The Grim Grotto Part 1

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Look away, look away
Look away, look away
This show will wreck your evening , your whole life, and your day
Every single episode is nothing but dismay
So, look away
Look away, look away

♪Y/N, Charlie, and Baudelaires are deep below the surface of the sea
Hoping to avoid Count Olaf's horrid company
But of course he finds them and of course it's very awful
This show's so grim it really ought to be unlawful 

Just look away,
Look away—
There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way
Ask any stable person, "Should I watch?" and they will say:
Look away
Look away, look away
Look away, look away
Look away, look away
Look away, look away

A/N: If you are a P.O.C. (sorry, I forgot to mention this in the last chapter) substitute Charlie as your adoptive brother. Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused...On with the story!


Charlie, the Baudelaires, and I tried to gain access to open the the vault that looked like an entrance.
"We need help!" Violet exclaimed.
"Open up!" Klaus demanded.
"What's the password?" came a female voice.
"We don't know the password. We need help! We just fell off a mountain!" I exclaimed.
"They're not gonna let us in!" said Violet.
"They might if we say the right thing," Klaus suggested. "This is a V.F.D. submarine. What are phrases associated with V.F.D.?" 
"Volunteer Fire Department!" said Violet.
"The World is Quiet Here?" I suggested. 
"Baudelaires," Sunny babbled. The vault below us opened right up. Huh, interesting. We looked down into the vault before we all started climbing down. When we got into the bottom, we took a look around us. I picked Charlie up as Violet picked Sunny up.
"This way," came the female voice again. 

We came left and opened a door. 
"Aye, come in," the voice said. We came across a control room.
"Look at all this equipment," Violet said, placing Sunny down as she started to look at the controls. 
"Look at these tidal charts. I think the submarine is searching for something," said Klaus as he looked down on a map.
"Aye, we are," came the female voice again, this time, not over an intercom. We looked to see a girl a little older than Klaus, but younger than Violet. She was in a red sailor suit with a captain's hat and triangular glasses. She was in a very still stance with her hands behind her back, grinning. 
"Welcome to the Queequeg, Baudelaires plus two," said the girl. "Shiver me timbers," she said. I noticed her eyes were landed right next to me, right onto Klaus. She then slid down a metal pole and approached us. I looked at Klaus who looked very impressed with what he was seeing. 
"That's an expression pirates use when they're surprised," the girl said.
"Are you a pirate?" Klaus asked.
"No, but I am surprised to find Klaus, Violet, Sunny Baudelaire and their two...friends in the middle of the ocean," she said with a smirk. Hmm, I didn't really like the way she said that...
"How do you know who we are?" asked Violet.
"And The Daily Punctilio says that you're dangerous murderers. Most of you, anyway," she said. The Baudelaires and I exchanged looks. 
"Well, you can't always believe what you read in the newspaper," Klaus stammered.
"So you're not dangerous?" the girl asked.
"I, uh...We've had our...Well, m-m-maybe a little..." Klaus stuttered. What was going on with him?
"What my close friend here is trying to say that we aren't dangerous. Not to those who don't seem dangerous to us, anyway," I interjected. The girl looked to me and smirked. "I like the way you think," she said. I paused. Wait, first she had her attention on Klaus and now she was looking at me in the same way? What in the...
"-We haven't gotten your name yet," said Violet, interrupting my thoughts. 
"Fiona Widdershins. I'm the captain of this sub," said the girl.
"You?" Violet asked.
"You think a girl can't man a submarine?" Fiona asked.
"No, of course she can. You're just so young," said Violet.
"I'm old enough. I haven't been captain for long," Fiona explained as she walked towards us. 
"That's my stepfather, the original Captain Widdershins," she said, pointing to the portrait of a man on the wall. "He's gone now."
"We're orphans too," said Klaus.
"My stepfather's not dead. He left one day to answer a distress call from a manatee and never came back," Fiona explained.
"Well, we're sorry--" said Klaus.
"He's out there. He'll find me. I know he will," Fiona interrupted.
"Well, we're glad you found us. We got a message from V.F.D. saying there was a meeting at the Last Safe Place on Thursday," said Klaus.
"Our friend Quigley might be there. Can you take us?" asked Violet.
"I'm already on a mission," said Fiona.
"Then can you take us to shore?" I asked.
"I can't just change course in the middle of a mission! Sorry. It's been hard running the submarine on my own, but V.F.D. is counting on me," Fiona interjected.
"Well, what if you weren't on your own?" asked Klaus. I looked at him and squinted my eyes.
"If we helped with your mission, you could take us to the Last Safe Place."
"Klaus, there's no time. The meeting's on Thursday," I said, sternly.
"That's still a few days away from now," said Klaus.
"You'd volunteer?" asked Fiona.
"That's what V.F.D. is for," said Klaus as he stared at Fiona.
"Klaus, we don't even know what this mission is," Violet whispered.
"Only the most important mission in V.F.D. history. I'm searching for the sugar bowl," Fiona replied.
"Shiver me timbers," Sunny and Charlie babbled in unison. 
"But, didn't VFD already send someone to do that? The former Madam Lulu?" I asked, remembering what the Baudelaires told me at the carnival.
"Aye," Fiona said. She then got out a map and unraveled it on top of the table.
"Esmé Squalor was searching for it at the Heimlich Hospital. But one of our agents got to it first. She was taking it to V.F.D. headquarters in the Mortmain Mountains," Fiona explained.
"We went to those headquarters. They burnt down," said Klaus.
"I know. And the sugar bowl fell into Stricken Stream, where it was carried out to sea. That is why the Queequeg is the only hope of finding it," Fiona explained further.
"What's so important about the sugar bowl?" Violet asked.
"Both sides of the schism are after it. Some say it's the reason for the schism itself," Fiona replied.
"What's in it?" I asked.
"That's top secret," Fiona replied.
"You're not gonna tell us?" Violet asked.
"It's on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know," said Fiona, sternly.
"Well, I don't take orders unless I know the facts," said Violet.
"Neither do I," I interjected. 
"How about we all just focus on finding it, then we'll all know what's inside the... sugar bowl," said Klaus. 
"You sound like Cookie. He's always saying cheery stuff like that," Fiona said. 
"Cookie?" Violet asked.
"My other crewman," Fiona replied to Violet before looking back at Klaus.
"He's in charge of meals, though his cooking's a little heavy on the chewing gum. Hey, Cookie! Get out here!" Fiona called.
Just then we were face to face with Phil from Lucky Smells Lumber Mill.
"Baudelaires! And they're little friend," Phil exclaimed.
"Phil!" the Baudelaires and I exclaimed. We went and hugged him.
"Oh, what are you doing here?" asked Klaus.
"Cookie's my second-in-command. Ain't that right, Cookie?" said Fiona.
"His name is Phil," Violet hissed. 
"And I call him Cookie," Fiona spat back.
"Oh, I really don't mind what people call me," said Phil.
"It's good to see that you've gotten out of that lumber mill," I  said to Phil. "
Oh, I was sure I could find a better job than unpaid mill worker. And look at me now. I am a cook on an understaffed submarine! Life keeps getting better and better!" Phil said enthusiastically. 
"Phil, I am so sorry for causing that accident," Klaus said, looking down at Phil's peg leg.
"No, no, no. That healed ages ago!" Phil said, reassuring Klaus. 
"Then what happened to your leg?" Klaus asked.
"It was eaten by a shark. Yeah. It was extremely painful, but on the bright side, most people never get to see such a dangerous animal up close," Phil said optimistically. 
"The one thing I always admires about you was that you always look on the bright side," I said to Phil with a smile. 
"What's for dinner, Cookie?" Fiona asked.
"I don't like to say anything bad about anyone's cooking, even mine, so I won't. Tonight's casserole is extremely chewy," Phil explained.
"Chewy?" Fiona asked. 
"It's just gum," Phil replied.
"Sous Chef?" Sunny babbled.
"What my sister means is she recently took up an interest in cooking. She'd be happy to help you in the kitchen," Violet explained. 
"I'd appreciate that. I have no idea what I'm doing!" said Phil with a chuckle.
"We've got uniforms in the barracks. Once you suit up, Sunny can join Cookie in the galley, while I show Klaus the library," Fiona explained. I looked to Klaus who was looking at Fiona like she was a piece of eye candy. Klaus would look at me like that. I thought I was the only one. He didn't even look at Isadora like that as much as he was doing with Fiona. I really wasn't liking the way I was feeling right now. 
"What can we do?" Violet asked, addressing me, Charlie, and herself. 
"Do you guys have any special skills?" Fiona asked. 
"Well, my sister's a mechanical genius," Klaus answered.
"I wouldn't say genius," Violet said with a snicker. 
"Well, I'm pretty mechanically-minded myself, so the boat's in ship-shape," Fiona replied. Violet clenched her jaw and nodded. 
"What about you? Anything useful about you?" Fiona asked.
"I recently discovered many things about myself. I'm a polymath, so anything you ask me to do I'm sure I can figure out myself," I saw with gritted teeth. 
"I see. I'm sure I can find something for you to do. My stepfather had a philosophy: He who hesitates is lost. So let's not hesitate, Baudelaires plus two," 
"Aye-aye," said Klaus with a smile.
"Aye-aye," said Sunny and Charlie in unison.
"Aye-aye," Violet and I said in the same, annoyed tone. 

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