Autumn's p.o.v.
Exiting the shop, James stared dumbstrucked at my new phoenix. That's right! My significant other part was obviously a bloody phoenix. This is just so cool! Chuckling, we found Professor Gemini, who was wearing the same look as James when we approached her. "A phoenix? Seriously Autumn, how many shocks and surprises do you have to bring me every time I see you?" She shook her head.
"Hush Professor. It isn't a great deal. Seriously, it's just a bird!" I was starting to get funny looks from people. Not good, not good at all!
"Hey, do you know how rare it is for a phoenix to accept a witch or wizard? That is absolutely damn freaking cool! Only the most powerful wizards and witches have the pleasure of owning phoenixes. Take Dumbledore for instance..." James trailed off with Professor Gemini nodding along.
"Wait guys. You, James Potter, still owe me a talk about Hogwarts as well as an ice cream." I waved him off his 'interesting' talk.
"Oh well, since when did the talk come with complimentary ice creams?" He retorted. I glared at him and he gulped. "Didn't know Beauxbatons' girls could be so scary." He muttered darkly under his breath. "Well off we go, Professor. If you don't mind though." I pulled a reluctant James down the street as Professor Gemini watched in amusement.
"Have fun!" She called out cheerily. "Who's that teacher anyways?" James asked, still rubbing his hand where I had practically dragged him down the street just now. "Hmm? Professor Gemini? She's Deputy Headmistress..."
"Oh wow! She's so cool. Unlike McGonagall at Hogwarts, all prim and proper, too strict for her own good..." I snorted at his comment. "You're an idiot, you know?" I teased him playfully as he paid grumpily for our ice creams.
"So what about Hogwarts? It's pretty much the best school in the whole universe." He got an eye roll and a "hey!" from me. "We've got four houses, basically and I'm definitely going to be in Gryffindor the Brave and Mighty House!" He struck a dramatic pose and that attracted a whole lot of attention. Remind me why I'm friends with a child, please.
The talk about Hogwarts continued for a great deal of time before he paused. "Well? What about Beauxbatons? Do they teach stupid make-up skills and how to properly snog boys?" I gave him a hard nudge. "You better shut it or I'll set Blaze on you." I growled. "Blaze? You named your phoenix Blaze?" He laughed so hard that he failed to realise my signal. In a second, he was suffering from great boils and varied degrees of burns when I watched with amusement. "That teaches people to not mess with me, my school or my phoenix." I smirked at him.
"Alright, alright. I lose." He glared at me and surrendered. "That's what I've been waiting for all day. An apology from the great James Potter." And with that, I waved my hand and the injuries disappeared.
"What...How...How in Merlin's beard did you do that?" He stared at me with awe? Shock? "That, is a secret." With that, I launched into my favourite topic, Beauxbatons.
"Beauxbatons is the 'best' magical institute in the whole wide universe." I exaggerated the word 'best' simply for the sake of annoying him. That earned me a half-hearted glare and a 'hey!'
I babbled on for goodness knows how long about Beauxbatons and its amazingness, its intricate architectual and awesome towers and spirals. The three houses, Bellefuerille for the bold, daring yet loyal nature lovers, Ombrelune for the cunning, curious and sly, and last but not least, Papillonnisse for the kind, matured and artistic ones. "I really want to be in Bellefuerille!" I told James.
"So it's kinda like Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff?" James questioned. "Of course. We have to shoot a silver arrow which then bursts into your house colours-green for Bellefuerille, grey for Ombrelune and purple for Papillonnisse!"
"Weird." Was the only comment I got. Just then, Professor Gemini broke us up. "Enough chit-chat over there. Autumn, you should get back early for tomorrow. You wouldn't want to miss your ride." She winked at me.
"Aww, I can't believe that we're not seeing each other again." James whined. "Not that you're my type." He added after a thought. "Shut it, Potter or Blaze will see the worst of you." I teased light-heartedly. It was kind of sad to leave.
"Umm, bye then." I waved to James.
"You've been considerably great company. See you Autumn." James was on the verge of tears. Our meeting was too short but I had a feeling that we'll meet again. Don't ask me why, though.
"Take care of yourself, James." I smiled genuinely.
"You too." He returned the smile.
"And don't do anything stupid!" He shouted.
Laughing, Professor Gemini grabbed my hand and we apparated with the last fleeting image of James Potter and his mischievous grin. I was really going to miss him.
I can't believe my ordinary shopping day will turn out to be so eventful. That girl, Autumn intrigued me really much. She was indeed different, but different in a good way.
Then, the memory of her eyes surfaced. Looking into her baby blue eyes, I could detect massive sadness that she tried so hard to conceal. She might seem bubbly to most but I knew more than that. She was sad and alone inside, though she tried really hard to shove her feelings deep down. I admired her for that.
Shrugging off my thoughts, I flooed home, immediately bombarded with questions by my parents.
"What took you such a long time to gather your supplies?" Mum stared at me accusingly.
"Ermm, I might have met someone, and lost track of time..." I ruffled my already messy hair in embarrassment.
"Is it a girl? Does she attend Hogwarts?" Dad chimed in, sounding interested.
"Yeah it was. But she attends Beauxbatons." I groaned inwardly, anticipating the next questions.
"Really? She must be really beautiful! James is really growing up!" Mum coed at me.
"Mum..." I complained.
"We're just friends! We've just met! Seriously." I huffed in annoyance.
"Right." Mum and Dad smirked knowingly and winked at one another.
"We'll leave you with your sweet thoughts for now! Maybe about a certain girl?" Dad twinkled mischievously.
"Mum! Dad!" I protested loudly and they headed downstairs, stifling their giggles.
Talk about irritating parents!

Flames ( HP Fire Series #1)
FanfictionWe all know that the Marunders wreak havoc. But what about their female counterpart in Beauxbatons? Autumn Rivers, Rosalil Evans, Hazel Washington and Aurora Jones have captured quite the impression similar to the Marunders at Beauxbatons. When prov...