The Miserable Mill Part 1

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♪Look away, look away♪
♪Look away, look away♪
♪This show will wreck your evening♪
♪Your whole life and your day♪
♪Every single episode♪
♪Is nothing but dismay♪
♪So look away♪
♪Look away look away♪

♪The lumbermill is where♪
♪ Y/N and the Baudelaires are forced to work♪
♪The eye doctor is sinister♪
♪The owner is a jerk♪
♪They end up in a fiendish plot♪
♪With logs and hypnotism♪
♪The very thought of watching♪
♪Should be met with skepticism♪

♪Just look away, look away♪
♪There's nothing but horror♪
♪And inconvenience on the way♪
♪Ask any stable person, "should I watch?"♪
♪And they will say, "look away"♪
♪Look away look away♪

♪Look away, look away♪
♪Look away, look away♪
♪Look away, look away♪


We were sitting in the back of the truck. I was admiring the photo Klaus had in his hands, looking at my parents. 
"I hope Mr. Poe isn't too worried about us," Violet spoke up. Klaus, Sunny, and I looked over at her and shot her a look. 
"Good point," she shrugged. She then looked over her shoulder, into the cab. 
"What the gum?" came the voice of a man. The truck came to a stop and the four of us got out of the truck.
"Get a job, hitchhikers!" the man yelled at us before driving away, leaving us in the forest. 
"What now?" asked Klaus.
"We walk," Violet replied. 
"Walk?!" Sunny babbled.
"It's okay Sunny, I got you," Violet reassured as we started to walk. 

As we walked further on, we noticed chopped down trees. 
"We're almost out of the woods," Violet said in a relieved tone. We saw the very familiar town of Lucky Smells, but the whole town, except for the mill was burnt down. Klaus even held the picture up to reassure himself we were in the right location. The four of us exchanged looks to each other, nervously before carrying on. 
"It looks like there was a fire here," Klaus spoke up. "Everything's gone."
"Not everything," I interjected, pointing at the mill. 
"Lucky Smells Lumbermill," Klaus read the sign on the wooden wall aloud, which bared the huge logo of the mill on it. 
"Maybe this is where all the clues lead us. The secret safe and the strange photographs at Aunt Josephine's," Violet interjected. 
"The secret message and the strange statue lady at Uncle Monty's," said Klaus. 
"Count Olaf. He's just strange," Sunny babbled, looking down on the ashes.
"The only thing standing between us and all our parents' secrets..." Violet trailed as we approached the door.
"Is an enormous wooden wall," Klaus finished. "What if we don't like what we find? Knowing can be a terrible thing."
"But not knowing, isn't that worse?" I asked as Violet placed Sunny down on top of a barrel of coals. She took out her ribbon. "I bet I could invent a catapult to get us over," Violet said as she pulled her hair behind her shoulders, into the ribbon.
"I read about walls. The Wall of Jericho, the Great Wall of China," Klaus interjected. 
"All I need is a lever, a counterweight and a very large spoon," said Violet. 
"Pink Floyd's The Wall. Although Mother wouldn't let me watch that one,"  Klaus continued. 

Just then, Sunny jumped down from the barrel and pushed the wall open. "Sunny?" Violet exclaimed as the wall creaked. Violet picked Sunny up.
Klaus and I read the sign that said "WARNING: Tresspassers will be put to work"
"Does this make us trespassers?" Klaus asked pointing to the sign.
"We're children," said Violet.
"Those aren't mutually exclusive," Klaus pointed out.
"If we get caught, we'll just say we were on a school trip. Come on," Violet said before heading inside. Klaus and I followed her inside, the wall shutting behind us.
"What exactly are we looking for?" asked Klaus. 
"It's like Father said about fine art. We'll know it when we see it. I think we're in the right place," Violet said as we walked on.
"Or the very, very wrong place," Klaus said, cocking his head to another direction. Violet and I looked where he was looking and saw a tower with the symbol of the eye on the window.
"It could just be a coincidence," said Violet.
"It could be Count Olaf," I interjected as a woman came out of the tower, looking as if she was staring down at us.
"Maybe we should leave," Klaus said.
Just then someone tapped Klaus and I's shoulder, causing us both to yelp as we turned around. We turned around to see man yelping as well. He wore a suit and had brown hair and brown eyes.
"Forgive me. I thought you might be trespassers. But now I see you're just children," the man said with a British accent. 
"They're not mutually..." Klaus trailed before being interrupted by Violet.
"-We're on a school trip."  
"Right, because we're schoolchildren," I interjected. 
"Well, this lumbermill is hardly a safe place for children. And I should know, I run it. I'm Charles," said the man. Klaus took out the picture. 
"Do you recognize any of these people?" Violet asked, taking the picture and handing it to the man. His expression showed shock for a split second before shooting us an innocent grin.
"I think you better come and see my partner," he said, handing the photo back to Klaus. He signaled us to follow him and we did so.

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