The Carnivorous Carnival Part 1(Y/N's Perspective) (TGS Crossover...Kind of...)

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Look away, look away
Look away, look away
This show will wreck your evening , your whole life, and your day
Every single episode is nothing but dismay
So, look away
Look away, look away

Y/N and the Baudelaires separate due to lack of space
She travels through the hinterlands and hides without a trace
But what happens when she's found by a van of peculiar faces
It's not a good idea to be reading this without tears on the pages

Just look away
Look away
There's nothing but horror and inconvenience on the way
Ask any stable person, "Should I watch?" and they will say
Look away
Look away, look away
Look away, look away
Look away, look awayLook away, look away


Once all the noise was died down and the only sound being heard were the flames, I cautiously uncurled from the ball an wiped my eyes from the tears that have been continuously running down my face. 
I peeked around the corner, still keeping the black sheet over me. The fire was getting bigger and bigger. I had to get out of here before the building collapsed. 
I started running away from the hospital and towards the direction I saw Count Olaf's car go. 
It was still really dark out so I got out my spyglass and turned on the flashlight. I made sure to travel a few yards from the road to keep myself hidden under the sheet. I was worried that me being alone, on the lam was going to get me caught and arrested and I'll never see the Baudelaires or any nice familiar face ever again. 

I felt my anxiety levels spike and my breathing patterns changed dramatically. I was tired, hungry, scared, and alone. At this point, I couldn't look out for myself. I needed someone here with me. I wish I was able to squeeze into that tiny trunk just to be with the Baudelaires. They were my family now, I guess. We've gone through so much together that I feel such a strong connection with them. 

With Violet, she's like the older sister I never had. I always loved helping her with her inventions. And she always loved that I helped. And she cared for me like an older sister would. She always asked if I was okay after suffocating an injury. She helped rescue me from Count Olaf.  Her, being the eldest of us four, she made me feel like part of the family. 

With Sunny, I felt that she brings back the kind of connection I had with my brother. She was so cheeky and clever that it brings back an aura of the dream I had with my brother. Sunny was also a great listener. When I first met her and talked to her, she listened to me. And at that point, it was all I wanted from someone. 

And with Klaus...he made me feel special. Like I wasn't the burden Count Olaf treated me like. His kindness and talent amaze me everyday more and more. Aside from his extremely pleasant facial features, his personality never fails to bewitch me. My feelings towards Klaus are the strongest feelings I ever felt with a person. Like, I've said before, I wouldn't want to change anything between us if it'll make our relationship change for the worst if he doesn't feel the same. I still think we're kind of young for all the emotional stuff. As much as I would like to confess, I wouldn't want to get hurt. And to think about several different outcomes of the situation makes me nervous, which is why I don't like thinking about it. I'm just thinking about it now because there's nothing else to really think about since I am walking alone in the dark, scared of the slightest noises. 

Thinking about the Baudelaires made me really upset. I missed them a dearly. I hoped they were managing to stay safe. 
I feel so famished and parched, it's making me dizzy. And my legs are sore from the great lengths of walking I have done. It was mostly silent apart from my feet scraping the dirt on the ground beside the road. The scraping noise started to get louder and louder as I felt the strength in my legs weaken. 
I...don't think I can do this any longer...I hear a loud noise coming from behind me, but I dare not to turn around. I think I'm gonna...

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