Chapter 24

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Giyuu and I were silently walking in the road going to the village in the south. I'm used in not talking to much when Giyuu is my partner  also I don't want to talk either. I'm still healing from my heartbreak and I can't easily wipe it away. Also I'm wearing Kyojuro's haori, if I wear it, it feels like Kyojuro is with me.

Well our mission for today is the usual, hunting a demon who is staying in the village. Demons always do something like that, it's not surprising any more. I then sighed softly, I don't want to hate them but they are slowly making me hate them.

" Why don't you just hate them." Giyuu suddenly blurted out making me face him. He was facing forward seriously and emotionlessly, I just smiled as I look up at the sky.

" Well, maybe I should try hating them." I said softly, Giyuu didn't said anything making me just smiled before facing forward. I maybe said that I will hate them but still why do I pity them? Demons are once humans whose hearts got consumed by evil or they want to erase  their humanities to make their life more better.

But can they really make their life better? They kill humans which makes them their enemies and also they are surviving like us. That's why I always pitied them, they are also suffering like us. But some of them are just enjoying killing humans and I don't want to pity them anymore. I will find the demon who killed Kyojuro and also my mother. I will make them pay for getting them away from me.

" Y/N-sama were here." I snapped out when Kai suddenly landed in my shoulders. I forgot, Giyuu's kasugaigarasu is old that he can't even help Giyuu in directions. I smiled as rubbed his wings before thanking him.

" Giyuu, let's separate for a while." I said, his face turned into a  worried one but I give him a reasurring smile making him sighed and nod before disappearing infront of me. Thankfully the people didn't see him, so I also started walking in my direction while observing.

The village is not that wealthy but it sure does lively. I remember Kyojuro likes to visit village like this. I shook my head, why am I thingking him this time? I should focus in my mission, but I guess this village have lots of things for me to remember Kyojuro. I smiled bitterly, even if I'm fine my heart can't still stop longing for him.

I stopped when I noticed some boy eating a cooked sweet potatoe, Kyojuro also loved eating that and I remember cooking some for him. Again, something made me remember the past. I decided not to look around anymore, it will only hurt me everytime I remember Kyojuro.

It's already midnight and everyone is already asleep. The moon is also shining everything so it's easier for me to find a demon, I wonder Giyuu is also waiting for it. I feel bad in letting the two of us work alone but I really wanted to be alone in this mission for a while. I know Giyuu is worried but he understood me so easily. Well he also did the same thing when we had a mission together, that time he let himself really injured.

My eyes then widened when I saw a demon who just entered in one of the house making me dashed towards it. The problem is the house is so far to me, I saw the demon jumped away from the house while carrying a girl. I clicked my tounge as I pulled my sword before putting force to my feet and jumping towards him.

" Breath of Water, Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust curve." I then appeared infront of him with in a second and forcely stab his arms making him let go of the girl so I catch her before I pulled my sword away from him and landed down the ground.

" How dare you intertupt me from my own food!" When we both landed down he started yelling at me but I just ignored him and gently leaned the girl down from the wall. I just can't leave her alone or else that demon will take the chance to get her again. " Ignoring me huh!?" He then dashed towards me with his sharp claws and also some of his hand increased. I then sighed while I stared at him seriosly.

" Breath of the Sun, First Form: Dance." I swinged my sword forcely and it cut his head. It was my first time using my other breath earlier than before.  The demon then crumbled down making me returned my sword to it's sheath then carried the girl before putting her back inside their house. She was in deep sleep so she don't feel anything.

I then went out again when I felt lots of demons, it was like before. Demons are increasing, if lots of demons are staying in here that means this village is their territory and the people who are  staying in here is their food. We  shoudl stop them before sunrise will come. I bet Giyuu is also fighting already I can sense his breathing not far from me.

I landed down and started running, I then saw two morphed demon as they  both attacked me making ducked down and avoided them. I don't have time playing with them since we had lots of enemies  in here.

" Breath of the Sun, Second form: Clear Blue sky." I then spins around making a  strong attack and in an instant it cut their head. I didn't stopped and continued running, I can't sense any lower demon or even an upper rank one. It means all of the demon who were staying here are morphed demons and normal ones.

But why does lots of demons are staying in here, they don't have lots of humans to eat. This is not a city, but wait if they are in here it means they are having a competition. The demon that I first killed is rushing so the reason why lots of them are here is to eat their prey first not letting the others to eat first.

Still, there are too many of them. It's like some upper rank one is letting them act like this. But I don't feel any strong aura of an upper moon one. I stopped when a demon appeared but also I didn't hesitate and cut his head. He is not a morphed demon so I can  easily defeat them without even avoiding them.

Also the villagers are in deep sleep, like they can't even hear the clashing sound of us fighting. I then heard an explosion near me and I saw Giyuu who is in the air while cutting a demon's head. He then disappeared so I just ignored him and keep going. I trust Giyuu, he will not hurt himself cause I know he is strong.

" Damn you demon slayers!" A huge morphed demon appeared as he blow a fist in me but I avoided it while cutting his arms.

" I'm sorry but I should finish you right now. I'm busy after all." I said with a smile before preparing my stance to attack. He then give me an irritated look before dashing towards me. " Breath of the Sun, Eighth form: Sunflower thrust." I then swinged my sword gently making a single attack cutting his head.

" Y-you're a pillar." That was the last word he said before he crumbled. I then sighed and placed my sword back to it's sheath. I can still sense a few demons around me, but I guess I need to finish it now. I'm getting tired from always running and meeting lots of demons. I should have used my strongest attack but I can't cause it may harm lots of innocent people around me.


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