Chapter 4

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Y/N's POVOne year had already passed, that time I keep on training, trying to cut the boulder but failed and trained again. I keep on doing the same actions, now that I'm already standing in front of the boulder while holding my sword. For one year I didn't even cut it, but now I trained myself more. I will cut the boulder this time, if not then I will train again.

I breathed out as I close my eyes, focus all my breathing, and attacked like water. Urokodaki-san keeps on telling me that, I can feel the wind swinging my hair. As I open my eyes I didn't hesitate to aim at the boulder. I swung my sword forcibly while focusing on my breathing. For one year I didn't give up, now I will not hold back anymore.

I felt nothing when I cut the boulder, making me land down and raise my head to look at the boulder. My eyes widened when I saw it got cut into two, I was frozen on spot. I just can't believe that I cut the boulder. I slowly stand up still facing the boulder not even avoiding my eyes at it. I then felt a tap on my head and I saw Urokodaki-san beside me.

" Well done Y/n-sama." He said gently making me smile and nod as tears fell in my eyes. I was happy that I finally completed every training and like Urokodaki-san said I only trained for one year. I was expecting that I will finish my training in two years but I think I was wrong.

" Now time to go back and prepare yourself for the final selection." He said and started walking, I just followed him and didn't say anything. I had nearly forgotten that the final selection was held every year at Mt. Fujikasane. Now that I will finally join the final selection, my heart can't stop beating from nervousness.

" Y/n!" I snapped out when I heard Makomo call my name. I saw her waving her hands while smiling at me, I smiled before I approached them. I was surprised when she tackled me into a hug. " You already passed the training! I'm happy for you!" She said making me giggle at her.

" Thank you Makomo, and I'm sure you will pass also the three of you," I said making her nod, I then stared at the two boys swinging their wooden swords. I remembered doing that also.

" Please survive in the final selection. We will be waiting." Makomo said, I nod before leaving her to clean myself. After cleaning myself Urokodaki-san suddenly called me. He then give me a fox mask so I grabbed it with a smile.

" Wear that, also make sure to return." He said, I nod before putting it to my head not wearing it yet.

" I will Urokodaki-san and thank you for everything," I said before with a smile he then nod for me to start going, Mt. Fujikasane is far from here so I need to go there earlier. I then bid goodbye to Urokodaki-san before approaching Sabito and the others.

" I will be going then, guys. I promise to come back." I said, the two boys stopped swinging their swords as they faced me.

" You're going already?" Giyuu asked making me nod my head.

" I need to be early," I replied, Sabito just hummed in response before tapping my shoulder with a grin.

" Better come back Y/N!" I smiled at his statement before nodding. After that I decided to leave already, Urokodaki-san gave me one last reminder that I should not feel afraid of the demons that I will be facing. And I should be prepared to kill them without hesitating.

*****It was already night when I arrived at the mountain, the place was full of a wisteria trees. No wonder they called it a place of Wisteria, and the mountaintop was filled with demons that were trapped because of the trees. I can see some of the participants also standing while waiting, but my attention went to a certain person. It was the boy I saw one year ago, the boy who had beautiful hair and eyes.

" Good evening participants." I smiled when I saw my two sisters who were standing in front of us. " Time to start the final selection, all you need is to survive in seven days." They said in unison, they then faced me before nodding making me just smile at them.

After they explain everything, the final selection started. All of the participants started running to the mountaintop where the demons were trapped. I also joined them but all of us went on our own. While running my keen eyes saw a demon I pulled my sword and waited for the demon to come at me.

" Breath of Water, First form: Water Surface Slice." I didn't hesitate and cut his head making his body crumble. I sighed, first kill for the first day. I then started running again, killing demons on the way. My keen eyes are also helping me a lot to see the demon's movements. I gasped when a sudden attack went on me making me jump and landed on the tree branch.

" You easily avoided that?" A rough voice asked, I didn't say anything but smiled while facing the demon below. He then jump towards me but I jump down avoiding him, when I landed down I gripped my sword and dashed towards him.

" Second form: Water wheel." I then cut its head while spinning before landing down and continued running. I killed five demons but I already knew that some morphed demon will appear. I slowly stopped when my eyes saw the yellow-haired boy defeating the three demons he encountered. I was amazed by his technique, and he easily killed his three opponents in just one attack.

He then put his sword back to its sheath before facing me, his serious face turned into a big smile when he saw me. His eyes were really beautiful and this is the first time I saw him near me. He was taller than me and also some part of his hair was tied.

" You're the girl I saw last year right?" He asked cheerfully making me nod my head and smile, so he was a cheerful type. " I'm Rengoku Kyojuro." He continued while extending his hand, he is the son of the flame pillar. I gladly accept his hand while shaking it.

" Ubuyashiki Y/N," I replied with a smile also, his eyes widened a little before pulling his hand and bowed down.

" My apologies, Y/n-sama I didn't know you were Oyakata-sama's daughter." He said while still bowing, I just laugh nervously.

" N-no, please raise your head Rengoku. Don't be too formal, I'm fine if you fall me by my name." I said making him raise his head still smiling.

" I see! Then I'll call you Y/N." He said before grinning making my heart suddenly thumped. " I'll be going first, see you later Y/N!" He said before running while waving his hand. When he finally left, I also continued running in the opposite direction. While I keep on running, I notice some dead bodies of the participants. I feel sad for them, they did their best to train for the final selection but now they got killed by the demons. It's only the first day of the selection but some of us were killed already.

I wonder how many participants will survive in this selection. I knew some of us were using the others as the bait just to escape, I hate people like that the most. I stopped and avoided a demon who appeared in front of me but I easily defeated it. I keep on encountering normal demons today, it was a good start. I didn't even let myself injured.

But I can't let my guard down, I still have six days left to kill demons. I don't know if I will encounter lots of normal demons or even a morphed one. So I need to prepare myself, Urokodaki-san told me that day one will be easy but as the days passed by it will be hard.

All we need is to survive in this selection for seven days. If you are strong you can survive if you are weak you will die. That's what they always said to me but I don't agree with that. A weak can survive if they use their head and have determination. I can't tell if I'm strong or weak, not just me but the other participants. But I believe that if you train hard you will become strong.

I will survive this selection, I promised my family, my master, and my friends. I can't just waste everything, I still need to avenge my parents and also work for Oyakata-sama as a gratitude for everything he has done for me. And to become a pillar like my father.


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