23. The Ultimate Wand

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Autumn's p.o.v.

"Will darling, I'm back!" I announced in a sickly sweet voice. 

"Hey, princess. I missed you." He wrapped me in his arms and I chuckled.

"Me too but I'm starving. Maybe dinner first?" I suggested.

"Okay, whatever." We sat down together as I revised the plan in my head. It was pretty much doable.

"Flames! You're finally back. I had to put up with Sirius here whining like a love-sick puppy all afternoon." James strolled downstairs.

"Hey, I am not lovesick!" Sirius complained.

"Well, who exactly are you in love with? Have you kissed?" I asked teasingly. He blushed a furious red and shookhis head indignantly.

"Aww, is our Sirius in love already?! Tell us, who is it? Are you two close?" Mum asked excitedly.

"Okay, fine! You guys are nosy. We're pretty much friends and I like her a lot but she couldn't possibly like me." He mumbled softly. 

"Any names?" I asked, my voice getting sharp. I winced at the harsh tone but dismissed it quickly as nobody noticed. I must be getting overprotective.

"No!" He said firmly and piled his plate with food. James watched, clearly amused as he kept flashing me stealthy winks. What in the hell was he planning?

"Anyway, did you have a good time at the Evans'?" Sirius asked as I shrugged.

"Well, we talked and plotted a prank together. And...yes! We had tons of things to eat." I smiled a little at the mention of Mrs Evans' delicately prepared snacks. "And, yeah, we had quite a quiet afternoon bonding."

"Did you see Lily?" James asked eagerly as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get your hopes up too high. She kinda glared at me and stomped away. Have you offended her in any way?" I stole a glance at Sirius who was grinning widely.

"No...I...her..." James stammered guiltily as Dad smirked.

"I see you have acted as a hopeless romantic. Why when I met your Mum, I..." Dad trailed off in a series of cheesy memories as I gagged.

"Sounds a lot like Autumn and Will. 'I missed you, princess.'" James mimicked and Sirius made kissing faces. 

"We do not sound or look like that!" I complained as I felt the little urge of the spell again. Damn!

"He wants you to kiss him and demonstrate." I pressed my lips upon him, smelling the usual waft of Amortentia and turned triumphantly.

"There! We are much more graceful!" 

"As you say." James and Sirius shook their heads and I detected a look of pain in Sirius'eyes. Was something wrong?


"Mistress! It's time!" A voice woke me from my dreams. I opened my eyes to see Blaze perching on my nightstand.

"You back hunting already? Well, let's get moving." I murmured quietly, tiptoeing into Nebulae's room. 

"I need you to enter his mind." I told the spell. "Control him to remain on his bed."

The spell agreed readily and soon, a magical field was around Nebulae's sleeping form, casted by the eager for revenge spell. Good.

"You're not getting away." I snarled, calling upon my anger and brandishing a rope from the flames. The lamps flickered with the pure energy radiated but I didn't care. 

"Bound the monster as tight as you can. Restrain any attempts of escape." I ordered in the language of the phoenixes, watching the ropes pull in place. With a satisfied smirk, I turned in a whirl of flames and materialized in front of Rose's house. 

The street was quiet with a few screeches of the owls. My enhanced phoenix senses told me no traces of magic were to be found in this area at this time. The air was still, the lamps emitting a soft comforting glow. I gave a sweet musical cry, the signal to the other girls, waiting as they scrambled in sight. "Come on, grab my arm." I whispered. I turned again, leaving the area behind with no more noise than a gust of wind. 

"Are we there?" Haz whispered as we trudged silently on the grounds. 

"A couple more steps. The entrance is at the place Rose and I hid during our first day." I said, my senses guiding me through the pitch black darkness. The castle felt magical, giving out forces of power that was oddly comforting to me. It was in stark contrast to the emptiness of the muggle neighborhood where Rose lives.

"Here." I said, stepping in front of the stone statue. "But how do we open it?" I summoned a small glow of fire, illuminating lines of words.

 "But how do we open it?" I summoned a small glow of fire, illuminating lines of words

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"Great power lies beyond. Only the worthy will survive." I whispered, tracing the engravings carefully.

"This place radiates a magical field more powerful and older than most. But how do I open the entrance?" I murmured softly.

"Maybe you could channel a bit of your magic, Aut? It might work." Haz said.

"You aren't seriously suggesting me to blow this apart, are you?" I said, raising me hand to call on the spirit of fire.

"Come on, can't you be less aggressive? Just an indication to let the entrance identify you. Resonate your magic with the barrier's." Haz slapped her forehead in exasperation.

"Alright, I get it." I grumbled, putting my palm on the stone statue. I reached deep down into my core, drawing threads of pure energy to bind with the ancient magic. The old stone statue creaked slightly and my palm glowed, a small spark, and then as bright as a supernova. The castle shook but I held tight, fighting my magic past the ancient strong power. Slowly, the magic inside me leaked out, building up on the foundation, layer by layer. It hummed in time with my magic, both powers merging in a phantasmagoria of colours. I was filled with adrenaline, exhilaration pumping through my veins as I was tested to the limit. It had been damn long since I had the time to release everything. All my bottled up emotions combined with my magic, power coursing through the stone entrance. The engravings glowed like golden cats' eyes against the darkness. Nearly there. Cracks snaked across the structure as I heard gasps of shock from the girls.

"It needs blood." I said, gritting my teeth as I fought to keep the entrance open.

"A tribute!" I urged as Ro pulled out her wand and slashed open her skin. A drop. Two drops? Three drops? I looked upwards in astonishment as the girls smiled at me encouragingly.

"We'll do it together. As a team." I nodded, newfound strength enabling me to force the door open completely and the light died down. Dust that had been flickering about settled down peacefully, revealing a pitch black doorway.

"We did it." I swayed slightly with exertion. 

"Come on, let's go." The girls supported me as I limped into the darkness. Sure, the maze was full of unknown and horror but I'm contented and damn thankful to have the girls as the brightest lamps guiding me ahead. I couldn't have even opened the entrance without them.  I'm sure about one thing in the face of danger: no form of magic can ever defeat the power of friendship.

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