Chapter 1

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It's been two years since my mother's death and becoming part of the Ubuyashiki estate. I also learned everything about demons, demon slayers, and their swords. I focused on studying in the past years and now it's time for me to train, to become a demon slayer also. Oyakata-sama told me that I should learn water breathing from Urokodaki-san, he is a former pillar and I feel grateful to be trained by him. Also, he mentioned that my father was trained by Urokodaki-san.

Also, Gyomie-san sometimes trains me to swing swords for me to be ready. I need to train for two years before the final selection will be held. I sighed while facing my closet, I don't even know what to pack in my bag. I just kept on staring at it for almost twenty minutes, the clothes were too precious that they need to be left here. I only have one day to spent time here cause tomorrow Urokodaki-san will come and get me.

I heard a soft chuckle making me turn my face and saw Amane, Oyakata-sama's wife, and my adoptive mother. She entered while scanning the clothes in my bed that was thrown or become messy. Amane-san was so kind and sometimes her strict attitude comes out. I just laugh awkwardly while facing her.

" Why can't you just pack it all, Y/N." She said gently while pulling one of my kimono and cleanly fixed it before putting it in the bag. I sat on my bed while facing her with a smile.

" I can't, you made them for me. I'm afraid to rip them apart if my training will start." I said, she just hummed in response but keep on putting my other kimono inside of the bag. But I was shocked when I noticed that she already packed all of my clothes leaving nothing in my closet. " Moth-"

" You need them all, Y/N. I can still make clothes while waiting for you to return." She said with a smile, I didn't say anything and nod. I already knew I can't argue with her, she always win anyway. I feel bad for letting her knit our clothes for us, I already had enough clothes to take. I opened my mouth to talk but she shushed me using her finger. " Don't feel bad, I always tell you not to worry. It's better to knit than to buy clothes."

I just smiled, she really can't stand buying one kimono, I will really miss her that much. Even if my biological mom died, she become my next mother. I'll miss my room too, I'll miss everything in here.

" Urokodaki-sama will come later, why not let's eat before you go Y/N." Mother said making me nod, she then bid goodbye to call my other siblings. When she already left, I laid on my bed enjoy relaxing. Oyakata-sama mentioned something about Urokodaki-san being strict and stern person. I can already imagine my situation tomorrow, training hard. But I'm so excited to train already, I can't wait.


" Nee-chan, please take care of yourself," Kiriya said while smiling at me, I nod and smiled back. They wanted to set me off, so I can't disagree with that. Oyakata-sama was also standing with them. Kuina approached me and gave me a wisteria bracelet making me thanked her.

" We will wait for you, nee-chan," Kanata said, making me hug her, I faced the older twins who is facing me with a smile.

" See you in the Final Selection, nee-chan." They both said making me also smile and nod. Mother tightly hugged me not even daring to let go.

" Always take care of yourself and make sure to come back." She said with a sad voice, I nod while hugging her back. We then pulled away, before I face Oyakata-sama.

" Sakonji, please look after my daughter and make her strong." He said with a smile making Urokodaki-san nod and bowed to show him respect. " Also, Y/N we will wait for you."

" I'll make sure to come back Oya- Father. We're going now, see you after two years!" I said and waved my hands before following Urokodaki-san, I'm still happy that I spent lunch with all of them. We didn't yet leave the whole estate so I can still meet some of the demon slayers who are passing by. I stopped when I heard a sound of a wooden sword being used, there I saw a boy around my age swinging a wooden sword hitting something. His hair was beautiful, yellow with a red streak on the tip of his hair. He suddenly stopped and faced me, my eyes widened a little when I met his beautiful golden orbs. He suddenly smiled widely while waving his hands at me.

" Y/N-sama." I flinched when I heard Urokodaki-san spoke, I then faced the boy, I smiled before bowing, and then leave him to follow Urokodaki-san. After minutes of walking, the whole demon slayer estate can't be seen anymore it means we left the place. I then stared at Urokodaki-san's back, I was shocked when I saw him wearing a mask. Also, he is not that talkative. He suddenly stopped making me also stopped.

" Y/N-sama, your training starts right now. Run with me so we can easily arrive." He said before running, I was confused but when I saw him run I also did the same. But geez, he was so fast making me also increased my pace. My bag is also hindering me, that's why I hate putting too many clothes on it. Also, I didn't expect him to run like this.

We keep on running until we arrived in his place. I kneeled as I started panting, I didn't even realize that it's getting dark already. But at least I manage to follow him, I heard the door opened and I saw two boys appeared with a girl with them. One boy had peach color hair, with a scar on one cheek, the other boy had black hair with deep blue eyes, and lastly, the girl who is also having black hair with indigo eyes.

" Makomo, can you get her bag and put it inside." The peach-haired boy said making the girl grabbed my bag with a smile before entering the house. I stand up, I didn't know Urokodaki-san had more people to train.

" Y/N-sama, follow me," Urokodaki-san said making me follow him, I then heard the black hair boy mumbled a piece of good luck on me making me face him. The peach hair boy nod with a small smile before pulling the other one inside the house.

" Uhm, Urokodaki-san? Are you also training them?" I asked, he didn't say anything but keep ongoing.

" They are still studying about demon slayers." He replied, I just hummed in response. It means they didn't yet start training, so I will be the first one to train, I guess. He then stopped and I also did the same, it took us a minute before finally arriving in this forest.

" This will be your last test before training, Y/N-sama. Find a way to back until morning, if you failed to come back then you will go back to the Ubuyashiki estate." He said, I blinked my eyes, did I heard him right? Before I open my mouth to speak, he suddenly disappeared. Eh!? Is he serious?

I then observed the surrounding, the whole forest was full of fog. I just sighed and closed my eyes to relax and make myself focus. I then re-opened my eyes and started running without stopping. Thanks to my keen eyes, I can see what's in front of me. I suddenly step on something and I sense a big tree coming after me. I use my reflexes to avoid it, but I used too much forced making me stumbled down.

I never knew there was a trap in this forest! I need to be careful or else I will die without even noticing and if I got injured and slow myself. I will never go back down and Urokodaki-san will not accept me. I can't just let this opportunity escape, I even have the chance to train with a former pillar. A person who misses that chance is an idiot. I sighed and stand up, I still have more hours before morning. All I need to do is focus my keen eyes and be alert in the traps.

This training will improve my reflexes also for me to improve my eyes. I can't just waste these eyes of mine, without these then maybe I got hit by that tree and get unconscious. Urokodaki-san really prepared this for me, and it's tricky. I started observing again, but the fogs can't let me use my eyes. I just ignored it and keep on running, I need to let myself get used to the fog and also this humid air that the forest give.

It's hard to breathe but I can't just give up, I need to keep on moving forward. My father is a water pillar and I knew he also trained like this before, that's why I ain't give up. I can get down to this forest, even if I reach my limits.


Chappy 1 is done, I hope you will like this chapter.

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