Chapter 19

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A normal day for everyone, Oyakata-sama decided to give us a day off. I'm sitting from the living room watching Ayano train, she really always train even if we had free time. Well, I don't want to stop her, she is working hard.
A smile formed in my lips when someone hugged me from behind and I already knew who it is. I slowly turned around and met a golden orbs making me giggle and cupped his face. His eyes was really beautiful, cam't stop staring at it.

" Do you have something to do with Ayano?" He asked before smiling, I hummed before staring at Ayano. She faced me before nodding, and I smiled before facing Kyojuro.

" No, why do you asked?" His smile get wider when I replied, he slowly pulled me making me looked at him confused.

" Let's have a date." He grinned making me blush a little but smiled and nod. I then talked to Ayano for a while before totally going outside, Kyojuro then enterwined his hands to mine as we walked down the village near the estate.

Kyojuro told me that they had a festival and also it's the best place for us to have date. I can't stop but to smile as we walk, this will be our first date and I really feel happy about it. Kyojuro's hand then tightened making me face him, he was also smiling.

It didn't take too long before we arrived at the village. Lots of people can be seen enjoying the things they saw. Some of the children are also playing different games. I got excited so I pull Kyojuro towards the second stall. The game was to shoot a ball inside a cup anf if you shoot successfully you will win.

" Oh, young lady want to play?" The owner asked as he gave me three ball, I stared at Kyojuro making him nod as he crossed his arms to watch me. I don't even know how to play this game but let me try. I then throw the ball trying to aim at the cup but fail shooting it. I laughed awkwardly before trying shooting the two remaining ball but failed.

I huffed in annoyance, I'm not good at games like this. I may good at cooking and killing demons but if playing a games like this I suck. I heard Kyojuro chuckled as he ruffled my head and then asked another set of balls. The owner warmly give him three balls, I backed a way a little to watch him shoot. I was amazed he successfully shoot the first ball, but I feel super happy when he shoot all the remaining ball.

" Perfect shoot! Now you will pick a reward for it." The owner said while showing three reward, a teddy bear, a necklace and a kimono. Kyojuro then grabbed my hand as he stared at me with a smile.

" What will you pick?" He asked, I then stared at the three reward infront of me before smiling and pointing at the teddy bear. The owner then happily give it to me with a smile.

" I never thought you are a couple. I hope you will enjoy your day!" He said making me blush at his praise, but I smiled and thanked him. We decided to try another game but before we do it I didn't hesitate to tackle Kyojuro into a hug making him chuckle.

" I love you." I whispered making him wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed my cheeks.

" I love you too Y/N, now time to play another game!" He said before pulling away with a grin. I giggled before nodding as he gently pulled me towards the other stall.

We did so many things in our date and it's already getting late. Now we are sitting in a place where it's not crowded, it was  the only two of us. Also we can see the whole village below us, the light was really beautiful. I then leaned my head to Kyojuro's shoulder as he wrapped his around my shoulder and kissing my head.

" Kyojuro, thank you for today. I really enjoyed it." I said gently while I back away a little to face him. He was also facing me with a smile and then cupped my face.

" Anything for you Y/N." He said before leaning to me, I felt his soft lips attached to mine as I kissed back while wrapping his arms to my waist pulling me closer to him. He then deepened the kiss and I felt his tounge begging for entrance. My heart started beating fastly as I let him, we started fighting in dominance but he won.

The kiss is now passionate and I'm thankful that we are the only person in here. He then gently pulled away for breath some air so we panted. He suddenly chuckled making me blushed as I stared at his golden orbs. I feel so flustered because we just make out in here.

" We should go back, it's already late." He said making me nod shyly, he then grabbed my hand and we started walking back. Less people can be seen and also I can see their happy face making me smile. I bet they also enjoyed like us.

We finally arrived to my estate and I asked Kyojuro to stay for a while. He chuckled when I asked that before agreeing. We met Ayano in the dining area eating alone so we joined her. Kyojuro started talking to Ayano and I smiled when she answered him politely but still emotionless. I softly giggle as I watched them talked, I'm happy that Ayano still wants to talk to someone.

After we ate the servant cleaned the table and I helped them before walking back to see Kyojuro. But he was not in the living room so I have a hunch that he is in my room. And as expected I saw him sitting in the chair while staring at the picture in my table. It was my picture with him two years ago, he noticed me making him faced me with a smile.

" So why are you staring at our picture?" I asked while approaching him, he then pulled me into a hug and wrapped his arms around my waist. I laugh softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck as I faced him.

" Nothing, I just wanted to see it. Also I decided to sleep in here." I blinked while blushing, after all he said he will sleep in here. But I just nod, well it's already late so I bet Senjuro is already asleep.

I then pulled away gently as I approach my closet. I don't know if I have a man's clothes but as I remember I had the clothes Kyojuro lent to me. I smiled when I finally saw it so I gave it to him, he warmly smiled before entering to the bathroom. While me I took that chance to change my clothes also.

After changing Kyojuro also went out fully dressed, I squeled when he pulled me to my bed as he placed the blanket in us. He then placed his hand to my waist, I just smiled and leaned my head to his head carefully hearing his heartbeat. His body is so warm, I really feel comfortable.

" Y/N, I love you." He whispered making me giggle and nuzzle my head to his chest.

" I love you to Kyojuro."


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