Chapter 39

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When I slowly opened my eyes, the person my eyes met was Tanjiro, Nezuko, Giyuu and Urokodaki-san. As I slowly sit up with the help of Giyuu, Nezulo hurriedly tackle me with a hug while happily greeting me, making me giggle for a while.

" Now, now Nezuko. Y/N-san is still recovering." Tanjiro said while slowly pulling Nezuko away. I then started looking around to find a certain yellow haired man inside the room. But failing to find him making my heart thump nervously.

" Rengoku went out to rest." Giyuu said making me smile in relief, I then open my arms making him looked at me confused.

" Come on Giyuu, I want a hug. I just miss my precious friend." I said happily, he blinked his eyes but smiled before slowly approaching me and wrapped his ams around me. I also signaled Urokodaki-san to join the hug together with the two siblings. They didn't hesitate to join the hug, I'm so happy to see them again.

It's sad that Sabito and Makomo are not here but, I knew they are also happily watching us from above. All of us then pulled away and Tanjiro started explaining everything. On what happened when I got unconcious, I was just happily listening to his story, now that Kyojuro and Nezuko became a human together with Tamayo-san and Yushiro he was so really happy.

Of course me too, now thay our enemy is already got defeated everyone is happy. The pillars had one last meeting and also got disbanded. I was sad that all of us are going in our separate ways but Giyuu said that they will still stay and live peacefully together with Kiriya.

" I see, I'm happy that I can still meet all of you." I said with a gentle smile, Tanjiro agreed happily.

" Also, Y/N-san I can perform the final form now!" He said happily making me smile in amazement.

" Ahaha, wow really? That's awesome." I replied, before I continued to speak the door opened revealing a frozen Kyojuro infront of the door. His eyes is not red anymore but his beautiful golden orbs return. I then grinned at him. " Good Morning, Kyojuro."

" Well, I guess we should leave the two of you alone." Urokodaki-san said while ruffeling my head. I then nod still smiling at them, Giyuu also stand up then placed his hand to Kyojuro's shoulder before they totally left us.

" Are you just standing there? Where's my hu-" I was cut when he suddenly tackled me into a hug making giggle as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I can feel his head nuzzles in my shoulder as I played in his hair.

" I'm happy you're awake." He whispered in my ears making me humn in response. I love to feel his warm body close to mine, we slowly pulled away and stared at each other. He slowly cupped my face as he leaned closer to me, his lips then kissed mine making me also kiss back.

He slowly pushed me in the bed as the kissed deepened, I can feel his tounge licked my lips making me open. Kyojuro didn't hesitate and shoved it inside making the kiss turn dominant. But of course he always win, my arms tightened in his neck while soft moans escape in my mouth. His kiss became rougher making me pulled away to breath some air.

I expected for him to stop but instead, he gently tilt my head and started giving kiss in my neck. He then licked it making me tremble, but I whimpered when he bite it and started sucking it.

" Kyojuro~N-not-" I got cut by a soft moan as he just humned in response and lowered down still not letting go of my neck.

The door then got opened making him pulled away while I also stared at the door. I saw all of the pillars who just entered staring at us blankly. My face turned red as I hurriedly stand up pushing Kyokuro gently.

" Ahaha, can you knock before entering?" I asked while feeling so embarassed.

" Oh sorry, I think we disturb something important. We should get back after you gu-"

" No! No!" I yelled still blushing madly.

" Tch, why don't you just do that privately." Sanemi-san said while scratching the back of his head.

" If only you didn't disturb us." Kyojuro mumbled making Sanemi-san glared at him.

" Now, now, we came here to visit Y/N-sama not to argue. Also Rengoku-kun it's not good to make out in here." Himejima-san said while staring at Kyojuro who smiled a little and apologized. " Also Kiriya-sama will visit you later." He continued making me blinked my eyes.

" I see, well I also want to meet him."

" So how are you feeling?" Obanai asked who is standing beside Mitsuri. I just smiled and give him a thumbs up.

" I'm feeling fine, I slept too much. I wanted to get out of here." I said jokingly making Shinobu give a smile but I can feel that she is a little bit angry.

" You still need to recover, Y/N-sama." She replied making me just laugh nervously. Sometimes I can't help but to feel scared when Shinobu is angry while using a smile.

Time really is fast to pass, it's night already. I enjoyed talking to everyone especially when Kiriya visited me. Now I'm feeling tired, I slowly stretched my hand and sighed.

" Y/N, you need to rest." Kyojuro said as he sits beside me and pulled me into a hug. I then leaned my head to his chest carefully hearing his heartbeat.

" Kyojuro." I then called his name making him hummed in response as he played my hair. " I want to visit the place where I was born and raised." I continued, he didn't said anything making me gently pulled away to face him. He then grinned and cupped my face.

" Save that for tomorrow, let's rest." He said as he give a peck in my lips before laying the two of us and pulled the blanket.

" Good night Kyojuro~" I cooed as I kiss his nose making him chuckle and kissed my forehead.

" Good night, my Y/N."


Like Kyojuro said we visited the place where I stayed in my childhood. My heart started to beat fastly when I can see the village near us, I left so many close neighboor for many years and now I came back to see them again. I bet some of them can't believe that I was alive or even happy. Kyojuro gently grabbed my hand as he gave me a smile which I also returned.

I then saw our house but saw a woman cleaning the entrance, I can already familiarized her which maked me smiled warmly.

" Aunt ( random name)." I called her name earning her attention, when she finally noticed me her eyes widened while the broom she is holding fell down. I was a little bit surprised when she dashed towards me while grabbing my shoulder.

" I-is that really you? Y/N-chan!" Aunt (random name) said while crying making me nod and hugged her. She is my father's cousin and also the person who comfort my mom when father died.

" I'm sorry if I didn't visit you for so long." I whispered before pulling back, she just shook her head and started wiping her tears with a smile.

" I really thought you were dead together with ( mother's name)-san. That's why all of us in here were so sad and blame ourselves for not even helping the two of you." She said as she smile sadly but I cupped her face.

" No Aunt, it's not your fault. No one can't be blame in my mother's death." She didn't said anything but smiled, she then noticed Kyojuro besides me then looked at me.

" You should come inside to visit (mother's name)-san's grave." She smiled as she pulled me inside while Kyojuro also followed. I then saw a neatly made grave infront of the house making me kneeled down while placing mother's favorite flower. If I can even move her grave to put it beside father's, but it's  too late now.

" I should call the others, also someone will be really happy when he saw you." Aunt said while going outside, I then stared at Kyojuro making him approach me and kneel down also.

" I should ask your mother that you will be mine forever." He said while grinning making me blush but giggled.

" Well, not just my mother Kyojuro." I teased making him chuckle and give a kiss on my cheek.


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