10. Detention and a group prank

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Aurora's p.o.v.

"Oh honeys, come in." We knocked on her office's door grumpily. 

"There you are! Today, you'll be testing potions, oh no, not by wands, dears." She added when I reached for my wand.

What?! My jaws dropped with shock. This is going to kill us. 

"So as I was saying, some of these potions have been trampled with and I've had trouble distinguishing them. So, my dears, would you be so kind to taste them for the effects?" She smiled her sickly sweet smile.

"Wands please." I crashed my wand into her palm, scowling. "Oops." I faked an apologetic smile as my wand grazed her hand, hard. Rose and Hazel looked at me with astonishment. I was usually sweet-tempered but this lady just got on my nerves. Autumn simply glared, her eyes ablaze.

"Well, start now, dears."

Two hours of potion tasting made me feel weak. I sampled horrid 'Depressing Potions' that made me sob and shudder as it was overdone, 'Vomiting Potions' that made me retch slugs... Throwing the potion into the bin, I spluttered slugs all over the potions lab, purposely spitting some onto the unsuspecting professor who was clearly enjoying herself. 

Over the room, Rose wasn't doing very good. She spitted white foam from her mouth, breathlessly clawing at the walls. Outraged, Autumn who was looking feverish stumbled and put her hand on Rose's chest. Panting slightly, I thanked god when Rose groaned, sitting up carefully.

Meanwhile, I glanced at Hazel who swallowed a faulty potion, making her danced and jumped like an idiot. In her trance, she literally bounced towards doll-face and kissed her on both cheeks. Ew, that was disgusting.

Then, she turned into a kitten, into human again, and into a dinosaur that scared living hell out of me.

Finally, two hours was up. Rolling our eyes, we dragged our heavy feet, feeling really sick upstairs.

"Should we...umm, you know, go to the Hospital Wing?" Rose looked really unwell as Autumn's magic slowly faded because of her own strength depleting.

I was just opening my mouth to reply when out of the blue, Rose's eyes rolled and she fainted straight.

"Take her to the nurse!" Autumn shouted. "Come on, help me with her!" Together, we lifted Rose gingerly and hurried to the Hospital Wing.

"Oh my...what's the matter?!" A sleepy looking nurse looked in alarm at Rose who was already starting to choke.

Hazel was crying and I sniffed softly.

"She's sick!" Autumn exclaimed while the nurse tended to Rose.

"My my, potion poisoning. What the hell were you girls doing?" The nurse rubbed her head once Rose got more stable.

"Erm..." Autumn hesitated. I knew what we were all thinking. We didn't want to look like giving in to Professor Valentina, at the same time, unsure of what excuse to come up with.

I decided to make a bold move. "We were practising for potions when I added the wrong ingredients and the potion exploded in her face! She fell unconscious and we were so scared."

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