The Penultimate Peril Part 1

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Look away, look away
Look away, look away
This show will wreck your evening , your whole life, and your day
Every single episode is nothing but dismay
So, look away
Look away, look away

The Barnums and the Baudelaires check into a hotel to spy upon
A group of awful people from whom murder is a yawn
It may seem like Count Olaf will be finally brought to justice
But why would any viewers think that they could really trust us

Just look away,
Look away—
There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way
Ask any stable person, "Should I watch?" and they will say:
Look away
Look away, look away
Look away, look away
Look away, look away
Look away, look away

Lemony Snicket's POV

Unless you were born yesterday, in which case, welcome to the world, little baby, you have probably observed that things aren't always what they seem.
The surface of a pond might seem calm, when, in reality, any number of secrets might be hidden beneath it. The world is like a pond that way. When you perform even the tiniest of actions, like dropping a can ripple, until the entire world has been changed.

My name is Lemony Snicket, and I recommend you drop your streaming device into a pond. Your world will be changed for the better, since you will not have to watch or read the sad story of the Barnum and  Baudelaire orphans. My niece and nephew.  You will be spared the tragic tale
of the Hotel Denouement. And you will never have to encounter the suspicious parties staying there, some of whom, I am sorry to report...may already be familiar.

Y/N Barnum's POV

"Things aren't always what they seem, Children," my aunt Kit told us as she started speeding her cab. "It may seem like I'm speeding recklessly because I'm a taxi driver who doesn't care about traffic safety laws, but really, I'm trying to shake the car that's been following us," Kit explained.
"There's a car following us?" asked Violet as we all looked back to see a black car speeding up behind us. 
"I suspect it belongs to a pair of sinister villains I recently encountered on a mountain," said Kit.
"We were on that mountain too," said Klaus. 
"I know exactly where you've been, Klaus Baudelaire. I wish I could have helped you all along, but ever since the schism, there have been more fires than even a Volunteer Fire Department can put out," Kit explained. We looked out the window and saw more burnt down houses.
"Those look like they burned down recently," I pointed out. 
"Our enemies are getting bolder. But the tables are about to turn, and so is this car, so hang on," said Kit before she took a sharp turn to the left. 
I looked behind us. The car that was following us drove right past us. We lost track of the car. 
"I know you have thousands of questions, and I wish I had time to answer the over a leisurely brunch, but our agents are already on their way to the Last Safe Place, so I'm afraid you'll have to settle for a quick debrief and a picnic in the back of a taxi. There's a picnic basket on the floor," Kit explained. 
"You said your name is Kit Snicket. We met a man named Jacques Snicket," said Violet. My face fell. I couldn't believe that I had encountered my uncle and not know it. Now he is dead and I never had the chance to say goodbye or give him a hug. 
"He was my brother," Kit nodded. 
"Our uncle," I spoke.
"And he's the reason I need your help. I received this telegram instructing all volunteers to go to the Hotel Denouement on Thursday, and it's signed with my brother's initials, J.S.," Kit explained as she passed the Baudelaires a telegram. 
"We received the same telegram, but it can't be from Jacques. He's..." Violet trailed.
"Yes, children. I know that my brother is dead. And I know that you tried to save him, but I'm afraid someone is impersonating him to gather all of V.F.D. in one place. We could be walking into a trap," Kit interjected, glumly.
"So you need to find out if this J.S. is a friend or an enemy," said Violet.
"Do you know what a flaneur is?" asked Kit.
"A person who observes their surroundings, like a spy," Klaus and I said in unison. I looked back at him and smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. I turned back around and saw Kit smile at us.
"Very good. Children make the best flaneurs, since adults rarely pay attention to them. There's a secret compartment in the bottom of the picnic basket. Open it," Kit instructed. 
I looked behind me to see Violet opened the basket and take out the first layer of the basket revealing these green uniforms.
"Uniforms?" I asked.
"Disguises," Kit replied. "Children, I need your help. I need you to infiltrate the Hotel Denouement as concierge and learn the identity of J.S. before Thursday. I have an inside man who's made all the arrangements. All you have to say is yes. Say you'll volunteer," said Kit, hopefully. 
Charlie and I turned around and exchanged smiles with the Baudelaires. 
"Of course we will," Violet responded, speaking for all five of us. Kit smiled at us, but her smile soon faded as she looked behind us. "They're back," she said. 
Kit started to swerve the car and took a hard right into some bushes. Luckily the bushes were tall enough to hide us from the two villains who were in their car. 
"That wasn't the route I intended to take, but here we are. The Last Safe Place," Kit said. 
"Aunt Kit, I have a question," I said. Kit looked to me and smiled. She seemed to have liked it when I called her Aunt. 
"Were those two villains the ones responsible for me and Charlie's loss of memory?" I asked. 
"Not just yours. Everyone who knew your name, which was quite a lot since your family was quite popular back in the day. They took your memory for reasons I can't explain. But, yes. That was them," Kit confirmed. 
"So, the villains chasing behind us was the man with a beard, but no hair and a woman with hair but no beard?" I asked. Kit nodded. I sighed. 

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