Chapter 34

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This will be the last day of the pillar training, lots of things had happen. Including Sanemi-san and Tanjiro's fight that ends at evening, all of us started scolding Tanjiro that time also Himejima-san forbid him to meet Sanemi-san again. Geez, that two can't really get along especially Sanemi-san.

" Y/N-sama, your father called you." I slowly turned my head and saw Oyakata-sama's kasugaigarasu. I was confused on why is he here but him calling me politely it means Oyakata-sama wanted to talk privately. I then nod and stand up before going out. Kyojuro was in the flame estate, and because the sun was still up he can't go out and need to stay inside.

Oyakata-sama's kasugaigarasu landes in my shoulder without saying anything. I also just shut my mouth and silently went towards the Ubuyashiki estates. When I arrived I didn't hesitate and entered, Oyakata-sama's room is a little bit far so I walked a little bit before arriving. I then knocked the door before sliding it open and entered.

" Oyaka-Father you called me here?" I asked, seeing his state hurts me, he looks so weak now. Amane-san then tapped the space besides her making me sit down.

" I'm happy to see you again, Y/N." He said while raising his hand, I smiled and held his warm hand. " Let's have one last talk." He continued making me furrowed my eyebrows, what does he mean one last talk?

" What do you mean father?" I asked in a little bit worried and sad voice, I don't know what he mean but I feel bad about it. He then cupped my face using the other one with a gentle smile.

" Kibutsuji Muzan might appear and I decided to be a bait to slow him down while all of you will stop him." I was shocked, I don't still yet understand what he is saying but I don't want him to be a bait. I shook my head while staring at him worriedly. " Y/N, listen to me. It was the only choice to do, also I don't have much time. You're my adopted child, my first child. I want you to survive in this battle and take care of Kiriya for me."

" B-but I don't want you to die in that way father." Amane-san then tapped my back making me face her, she was smiling sadly.

" Y/N, listen to your father. It's the only way." She whispered, I didn't said anything and just hugged Oyakata-sama. I don't want to argue, it was already planned and I can't do anything about it.

" Also stay here until night Y/N, I have something important to tell you, it may not help you solving the history of your family but I hope you will listen to me." I pulled away when he spoke making me sat down properly to hear it from him.
" I finally found the book and also thanks to Tamayo, she told me that she already met the first person who can use the Sun Breath. He had a  mark in his face like Tanjiro-kun, also some of the books told me that the both of you are related to each other."

" Me and Tanjiro?" I asked making him nod, I didn't said anything and placed my index finger to my chin. Well both of us is capable in using the Breath of the sun, also both of us are trying to figure out on why can we use it. " I understand, it's still a mystery for me but thank you for telling me Father." I continued making him smile and nod.

It's already night and like Oyakata-sama said I stayed, but for now I started hiding in one of the tree far away from the mansion. The battle will start today, father had a very strong instinct. He can predict the future, I clenched my hand as I wait for the explosion. Only me, Himejima-san and Tamayo-san knew the plan.

While waiting the past started to popped in my head, my happy days with Oyakata-sama and Amane-san. I still can't accept that they will be the bait for today, and now tears cascade in my eyes. I can sense Muzan already, and I bet everyone sensed him also. I then pulled my sword as I wiped my tears before preparing myself.

The mansion already exploded, but I endured the pain of losing another parents who took care of me. I didn't stop from running, and there I saw Tamayo san holding Muzan back. My eyes widened when I saw the familiar eyes that I saw years ago, the demon who killed my mother. I clenched my sword and dashed towards him, Himejima-san appeared also, as he cut his head while I cut Tamayo-san's arms that was stuck in Muzan's stomach before pulling her away.

But Muzan didn't crumbled down when Himejima-san cut his head. Father was right, no matter how many times you will cut it he will not die. The only thing that will kill him is the sun, that means is we only have to restrain him till the sun comes up. Both Himejima-san and I dashed towards him but got stopped when a vine with torns attacked us making me block it.

I then heard Sanemi-san's loud voice together with the others. Himejima-san then told them that the demon infront of us is Muzan and then Tanjiro yelled it's name. I backed away before holding my sword tight.

" Breath of the Sun, twelve form: Flame Dance!" I used all of my strenght to appear infront of him while swinging my sword but I got stopped with the attacked he used to use making me wince in pain. Our eyes then met making him widen his eyes a little.

" You're familiar." He said, remembering the death of my mother and also Oyakata-sama and Amane-san makes my blood boil.

" You killed my mother! Make Oyakata-sama and Amane-san a decoy and lastly turning Kyojuro into a demon!" I angrily yelled, this is my first time feeling this so much rage inside of me. All us attacked him but before we approach him the ground below us opened making us all fell down.

I landed down inside making me observe the place, it seems like we are inside of a house but I can feel the intense aura while I'm inside. Also all of us separated, the door beside me opened revealing lots of demons making me backed away and swinged my sword. I was shocked when lots of them keep on appearing.

" Breath of the Sun, First form: Dance!" I then forcely swinged my sword eliminating all of the femon infront of me. After killing all of them I started running again opening all of the door, but still lot's of them are keep on appearing. " Geez, give me a break."

I then used the second for of the Sun breath making me spin my body creating a strong circle attack. I sighed, but didn't stop in running, but where is Kyojuro? Does he also fighting a demon? But I'm sure he is okay. I saw a bird with a talisman in his body, that crow it's Kiriya's crow. Now that he is also moving, I should meet everyone and stop Muzan or else my promise to Oyakata-sama will not be fullfilled.


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