Chapter 01: Wrought with fever

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*This story was written for a contest on webnovel. So at anytime I may stop updating it here.*

Chapter 01: Fever

    Magic filled the air along with medicine teasing the senses. A thick fog swallowed the room in the bitter herbal smell.

    "Has my daughter not gotten any better?" Duke Cadarvic's irate voice ground with his teeth.

    "Forgive me Duke, this fever is too strange. This one needs more time." The healer spoke in trepidation as she bowed her head.


    "How many days have passed? How much time must be afforded?" Senselessly Duke Cadarvic grit the broken mirror in his palm, blood fell to the pristine wooden floors lined with lilac carpet.

    "How many apologies must I hear before an answer is given!" He roared, cracking the floor at his feet with fire as ice filled the cracks, chilling the room.

    Advertently the magic stopped at the other end, near the edge of the canopy bed curtained with lilac waves of silk.

    Flowing with a cool gentle breeze, for just a moment a child with crystal beads of sweat rolling down her pale face was revealed. Then swiftly the curtains fell.

    The usual gentle Duke had never been so scary, not since he married the Duchess which calmed his nature.

    Today was deja vu for the old servants, and a warning for the new. The Duke is still the Duke, one must not be too careful. One must not forget propriety.

    The healer stilled in fright as the Duke walked past her with powerful strides, blood trailing behind him.

    "Leave." He ordered.

    So she did. Relieved her head still remained attached, the healer closed the door on her way out.

    Duke Cadarvic sat at the edge of the bed. Concern was wrinkled on his brows, forming a heartwrenching smile on his thin lips.

    Gently, he caressed his daughter's sweat soaked skin. "My darling princess, please. Won't you wake up for daddy? The king yearns for his princess to smile."

    He stiffened when his daughter began coughing. She hadn't woken up but she suffered nonetheless. He turned her on the side so she wouldn't choke as he rubbed her back.

    Duke Cadarvic laid down next to his daughter wrought with fever, tucking them both in as exhaustion dragged his head to the pillows.

    He'd barely had any sleep for the past three days. Not since his princess had abruptly become ill while playing around in the yard.

    She'd been fine one moment, running around with her elder brother as she raced him with her new pet. Yet then, in the next moment she'd fallen off the nightingale pup, heaving for air as she tried to breathe.

    Three days have passed and still she remains unconscious.

    He kissed her mahogany colored hair, "My darling princess doesn't need a prince, when her king's right here, so all will be well." He kissed her again as he repeated over and over, "All will be well, all will be well."

    Dampening the pillow, the Duke's wet lashes glistened with tears as exhaustion lulled him to sleep. If only he could take his daughter's place.

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