit up.
"Late night?" You turn to look at Tom smirking.
"You are impossible Hanson." You lay on his chest, pulling the covers back up over your shoulders.

He wraps his arm around your waist and plants a kiss on your forehead.

Word count:1096

Everything is in progress guys. I didn't think people would want a part 2 on The Book but I'm working on it.

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