Autumn's p.o.v.
There he stood, his poise unmoving as he smirked at our bewildered faces.
"Surprised?" He sneered as he looked forward. "Where is the Ultimate Wand? I need it for my master. Show me your secrets!" He shouted as his wand shot out jets of lights but nothing appeared. A small lone bottle stood on the rocks and I reached to take it.
"How? How?!" Nebulae yelled in dismay as my fingers closed on the small bottle.
"Not feeling so sure, are you?" I said smugly as I uncapped the bottle. A glow, a shimmer. That's all.
"Looks like it isn't much, huh?" Nebulae laughed at the girls' horrified faces but I knew better. There was ancient power in the bottle. The Ultimate Wand's core power. The power surged through me, steadying me and calling upon my own magic. I felt the magic in me fuse together in a supernova so bright and brilliant as they sang in harmony. We got it, the power, but we have one last obstacle to face before getting away.
"How did you get here?" I demanded, stalling for time.
"Ah, the little specks of your magic was nothing to me." He boasted, spreading his arms wide.
"Once I got the call of my master, your pathetic bonds were nothing compared to the true power of the Dark Lord. He freed me, transported me to the useless fury. Well, at least she proved herself by taking me here. But where, exactly is the wand? Why can't I touch the bottle? I need the legendary wand for my master."
"Well, you're out of luck. You aren't the one destined to have it. You cheated, you lied and you betrayed. The wand chooses its owner and neither you nor the Dark Lord is worthy of something so noble! Get lost!" Ro shouted and I was surprised to see her lose her temper.
Nebulae sang the word as Ro writhed on the ground, her shrieks of pain stabbing my heart.
"Stop it, you sick beast!" I shouted, my palms forming a cyclone. I shot that at Nebulae and watched as he stumbled, the roaring wind sucking him inside.
"Re-re--lea-se me!" He shouted as I sent blasts of flames to the cyclone.
"You deserve every torture there is." I gritted my teeth as Nebulae screamed. He whirled violently as he struggled to press a mark on his arm.
Damn, the Dark Mark. And the pain came.
My head felt as if it were to explode as a presence nagged my mind, forcing to enter. It was sucking the power out of me and I realised what it wanted. The power of the Ultimate Wand.
"Get out of my mind!" I screamed, as the world tilted sideways. Everything that was going on is merely a blur to me.
"Give me all your power and you will be rewarded. Or you perish." A cold high voice sounded silkily as I felt long fingers prise my mind open. The unnatural coldness made me shudder as I felt my mind give way.
"Aut! Aut! Listen to us!" I heard the screams of the girls. Nebulae was still trapped in my fiery cyclone but I could feel the magic already draining. This creature, whatever it is was close to succeeding.
"Take our hands! We'll fight together! Please, don't let him win!" I grabbed the outstretched hands blindly, my body numb and aching all over from the strain. My magic was slowly fading, my body slowly combusting into ashes. I was dying, just like a glorious phoenix. Maybe death will stop the pain, permanently. What a relief.
My eyelids drooped, my hand fell limply to the side as I sagged, surrendering to the Dark Lord, letting him take over my mind. The cries of the girls slowly faded as I drifted into unconsciousness..
The world was pitch black. I was weightless, drifting between life and death. Then I saw it. A spark of gold.
"Be strong, Autumn." My mother walked out from the light. Her caramel hair flowed behind her gracefully and she looked surreal. Like an angel.
"We're so proud of you. Keep fighting, remember that the Dark Lord is facing the exact same pain as you." Dad winked at me as I hugged them both tightly.
"Where am I?" I asked. "Why should the Dark Lord be facing pain? I surrendered. I let him take over my power."
"And that's what makes the difference. You're strong, Autumn, and you are surrounded by love. Love overpowers every magic there is, and Lord Voldemort, quite the contrary, feels none of it. The love of your friends and your willingness to sacrifice has casted an unbelievable spell, reversing the possession. This is the mind of Lord Voldemort, where there lies nothing but darkness." I glanced around me.
"And lust for power." Dad added as I felt a spark of greed.
"But why are you here?" I asked, holding onto their images desperately.
"Because, honey, we live inside you all the time. We will always be there for you, in your heart. Now you should get out of here and fight." Dad stroked my hair and pushed me away.
"I love you." I whispered as I caught a fleeting image of their smiles. I will fight for those I love, I thought as the world focused sharply in front of me.
"Get out of my way, you stupid, worthless coward!" I yelled into Voldemort's face as I summoned my flames. Voldemort staggered slightly as he started smirking.
"Avada kedavra."
The words were out before I could blink. The green spell was coming closer and closer as...
"No!" The girls formed a protective circle around me, pushing me away. They ripped their wands out and started summoning spells, even more focused than before. They were glowing with red aura, so blinding and powerful. Was I being delirious?
Voldemort had a sneer on his face as he deflected every spell with ease. Jets of green ricocheted off the walls and I knew in my heart that we couldn't kill him.
Summoning the last of my strength, I flourished my wand and got the words out before I even registered it.
"Ipsum dolor"
Voldemort screamed in agony as he fought the spell. I knew this will not last.
"Grab my hand!" I told the girls as at the corner of my eye, I saw Nebulae, burnt and windswept stumble towards us, his wand at the ready. A pity he broke the cage but we were going. I saw his mouth open. And the words formed.
"Now!" And I turned, flames surrounding us once more as I pictured our destination with as much clarity as I can, focusing the hardest I could.
The air compressed around us and I glimpsed the landscapes flash past in a blur. Then a magical resistance.
"Come on, I don't care! Open!" I shouted through the roaring flames. I concentrated all my will on the barrier but this time, something else responded. It was a tingling presence in my heart that gave me extra strength. My parents' love.
Soon, I felt the barrier groaning under the magical force and gave way. Stumbling, I released the girls and looked up to face a magnificent castle.
Hogwarts. We're safe.

Flames ( HP Fire Series #1)
FanfictionWe all know that the Marunders wreak havoc. But what about their female counterpart in Beauxbatons? Autumn Rivers, Rosalil Evans, Hazel Washington and Aurora Jones have captured quite the impression similar to the Marunders at Beauxbatons. When prov...