Chapter 09 : Did I just kill a man?

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Chapter 09 : Did I just kill a man?

    Fires raged, wood cracked, the house couldn't handle the pressure anymore and fell to the ground.

    A girl hid in the shadows, covering her ears as she shook her head in denial.

    She refused to hear the screams filling the night air, refused to see the swords clashing, blood staining their metal as the moon shined so peacefully.

    Rose covered her mouth as she tried not to scream. Witnessing her family slaughtered as her home vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

    God Lumen is merciless. Smoke carried away her dreams and aspirations. Leaving behind nothing but dust and choking reality.

    If Lumen is the god of light, the god of all that is just, then why? She prayed to him, she was faithful and never strayed from the path.

    Yet her god slowly ripped her heart to pieces, gifting her fear and anguish as they gripped her throat, knocking her to the ground into painful gasps.

    "I have to get away," she hoarsely whispered. Thanking her luck in having gotten this far as she calmed her breathing, glancing once more upon her home.

    It was hard to look away but she had to. Retreating into the dark step by step, still refusing to advert her gaze.

    That was until she bumped into a wall of flesh, its chest rumbling with evil laughter, caressing her skin with chills.

    "Hello there little rabbit. Where do you think you're going?"

    In horror Rose turned around, facing her god's merciless reply.

    Ember's sparked, fire reflected in Rose's eyes as she blinked away her childhood nightmares. Living in her current nightmare, those times were her only solace.

    "Baroness." A maid lowered her head, her lifeless eyes reflecting nothing as she spoke. "The baron is in trouble."

    Rose's hand which had been stocking the fire stilled. Her head lowered in thought.

    Soon she stood up, straightening her gown as she grunted in acknowledgement.

    "Let us go see."

* * *

    "Careful miss." Alicia wanted to give her family staff a round of applause.

    Their acting was very good, 5 star award winning as they truly looked worried for her, despite knowing she herself was putting on a show.

    To the staffs' dismay, Alicia didn't know it was actually her own acting which deserved the reward.

    Emotions were balancing on a highwire the moment they caught sight of red. It became even worse with the appearance of her neck.

    Their young miss's skin would differ between the shades of creamy white and a lite bark beige. After tanning, in a few days, it'd often change back to its liter companion, like it is now.

    Thanks to this the mark was glaringly obvious as it stung their eyes with guilt. Why had they agreed to this foolish idea? Now their miss was injured!

    Over ambitious, seemingly blinded by the inhumanity before her eyes and her conscious pricking her with needles, Alicia's age had perhaps slipped her mind and taken a trip to the mountains.

    She herself would be the first to admit, this was an overly ambitious idea.

    After all, her family's staff was human too.

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