Chapter 21: Silver Erlik, Smells like Sunlight.

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Chapter 21: Silver Erlik, Smells like Sunlight.

It was a particularly restless yet quiet night throughout Eumus's grand forest.

Stretching miles across the land, swirling naturally around ranges, ravines, mountains, rivers- creeping into the borderlands, slowly dying out into withered vegetation. This magnificent world of beasts and nature's brilliant might inhabited most of the land's myths and legends. Even birthing the heroic tales of heroism which circles the holy city's own unscarable gentlemen's knight, Duke Von Cadarvic.

As always, the nights within this grand forest were wrapped in knitted blankets of darkness, barely allowing any moonlight through the towering trees.

"Haa, haa, haa..." A man ran along the barely visible detritus paths. His breathing was labored in exhaustion as his large frame nimbly sliced through the darkness.

"Just how far will they chase? Dammit... this was a terrible idea." Though no one was there to hear, his rantings spilled from his lips, slowing down his pace momentarily.

Slicing through the same darkness, a large beast covered in transparent scales revealing the inner workings of its body, lunged at the man.

It did not let this man's moment of respite go unpunished.

He barely managed to avoid the creature, yet not enough to be unscathed. It's claws, sharp and merciless gashed his side wide open. He grunted in agony as he tumbled down a sloped hillside.

A gust of wind pushed through the gaps between the beast, dancing down the slope through the ankle high grass and beyond the trees.

The pack of beasts came to a glaring halt, nearly meeting the same fate as the man.

A break through the crown of trees allowed rays of moonlight to illuminate these otherworldly and elegant beasts. Their appearances like wingless dragons were ominous. Those cloudy eyes reflected not a single trace of soul, as if they had long been dead.

"Haump, haump." Gasping on air, the man could only curl himself inward, holding tight to the bleeding hole in his side.

His silvery hair twinkled in the moonlight. Obstructing its glimmer, patches of red stained his lovely hair which scattered across his back, resting over his shoulder, and webbing out along the ground. His broad body laid there helpless, soaked in his own blood, his bronze skin wrapped in wounds from every visible part of him.

Those beasts, as if blinded by the open expanse, moved their large heads back and forth, their paws testing their lack of ground, refusing to budge from the cliff side.

Unable to hold the excess weight, dirt broke from the vegetation's roots, sliding the beasts down the slope. As if unaware, the beasts did not attempt to move, continuing to swish their heads back and forth, their ears twitching ever so slightly.

One of ten, the first to set foot upon the ground, stiffened. Immediately its head pointed towards the man who still hadn't moved. With a roar it lunged.

And in that moment, the instant the man turned his head, looking straight inside of the beast's mouth, a shadow swept over him taking the beast with it.


The sounds of crunching follows a gulp. Dropping his head back to the ground, his vision was blinded by a large leg covered in fur.

Standing above the man a dragon covered in black fur just finished off one of the beasts, gulping it down.

"Tasty," The dragon hummed in approval.

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