Chapter 11

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Orion Miller's POV.

"Aaliyah, what were you thinking running off like that?" I ask, gripping the wheel as I drive.

My heart rate has only just slowed down.

I continue driving, taking a turn on the road.

"I asked you if I could stay and look at the stuff and you said 'Mhm'. By the time I turned around you were gone, so I came to look for you. I couldn't find you so I kept looking and I ran into the nice lady" She says, in a small voice.

She hardly ever gets in trouble with me, so I know she feels bad.

My heart does a drop.

I must have been so absent minded that I didn't even notice her question.

I was wrong. And as her parent, I need to apologise, so she knows that not everything is her fault.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. But if we go somewhere and this happens, I need you to stay put. I'll never just leave you in a store yourself. You're lucky you found Violet. But not everyone is as kind as her" I tell my daughter, thinking back to how kind she was to my daughter and my heart skips.

I shake it off.

"I'm sorry for running off dad. It won't happen again. Pinky promise" she says, sticking out her tiny pinky.

I chuckle, not even feeling angry or disappointed with her anymore.

Eyes on the road, I hold out my pinky to her and she links hers around mine.

We let go and soon enough, we are in front of her mother's house.

I help her out of her seat belt and I come around the car to pick her up.

As soon as I open the car door, she zips past me and she runs through her mother's front lawn, up the patio.

She knocks on the door and I follow after her.

^^ Trinity Chu

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^^ Trinity Chu.

Trinity smiles and looks down to our kid, smiling brightly.

"Hey baby girl. You look pretty! Did dad do ya hair for you?" she asks, catching sight of me behind Aaliyah.

Aaliyah smiles.

"Yes, mommy, he did." She says.

"Did you say thank him?" Trinity asks.

Aaliyah nods.

"Alright. Let me talk to dad. Josiah is inside the kitchen, go find him," Trinity says.

Aaliyah wriggles out of her grasp and immediately rushes into the house.

I chuckle and I hold out a plastic bag.

"I got the baking stuff that you asked for." I tell her.

"She smiles warmly. Thanks. You want to stay for a drink?" she asks, pointing inside.

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