The Slippery Slope Part 1

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Look away, look away
Look away, look away
This show will wreck your evening , your whole life, and your day
Every single episode is nothing but dismay
So, look away
Look away, look away

♪Y/N and the Baudelaires are trapped in mountains covered up in snow
More villains have arrived and there is no place they can go
It's a horrid way to start up this, our third and final season
Anyone still reading it has clearly lost all reason

Just look away,
Look away—
There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way
Ask any stable person, "Should I watch?" and they will say:
Look away.
Look away, look away.
Look away, look away.
Look away, look away.
Look away, look away.

Lemony Snicket's POV

Like handshakes, house pets, and raw carrots, many things are preferable
when not slippery, and the least preferable slippery thing is a slope, which is why I implore you to look away.

"It's a slippery slope" is an expression which refers to the way even small, seemingly harmless actions can set you down a path to something horribly wrong.

My name is Lemony Snicket, and I am sorry to say that in the lives of the Y/N and the Baudelaire orphans, every path led to something horribly wrong. Y/N and the  Baudelaires chose
to make new friends at school, which led to unhinged villainy, unnecessary physical fitness, a kidnapping.
Their attempt to rescue their friends led to more villainy, a long fall in the dark...and something fishy, which, when investigated, led to the death of a noble sibling, false charges of murder, and a life on the lam, which led to more things too horrible to mention, such as an arrow in the shoulder of an innocent girl, underage driving, hot air balloon mishaps, medically suspect surgery, a career in the circus, astonishing revelations
about a secret organization and possible survivors of the fire that destroyed their home, lions...
...and finally...a runaway caravan plummeting down a mountain, for, as Y/N herself, Klaus and Violet Baudelaire had discovered...a slippery slope can also be literal.


The caravan tilted to the right lifting the left side of the caravan up and back down, causing the three of us to scream in surprise. 
"What just happened?" Klaus exclaimed.
"We didn't die!" Violet exclaimed.
"Not yet at least!" I yelled. The caravan bumped into the side, making the three of us fall to the floor. 
"How do we stop this caravan?" Klaus asked. 
"We have to invent some sort of a braking system!" Violet replied. 
"Violet, now would be a great time for an idea," I said worriedly as we got up. Yhe caravan drew us further down the hill and Klaus and Violet took off their wigs and ripped disguise. Violet put a string in her hair. 
"Violet, hurry! We're running out of road!" Klaus exclaimed. 
"Search the caravan for anything long enough to reach the wheel," Violet told us. Klaus picked up a paddle. "How's this?" he asked, holding it up. 
"Perfect. Now use it to jam the wheel. I'm gonna tie these together and create a drag chute," said Violet as she grabbed at a banner hanging from the roof. "Y/N, help me ties these," Violet told me. I nodded and helped her tie the banner as Klaus started to jam the wheel with the paddle.
"Make it fast! This road won't stay straight forever," Klaus said worriedly. "I think I've got it. I just need to apply more friction," Klaus explained as he continued to jam the wheel. 
"How's it going?" I asked as I tied another knot. 
"Not great," Klaus said as he brought back in a broken paddle.
"That's okay. You bought us time to make this,' Violet said as I helped her bring the banner up to the door. I kicked it open and the door broke off. Violet let go of the banner and the banner released like a parachute. 
Just then Klaus screamed and we fell off the edge! But before the parachute could start working. We stopped in midair. My assumption was that it got caught on something. We slowly started to make way for the doorway. I was squished in between Violet and Klaus.
"Try not to think about falling," Violet said, our breath. 
"But it's impossible to think about anything else," said Klaus. We tried to make our way out and clung to the edge of the cliff. We started to slowly climb up the cliff. 
Right as the we started to get to the top, the rope broke, throwing my off balance. As the caravan fell off, I slipped and accidently let go. But before I could fall, the two eldest Baudelaires grabbed my hands, keeping me from falling to my death. I had a severe case of Déjà vu at that moment. This exact moment has happened before from when Aunt Josephines house fell to smithereens and I almost didn't make it. 
"We got you," Klaus said as he and Violet started to pull me up. I made it on top of the cliff with the Baudelaires and laid flat on my stomach, looking down as the caravan crashed to the ground. 
"We're alive," Klaus said, relieved.
"We're alive, but we're not okay. Count Olaf still has Sunny, and we have to get her back," said Violet. 
"She must be so scared," said Klaus. 
"If there's one thing I've learned about Sunny is that she's tougher than she looks. She may look like just a toddler, but she's a fighter," I said. 
"And a biter," the two eldest Baudelaires said in unison. 
"It just doesn't make any sense..." I trailed.
"What do you mean?" Violet asked. 
"He kept Sunny, right? So he would have one of you Baudelaires alive to have access to the fortune. And he's after my diamonds and I'm the only one in my family who's alive. Why wouldn't he have kidnapped me too?" I asked. 
"Well, you said so yourself, no one knows the location of the diamonds. He may have given up because you don't even know where they are," said Klaus. 
"Count Olaf wouldn't give up. What if he knows something?" I asked. 

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