Chapter 14: You're not so bad after all.

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Chapter 14: You're not so bad after all.

Partially destroyed, the culinary market was a mess.

The cobblestone streets were cracked, ripped apart as the layer of earth underneath was revealed. Buildings around the epicenter were missing walls, their roofs caving in with scattered tile all along the streets. Even the strong towering center piece of the market, that sprawling redwood fence hadn't been spared. Barely standing as it drooped twistedly, with just a small storm, none would be surprised if it'd collapse indefinitely.

Those of the market, business owners mainly, couldn't bear to look any longer. Long had their heads fallen to their hands in dismay.

So much for the heightened profit margins. Not only had the competition been ruined, but the money made would swiftly run dry simply to fix this mess.

The next few months was to be hard for most. Luckily Pete and Kelly weren't that affected. Simply a few damaged furniture and wasted food was nothing to them.

Sitting to the side, rubbing her shoulders to warm, Kelly's concern huffed into the chilling air. "I hope she's fine. I couldn't bear it if she were hurt."

Putting down the broom, Pete took a seat. Placing his hand on her shoulder, his touch soothed Kelly's nerves.

"I'm sure she's okay. Perhaps more then okay and is enjoying herself." Pete laughed heartily, moving his hands animatedly as he continued. "Alicia's not like a normal kid, after all. Remember how she talked down that gator, five times her size?"

Kelly's lips opened into a toothy grin, nodding while suppressing a gut busting laugh. Back way before Alicia had begun helping them judge, Kelly and Pete had taken a wrong step into the wilderness.

On second thought, wrong doesn't fit the description at all. Weird would take its place. Proudly they might add as truly, the following situation could only be described, as particularly weird.

Curiosity was a fire, as like moths, Pete and Kelly looked at each strangely at the sounds of a child. Beyond the travelers path, into the woods and near a body of running water, was where the sound led to.

Coming into view, this was their first encounter with the child, Lady Alicia Cadarvic. Of course they hadn't a clue of her status at the time, staring wide eyed ahead in shock.

"Just because you are bigger than I, does not give you the grounds to dare eat my food. I laid claim way before your scaly butt slithered your way here." Alicia irritably argued. In her line of sight was a huge crocodile. 609 cm in length. A massive size of 20 feet.

"Hey, don't snort at me! You know fully well what I say is true you shameless reptile!" Almost ignorant of how much larger this beast was to her, she spoke domineeringly with glaring eyes.

Heart freezing growls left the beast's throat, shifting its massive head to the water, which half its body was submerged in. It glanced back with squinted eyes, snarling low and threateningly.

"What do you mean this lake is yours? This isn't even a lake, it's a darn stream." She laughed amusingly.

"What's your name?"

Alicia looked strangely at the beast, baffled she asked. "Bilbert? What kinda a name is that? Who names themselves Bilbert?"

Ignoring the crocodile's heated glares, she fisted her side and pointed out. "Well Bilbert, I don't see that name written anywhere. Nor do I see it on my food. Dare you still say this is yours?"

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