Chapter 12

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Violet Ankamah's POV.

Father God, if you're listening...

Just take me home, right now.

Because if you don't.

I might just kill this man, I'm a surgeon, and I know where to cut, just to make sure it will be slow and painful.

"Get out of here before I lose my shit with you. I have been entirely too patient with your trifling ass. " I say, my eyes staring down my ex fiancé.

I don't know who let this fool in, but he is in my damn office, with a bunch of beautiful roses.

Everyone who knows me, knows that sunflowers are my favourite.

He clearly does not know me.

What a waste of agriculture.

"But Violet, I-"

"Leave" I insist.

"Leave before I put my hands on you" I threaten.

He looks at me in shock.

I've never put hands on him in my life.

But after getting my ass kicked for 7 years straight back in the day, I learned to fight for myself.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, as I feel my eyes go red with anger.

I take the trait from my father and it never. Ends. Well.

I stand up from my seat and I crack my knuckles, stretching.

"It has been nearly 3 weeks, I need you! And you know you need me too" Zahair tells me.

I pinch the bridge of my nose harder.

Don't kill him Violet.

Do NOT end this man's life.

Your pristine floor will get dirty and your white jacket will be stained with useless blood.

"Zahair, you have 5 seconds to get out of my sight or I swear on everything that I love excluding God, that I will fuck you all the way up in this office" I spit.

He looks down at me and gulps.

I hold up my hand.

"5..." I start, putting a finger down.

"Violet" he says.

"4" I interrupted, continuing.

"Listen to me!" He says.

His tone irks me.

He wants control.

Well we can't all have what we want.

"3" I say, balling up my free fist.

Zahair grabs my wrist.

In shock, I stop counting.

I look at his hand, then back to him again.

He has the audacity to touch me.

God, I am going to kill this man.

I snatch the roses from him, ready to beat the shit out of him with them, thorns and all, when a knock sounds at my door.

We both look at the door.

"Come in" I say, trying to drag my wrist away, but this fool of a man holds on.

At least if there's a witness I won't kill him right away.

The door opens and in steps a tall, dark skinned man.

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