Chapter 24: Come on, let me look at your wounds.

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Chapter 24: Come on, let me look at your wounds.

Alicia was beginning to think that perhaps the Villain had brain damage. He did have two terribly high fevers. The highest had reached 110°F, while the other was 108°F. Both are high enough to cook the brain and cause death.

She was seriously beginning to worry now. 'I did want you to leave me alone, but not like this! Please just be a mood swing.'

"Hey come on, let me see your wounds, did they reopen? I can't help if you don't let me." She looked over her shoulder and called out. "Bubbles, Ash, do you smell blood?"

Ash trotted out of Alicia's shadow. Bubbles heavy footed his way over, shaking off the water as he did. Both sniffed the air and replied at the same time.

"No Mom/Aunty, I don't smell any blood."

With their words her tensed muscles somewhat soothed. But she could not be completely worry free. What if he had internal bleeding? Those two couldn't possibly smell it then!

Wait, why was she beginning to feel real worry for him? He's the Villain and a main contributor to the story that would initiate progress to be made. With this knowledge shouldn't it be impossible for him to die so soon?

Thinking up to this point her muscles soothed even more but still not enough to mean she was completely relaxed. Subconsciously she knew her thoughts meant nothing in the face of reality.

Even though she now knew her life was taking place in a story, her first years of life had already solidified this world as reality. Hence she separated the story book characters from the people she'd grown up with.

To those she saw as people, her arms were open, welcoming them into her life. To those she knew as characters, her arms were firmly shut, unwilling to let them anywhere near her heart.

Yet even though she'd done this, subconsciously she can't help but blur the lines, like she'd done with her cousin, Cedric. Even if she herself is unaware, what was done has already been done, what has started is quite difficult to end.

Unbending her legs she stood back up as she bent her waist. Reaching out both of her hands palm up she spoke the same way she did to Krad when they first met.

"Alright you big fellow, if you aren't hurt give me your hands and let's stand up, okay? Ash, go stand behind him to make sure he doesn't fall backwards."

Ash complied with a nod. This formed a doting smile on Alicia's lips as she looked back down at the Villain. There was line after line of tear tracks on his bronze face making it difficult to tell if he was still crying. Still she felt quite fidgety regardless.

Silver didn't hesitate as he put both his hands in hers. His hands are twice the length of her own and just as wide. His four fingers swallowed her small wrist as his palm took up the whole space of her hand.

Carefully she helped him up. As she did this, her eyes moved back and forth between his face and the area on his left abdomen. The Villain was wearing thin white clothes which would work in her favor. No matter how small the amount, she had no doubt she'd be able to spot any blood. So far, not a drop of red could be seen.

Relieved that he was now on his feet, Alicia carefully escorted him inside.

"Wait for me Aunty! I wanna go too!" Bubbles whined as he jumped up and down shaking the ground violently.

Alicia rolled her eyes and indulgently called out. "Alright alright you big oaf, calm down and come here."

Alicia reached out her arm beckoning him over. Full of joy Bubbles roared as blueish magic with traces of green glittered around his large body. Soon his body the size of a barn shrank.

Mr.Villain Please Go Away [Under Heavy Revision]Where stories live. Discover now