First Week(Short Introduction to Island Life)

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The first week of living on the island has been rough. The arboretum has been a great shelter for us. It protected us from the rain and sand storms. The Baudelaires and I had to tend to Beatrice's needs at least one an hour. She was always hungry, always needed to be changed, and she slept the rest of the time. Occasionally when she was indeed awake, but not needed to be fed or changed, she cried. The Baudelaires and I seemed to believed she could sense her mother's death and that's why she cried. She missed her mom.

The first few days of living on the island, we had to find alternate ways to be able to feed Beatrice and be able to change her without the normal materials. And until Violet was finished building her crib, Beatrice slept in either mine, Klaus's, or Violet's arms. 
We discovered that the sheep that were colonized on the island were not affected by the fungus at all. We had no idea why, but we decided to theorize on that later on.
We also scavenged through the washed up materials and luckily we came across some bottles. We cleaned the bottles using filtrated water and cleaning it with warm water. We used bark from the palm trees to create a fire and placed a pot of filtrated water over the fire and boil the water and placed the bottles inside to clean the bottles. 
We milked the sheep and poured them into the bottle. The milk was an odd color like a shrimp color but, the Baudelaires and I assumed it was because of the sheep's shrimp diet. The Baudelaires and I had no choice, but to trust the milk and hope that it wouldn't hurt Beatrice. 
And we were right. In fact, she loved the shrimp colored milk. Since it didn't hurt Beatrice we decided to use the shrimp milk for ourselves as well. Sunny was able to turn it into cheese, yogurt, butter, and cream. 

We were also able to find materials to make new clothes. Violet and I worked together to make new clothes for the six of us. Violet and I also worked on a new blanket for Beatrice, that wasn't the color of shrimp. Instead we made it a pure white. 
The amount of clothes we sewed were enough to be worn seven days of the week, so we could wash them and use the old robes as an alternate if we run out of clothes before the wash day, which was always the last day of the week. 
We were also able to find leather, rubber, and plastic, so Violet can start working on actual shoes instead of the sandals. 

Meanwhile, Klaus was researching through his parent's library that they kept here. He found cookbooks for Sunny, inventing manuals for Violet, Music sheets for me, blank pieces of paper for Charlie, and Herman Melville for himself. 
Charlie has been working on new ways to sketch using our father's pencil. Sunny found a way to use the endosperm from seeds that fell from the palm trees to create flour for her cooking. 
But, on the side note, I was doing some research myself. I was still unsure of how the apple that cures Charlie and I both had no affect on us. 
So, one day I climbed the arboretum to reach the closest apple, grabbing one successfully without getting hurt. 
I went inside arboretum and grabbed the book "An Incomplete History" and landed on the page that was about the apples. I read thoroughly while examining the apple. Even though it looked completely normal, I came to find out that the Baudelaire parents created the hybrid that was also contained the same contents of the sugar and that because of the recreation of the hybrid, it killed off the pollen and the proteins that have similar structure to pollen. It made so much sense now. 
I informed my brother and the Baudelaires of my discovery and we decided to make an apple pie later that day. 
Sunny used the flour, the yogurt as a substitute for the eggs, salt, and filtrated water to make the crust and all we had to do was cook the apples and drown them in brown sugar, nutmeg, and cinnamon that luckily was in the spice cabinets that the Baudelaire parents left behind in the cupboards. 

As for Klaus and I. We've never been closer. Sometimes it was awkward when we would just stare at each other during meals and either Sunny or Charlie would say "Get a room!" and Violet would chuckle at their remarks. Of course, Klaus and I hadn't been able to get much alone time together because we were busy with Beatrice and researching everything we could. But, I hope that once Violet finishes all of her inventions that are needed to help us on the island, then Klaus and I could spend some alone time together. The closest we've ever had together alone was only at night and the bother of us were too exhausted to go out and do something together like take a walk on the shore and hold hands, or read a good book together. But, luckily when it was Violet's turn to have Beatrice sleep in her arms, Klaus and I were able to cuddle and hold each other in our arms as we fall asleep. And I treasured those little moments because they were still important. We haven't put labels on each other...yet, but I hope that when the time comes (which I hope is soon) I know it will be one of the most romantic moments here on this island and I hope even more that there will be even more romantic moments as we get older because we are still young and we have plenty of time. 

And to conclude things for this first week on the island, I have decided to help the Baudelaires record our lives on the island using a different blank book, gathering the different point of views of the characters we have encountered. An old typewriter washed up labeled WB and VB and I think it belonged to my parents. I was able to scrape off the barnacles. find a fresh bottle of ink and begin to type everything down. Starting with my story, progressing to the time I met the Baudelaires until this very moment.  And the Baudelaries were in charge of writing most of our story in the same book their parents used. Soon, I hope when all of this ends and we combine my story with theirs to become one and to keep with our family's so they can learn our family's history. And maybe decades later our story will become a best seller so that the readers can learn from our story and use it for when they encounter their own series of unfortunate events and use Violet's mechanical intelligence, Klaus's book smarts, Sunny's sharp set of teeth and culinary skill , Charlie's artistic ability, and my musical talent because with all of those abilities, you can get through anything. 

~Y/N Barnum 

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