Chapter 16

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Four years had passed already, and lots of things happened. I become the a pillar together with Giyuu, at first I was confused about having two demon slayers who can use the same breath and becoming a pillar but Oyakata-sama maked me the Sun pillar. Though I should use Water Pillar when I'm outside to hide my original pillar name. I don't know why Oyakata-sama want me to be called as the water pillar but I can't just ignore his orders.

Still the other pillars called me the Sun Pillar, and the other demon slayers called me a water pillar together with Giyuu. Sadly, Kanae-san died in one mission and Shinobu replaced her as the insect pillar. Three more pillars was promoted and I'm happy that Oyakata-sama gathered lots of us.

I started leaving in my own estate also, Amane-san didn't liked the idea at first but she don't have a choice. Pillars had their own estate for them to train or train their own Tsugoku. She also insist on giving me some of the servants and of course I can't argue about that.

Kyojuro and I also had a strong friendship but my feelings was also getting stronger. I tried in confessing in that four years but I can't even do it cause I'm afraid.

The little girl whom I saved becomes my Tsugoku her name is Ayano, in four years I teached her everything. She will  be my successor in the Sun Breathing but she can't use the thirteen forms, she's capable to do five. Still I'm happy she can use all the Water breathing form. Also she is still an emotionless person.

" Y/N-sama, Rengoku-sama is waiting for you." Ayano said making me smiled and thanked her. We have a mission together, and because we are a pillar we can partner up to each other.

" Ayano, you also have a mission with Mitsuri right?" I asked making her nod. " Please take care and don't be careless." She nods for the second time making me sighed, I really want to remove  her emotionless face.

I then went out and saw Kyojuro standing while leaning his back. My heart started to thump when I saw his handsome face. We are already reach our twenties and he really change a lot, he grew taller than before and also her hair get longer. Some of her hair was tied in the back leaving some of it. I smiled when our eyes met each other making him also smile.

" Sorry did I make you wait?" I asked making him shook his head with a grin before ruffeling my hair.

" I just came here, now time to go!" He said cheefully making me giggle and nod. I blushed a little when he grabbed my hand enterwining it with his hand. We are not even a couple but why is he holding my hand?? I didn't said anything and just let him cause I'm so flustered to say anything.

We arrived to our destination, it was a wealthy place and our mission for today is to find the reason why lots of peoples vanished every night. Kyojuro and I separated to make it easier for us to find it. I started walking normally with the lots of people also walking. This place really is crowded and I can see lots of food stall in the way.

Some of the childrens are playing games to win a price. Maybe a festival was held in here, also it's getting dark yet it's still crowded. No wonder lots of people vanished cause they even noticed that they are getting targeted by a demon. I stopped walking when I saw a familiar blonde hair standing in the crowd who are watching something.

" Kyojuro, why are you here?" I asked as I approached him, he faced me with a happy and excited face making me tiptoed to check that thing he is watching. I just sighed when I caught a sumo wrestling event and I forgot Kyojuro loves watching games like that.

" So did you find a something?" He  asked seriously as he watched the game. I then shook my head before turning my back, I'm not really fond in watching sumo wrestling.

" No, It seems they are hiding well. Maybe we will face a lower demon." I said as he humned, he then smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked away to the crowd. We decided to wait at the roof and keep in watch till we find a demon.

"  There's  a chance we will meet a lower demon or worse an upper moon one." He replied seriously while staring at the  crowd getting lesser and lesser. I didn't said anything, Kyojuro is usually serious when it comes to mission. But he is right, Oyakata-sama ordered us to go in the mission together it means we will going to face two lower moons or even an upper moon.

Two hours had passed and it's already quiet, yet we can't find any demon so we decided to separate again to silently investigate. I started checking some of the houses to sense a demon's aura but failed and moved to the next house, and still nothing. I sighed, maybe this mission will take one day before finding the demon.

I continued walking, this is the fifth time for me to hardly pinpoint a demon. I gasped when I heard a scream of a male making me dashed towards it, it was near so I arrived fast enough. There I saw a demon holding a man, I didn't hesitate and cut his hand before pulling the man and backing away.

I then pulled my sword and point at the dmeon, it was a normal demon, so I used the first form using the water breath and cut his neck making it crumble. I then faced the man who is trembling in fear making me smile and kneel down.

" You're safe now."

" T-thank you but there are still demon lurking around." He said making me widen my eyes, but I sense Kyojuro around fighting some and like he said my keen eyes saw three demons standing in the roof. I then stand up and clenched my sword.

" Stay here and don't move." I seriously said before dashing towards them, one demon attacked me but I avoided it and cut his head before blocking the other one's attack as he pushed me. I backed away and use a force in my feet to jump towards the  it. " Breath of water, Third Form: Flowing Dance." I then swinged my sword and successfully cut his head. I landed down to approach the man, I can't just leave him alone or else another demon will take a chance to devour him.

I then heard a chuckle making as the last demon appeared. I'm not surprised meeting a lower moon demon, also his number is four. Why do they keep on appearing and appearing anyway?

" So there are two demon slayers in here. But I guess number three will handle him while I'll kill you." He said with a smile, so Kyojuro is also facing a lower moon. It means there are two lower moons staying in here and they are the reason why the lots of people vanished. I was shocked when he suddenly appeared infront of me with a sword made of blood but I blocked it. So his demon art technique is blood and he can make a blade with it.

" What a rare ability right?" I gently asked with a smile, like Shinobu always do to the demons. He then chuckled and I knew he will do something making me use my fast reflexes and flip back to avoid it. My keen eyes saw his next move, he can also make his blood bent to injure me but I fastly avoided it.

" Fast reflexes huh. But will you avoid my next attack?" He asked as he used another his blood to create small blades. He then snap his finger as the blades fastly went towards me. I jumped but the daggers followed me making me run while destroying some of them. But I get tired in avoiding it so I clenched my sword anr fucosed my breathings.

" Fourth form: Striking Tide." I twist my body making a consecutive attack to destroy the blade and also to cut his neck but I was amazed he managed to use blocked it using his blood, though his neck was cut deeply and it will take time for him to regenerate. He then glared at me as he keep on using lots of attack  making me avoid it and destroy it.

" You guys kill her!" He then yelled and another normal demons came as the lower moon started running away making me sighed. I feel thankful that I'm going to face and lower moon, also I don't know but why is he running away instead in fighting me. I just sighed, I'm not even using my full strength. Is he really an lower moon demon?


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