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" Mom! Where will I put this one?" A little girl asked her mother who is cooking food. The mother slowly tilts her head to face her daughter with a warm smile.

" In my room, dear." She answered, her daughter then nod before entering the room putting the thing down, and returns to the kitchen to watch her mother cook. She adores her mom that much, even if they are the only ones living in the mansion without any relatives she can't leave her mom alone. She don't know her father's appearance nor didn't even see and talk to him.

Her mother can't even tell her where he is, she really wanted to know about her father. But she don't want to ask her mother cause she knew her question can't be answered.

" (Y/N)? Are you okay?" Her mother asked making her nod with a smile. She didn't say anything after that and watched her mother cooked. Now that she is eight years old, she grew up without a father. She is not angry about him, cause Y/N can't easily show anger unless it makes her angry. She sighed before facing the table, she really wanted to ask for the third time. She then faced her mother's back and prepared to get an answer.

" Mom, can you tell what's my father's appearance?" She asked making her mother stopped for a second and didn't say anything. She then continued cooking not even saying anything making Y/N sighed softly for her not to hear it. Again, her mother didn't say any word about her father. She was disappointed and sad, for eight years she didn't hear her mother spoke about him.

" I'm sorry I can't right now, Y/N. Please understand." Her mother said with a sad voice, making Y/N smiled and nod her head. The same answer from the same question, that's what Y/N thought but she understand her mother. Hearing from the sad voice escape from her

Y/N knew that her mother was really not ready.

Their dinner was quiet for Y/N, but it's not new to her. Every time she asks a question about her father, her mother becomes silent while silently eating. Seeing her act like that, Y/N feels guilty for asking a question. But she just also didn't say anything and silently ate her food. After eating Y/N smiled at her mother before leaving and entering her room.

Her mother sadly watch Y/N going to her room, she was also guilty for not telling her about her father. She really wanted to tell Y/N but she doesn't know if she can do that without breaking down.

While Y/N entered her room she laid down in her bed while facing the ceiling. The place they were staying is big, also some of their neighbors respected Y/N and her mother that much. Every time Y/N went out everyone greets her with a gentle smile, she didn't even felt being hated not at all. She just sighed and stand up, she keep on thinking for an hour. Also, the whole place is quiet it means her mother is asleep now.

She slowly opened the door and quietly sneaked outside. It's dark but the only light is the moon, Y/N can see the stars up the sky with the moon illuminating all the surroundings. She smiled and settled down while still staring at the stars, If she could travel just to find her father Y'N is happy to do it. But she can't just leave her mother behind, also she knew she can't even let her travel.

Y/N then leaned her back to the wall and started humming a song. But she got interrupted when a sound of branch getting got snapped making her look behind the bushes. Yes, it's dark but her eyesight is sharp to see everything. She saw a man standing beside the tree, but she can't familiarize it. But something makes her tremble, the eyes of the man are crimson red and scary. She slowly stands up and hurriedly enters the house locking the door. But before she does that she saw a shadow in front of the door with a voice that scares her the most.

" You can't run from me." She hurriedly ran towards where her mother was, but she saw her holding a sword with worried eyes.

" Y/N! Where did you go? I keep finding you." Her mother said with a worried and scared voice. They heard the door broke open making her mother pulled Y/N somewhere. They went to a room and she pushed Y/N to the closet while kneeling to face her daughter.

" Listen to me Y/N, don't ever get out in here also hold this." She said while giving something to Y/N it was a wisteria's scent so that Muzan can't smell Y/N.

" But Mom, hide with me," Y/N said as she started crying, her Mom smiled gently and kissed her forehead before closing the closet.

" Sorry, Mom needs to protect you. Just don't go out." That's the word Y/N heard before her mother left her.

Like her mother said Y/N didn't get out, patiently waiting for her mother to return. She can't hear anything, not even a thud or a sound. It felt like they are all sleeping, she wanted to go out but her body froze when she saw the man entering the room where she was hiding. Y/N can see him from the small opening of the closet. She covered her mouth trying not to gasp, tears started to roll down in her eyes when she saw the man's hand full of blood together with his cheeks got splattered with it.

She flinched when her eyes met his crimson eyes, but he avoided his gaze and started walking away. Y/N didn't move for a minute before dashing out to find her mother. She followed the trail of blood and she stopped. There she saw her mother lying, she hurriedly approach her while holding her mother's head-hugging her.

" M-mom." She utters a word while shaking, her mother slowly opened her eyes and smiled as she saw her daughter.

" Y/'re father is such a strong person and a brave one to protect us from demons." Her mother said gently with a smile that was full of love and admiration.

" D-don't talk, I'll call help," Y/N said but her mother shook her head and grabbed Y/N's hand.

" You got your father's eyes, kind, beautiful, and lovely. I'm sorry I can't tell a word about him. I just don't want to remember him cause it will only hurt me."

" N-no, I understand. Don't say sorry Mom." Y/N answered, she wanted to call help but her mother can't let her go.

" I'm happy, I can see him already. Y/N promise me to not change, always be kind, and smile to at others. Don't hate the demons, pity them." Her mother said while caressing Y/N's cheeks. " I don't want you to feel hatred and suffer, can you do that?" She asked making Y/N sob and nod. Her mother smiled widely before closing her eyes and her hands fell.

Y/N already knew her Mom is already gone, she cried loudly and hugged her mother not daring to let her go.

" I'm sorry, I'm late." A voice said making Y/N let go of her mother and face the man who spoke. The man was tall, but he is young and also blind. He was holding an ax not a sword like the one her mother was holding. She cried again as the young man approached Y/N and hug her. " Let's make a burial for your mom." He whispered not letting her go.


The young man decided to take Y/N with him in the demon slayer corps. He can't just leave a young girl alone in the house. He then tilt his head to look at her, Y/N was sadly following her but her eyes didn't lose hope. When they arrived in the demon slayer corps, the young man took Y/N to where the master was staying.

" How's your mission, my child?" Y/N raised her head to see a man in front of them, yet his voice made her comfortable.

" I failed to protect this young girl's mother, Oyakata-sama. I am deeply sorry." Y/N faced the man who is kneeling with tears on his face. Y/N was shocked but also lowered her head to stop her tears.

" This girl might be her daughter. Come here, young girl." The person in front of us said Y/N faced the young man and he nod. She then approach the man who they called Oyakata-sama. " What's your name?"

" (L/N), (F/N)" Y/N replied, making the man smile and tapped her head.

" I see, you're his daughter, Gyomie, I'll adopt this young girl." He said making Y/N widen her eyes, the man just smiled at her.

" I understand, Oyakata-sama. Then, I will go now. I'll see you again young girl." The young man said before leaving us. Oyakata-sama then hugged Y/N.

" I know this is sudden, and I'm sorry for the lost of your mother." Y/N didn't say anything and tears started to fell in her eyes. " From now on, you're name will be Ubuyashiki Y/N."


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