Chapter 5

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Violet Ankamah's POV.

"Khyri, I am begging you! Please don't do that!" I yell trying to snap my oldest brother out of his daze.

He continues walking to the front door, jacket in hand and shoes on his feet, as if he doesn't hear me pleading with him.

"Nah, I warned that bastard about what would happen if he messed with my baby sister. The little bitch didn't listen. Now he is going to learn what happens." Khyri says with a shrug.

"Jayden, talk to him!" I say in attempt to reason with my other brother.

But he also looks ready to beat my ex fiancé to shit! His fists are balled up and his whole face is red, the vein in his neck throbbing as he runs around, looking for his shoes.

Te'Ariya stands in-between me and her husband.

"Please baby. Listen to your sister. Think about how it can affect your job. Think about her job too! What will it look like if her fiancé is rolled into her hospital and it is because of her big brother. Come on Khy." She says looking up at him.

The man is so angry that his eyes have gone red.

Khyri is normally so calm. The voice of reason.

So seeing him this angry scares the shit out of me.

But seeing the fear on mine and his wife's face, must be what is bringing him off of his high.

Khyri walks up to me, grabbing me into a big hug, resting his chin on my head and rubbing my back soothingly.

He pulls back and looks into my face.

"You are not going to work tomorrow" he tells me.

I shake my head, feeling myself choke up at the tender look on his face.

"I have to." I croak.

"I'm the head of surgery. I have responsibilities. I can't just leave my doctors, especially my junior doctors" I say to him.

He nods understandingly.

"Fine, but you have to let me and Jayden look after you tomorrow. You know that?" he asks.

I nod, relenting.

A breakup is never easy.

And given what my brothers know to be my 'destructive habits' I'm not shocked that they aren't letting me get away.

Khyri leans forwards and kisses my forehead.

Jayden walks up to us and kisses my cheek, hugging me to his chest tightly.

"That bastard doesn't deserve you, sweetheart." He tells me gently.

I feel tears well up in my eyes for what must be the fifth time tonight, and once again, I push them down.

They do not need to see me cry.

The last time they saw me cry was 17 years ago. And the reason for me crying was dealt with so harshly that I promised myself never to cry like that in front of my brothers again, in fear of what they would do to the person that had hurt me, in response.

My mother leads me to sit on the couch, with my dad who also gives me a hug. After a while though, he excuses himself to go and 'make a call', taking Khyri with him.

For the rest of the night, the rest of my family sit on the couch with me, my mother stuffing my face with red velvet cake and Jayden cuddling me like my life is dependent on it.

By the end of the night, I feel a lot better. I go home with a tonne of takeaway food and I drive home, feeling a little better.

I drive to my house and as soon as I step inside, I sigh, exhausted.

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