The Austere Academy Part 1 (Featuring Pentatonix)

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♪ Look away, look away ♪
♪ Look away, look away ♪
♪ This show will wreck your evening your whole life and your day ♪
♪ Every single episode is nothing but dismay ♪
♪ So look away Look away, look away ♪

♪ At school Y/N the Baudelaires are forced To live in an old shack ♪
♪ Comfort, joy and safety are among the things they lack ♪
♪ They run a lot of laps Which
keeps them in fantastic shape ♪
♪ But you're the one who ought to take This chance for an escape ♪

♪ Just look away, look away ♪
♪ There's nothing but horror And inconvenience on the way ♪
♪ Ask any stable person "Should I watch?" And they will say ♪
♪ Look away, look away, look away ♪
♪ Look away, look away ♪
♪ Look away, look away ♪
♪ Look away, look away ♪


It feels like months since we started sitting on this bench. My head really hurts. Worse than it ever has before. I noticed changes in the Baudelaires and I. Me and Violet's figures were more made up, Sunny was starting to look less like a baby and more like a toddler, and Klaus looked like he grew a whole foot and his voice got deeper. 
"I feel like we've been sitting on this bench for months," Violet commented.
"We've been waiting so long, Sunny's starting to look less like a baby and more like a toddler," Klaus said and his now deeper voice. 
"Growth spurt?" Sunny babbled.
"We've been tormented by treachery and villainy," said Violet.
"Child labor and leeches," said Klaus.
"And now, a new school," I interjected.
"Well, the new school hasn't tormented us yet," said Klaus as he turned to me. 

Right on cue, a tapping sound approached us and a girl with red locks who looked around age ten and wore a strawberry pink dress approached us. 
"Hello, cake-sniffers!" she perked up. Cake sniffers? 
"Hello, um..." Violet trailed as we stood up.
"Um..Are you a blithering idiot?" the girl mocked. Wow...attitude much?
"Everyone knows I'm Carmelita Spats," the girl perked. 
"I'm Violet Baudelaire, and these are my siblings Klaus and Sunny," said Violet. "And this is out friend Y/N," said Klaus. "What does "cake-sniffer" mean?" he asked.
"It means you're stupid cake-sniffers, but I'm the most special girl in the whole school," the girl bragged. The Baudelaires' and I's expression changed. We didn't like her at all.
"I'm supposed to give you a tour. This is Vice Principal Nero's office. He's a genius. He likes me best. I don't have to wear a uniform 'cause I'm too adorable. Come on," the girl tapped away and Violet picked Sunny up and followed her. I exchanged looks with Klaus as we trailed after the girl.

Remember those odd feelings I'd get whenever Klaus and I interacted? I think I figured it out. I have strong feelings for Klaus. I'm not sure how I feel about feeling these feelings for him. I feel like I'm meant to feel this way, but then yet I shouldn't because I'm afraid I'll get hurt. I don't want to tell him because I'm afraid it will change things about us and I like how we are now and I wouldn't want to change it...yet. 

"Come on, cake-sniffers," the girl said, looking behind her at us.
"I don't think it's a compliment," said Violet.
"It's a weak insult," I said to Violet who nodded in agreement.
We got to the locker area where everyone started to stare at us. The stares were uncomfortable and made me feel self-conscious.
"People are looking at us," said Klaus.
"Probably because we're new," Violet suggested.
"It's because your home was destroyed in a fire," the girl said, her gleeful and perky voice remaining unchanged.

We got outside to the field where kids in PE uniforms were doing jumping jacks. 
"This is the athletic field. Our gym teacher's coaching an away game, so I get to make people do jumping jacks whenever I want," Carmelita bragged.
"Memento mori," Klaus read on the score board. 
"What does "memento mori" mean?" asked Violet.
"Remember, you will die," I said, with a gulp. 
We went back inside. "I don't know what that building is. I never go in there," said Carmelita. 
"It says, library," Violet answered. 
"Only a cake-sniffer would notice something like that," Carmelita hissed.
"It's very clearly designated," Klaus commented as we heard the sounds of a door opening, revealing a woman with ginger hair in a neat bun, carrying a whole stack of books. 
"Oh! Hello. You must be the new students I've heard so much about. The Baudelaires, right? And you must be Y/N, the girl with no last name," the woman said. At least she didn't mistake me for one of the Baudelaires, that would be terribly awkward. 
"You shouldn't talk to the library lady, because she smells funny," said Carmelita as she tapped back to us, looking over her shoulder to the librarian.
"Carmelita, always a pleasure," the librarian said, her tone changing. Carmelita tapped away.
"A library is an island in a vast sea of ignorance," said Klaus.
"Particularly if that library is tall and the surrounding area has been flooded," the librarian smiled.
The sound of Carmelita's shoes neared us again. "Let's go!" she exclaimed before tapping away again.
"Well..." said the librarian as she placed the tall stacks of books on her head. "come visit," and closed the door. 

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