Chapter 23: The abnormal Villain, just what is wrong with him⁈

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Chapter 23: The abnormal Villain, just what is wrong with him⁈

Alicia woke up in a daze. Glancing around the room, she saw the morning light gently glimmering off the hardwood floor, brightening her lilac carpet, which had silenced the nocturnal plants back into their buds.

These special plants that acted as if natural lamps were purchased by her brother Huen as a gift. These plants were quite expensive as they had to be brought in from outside of Eumus, but Alicia did not know of this. But she did know they weren't indigenous to the area.

She knew of this because within the game version of the novel a feature existed that allowed players to create their own homes, decorating them to their hearts' content. As such, she'd used these plants as decoratives before.

She had spent hours decorating her home, even forgetting the main purpose of the game itself, solely focusing only on her home. She'd even have multiple accounts so she could have different houses.

After all, within the game, this feature allowed you to settle your home in any of the four kingdoms. Each area allows different options, or freer reign on what could be done to each home. You could even settle within the borderlands if your character's race was Kuhron.

So what if you had to change races to set up home in the borderlands? Just because it was against the games preset settings, did not mean a thing to curious players.

There were always those players that tried to break the game, cheating the system as they attempt to settle in the borderlands despite not possessing the Kuhron races genes. Unsurprisingly they managed to do it.

Perhaps this was because the game handed out too much freedom to the players. That and the game was a little too loose with restrictions. Along with its multiple glitches and bugs.

Because of the software kinks some managed to do it. But ultimately they soon regretted it. As was said, the game was buggy, but that didn't mean it was forgiving.

Normally once you'd log off the time within the game freezes and doesn't reach the next day until you send your character to sleep. Or stand around doing nothing. Even if you were in town time would continue to move.

But this is where the bug comes to play. Those players that tried to trick the system woke up to find that time had passed and their character had been killed in their home with all experience lost. They couldn't even return to a checkpoint.

Even if they perform the same trick and they continue playing the game, the player would mysteriously get ambushed by Kuhrons and die. Not only would they die, the Kuhrons would then drag the dead player back to the borderlands and burn them along with the house.

It was quite the mysterious bug. And it was the reason the game never got an online release, an MMORPG version so to say. Or at least that was what the players posting on the forums speculated.

"I'm- in my room? How odd. Just a dream?" She could fully recall that she'd fallen asleep at the villain's bed side, tending to his wounds with little to no sleep.

Ridiculous right? Had her immovable stubborn heart performed a triple flip? Had she accomplished a good deed?!

Okay, don't start doubting her now. Put down the 'fake news' cue cards and hear her out. She hadn't by all means done that for charity purposes, alright? There were reasons. Very good reasons she might add, but it was best to count them down in order.

So sitting up Alicia curled straight her index finger.

First off, her son and nephew betrayed her! Against her who had only gained back level one magic, her dragon and wolf duo was too strong. Forced against her will, she had no choice but to drag the man- seriously she had to literally drag his big butt inside as he was too heavy.

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