Chapter 14

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Another solo mission for me to take, well it's better than staying at home without even training. I feel bad about Amane-san getting worried about me also thanks to Oyakata-sama she convinced her. Well my mission for today is to slain a demon from a village. Some reports says that it always targeted young childrens, also some of the demon slayers who was sent there failed and came back with many injuries. I already knew that the demon who stayed there is strong, that's why I need to be careful.

" Y/N-sama, I can see the village already." Kai said while flying making me nod and fasten my speed. Minutes later I arrived and my eyes widened when I saw the village. It was not that good condition like the other village, I can see some of the childrens playing with clothes that got stitched. Also some of the houses had broken parts and worst destroyed.

As I entered all of them stopped and stared at me, I ignored them and keep on observing the village. How can a demon eat  children who can't even eat delicious food? Some of the children peeked on their house with fear, but one girl grabbed my attention. She was staring at me with an eyes asking for help, I approached the house where they are staying but an old woman stopped me with a smile.

" What can we do for you, young lady?" She asked while tapping the girls head  makint her flinch. I also smiled to the old woman before shaking my head.

" Well, I'm just curious on why lots of childrens stayed in here?" I asked, my instict was telling me that something is wrong to these place. I can see lots of children was staying in one place and also they have  healthy bodies unlike the other childrens I saw  outside who are playing.

" Oh, this is a place of  childrens who got abandoned. They will stay here until someone will adopt them." The old woman said making me humned in response before thangking her and started walking away. But I gave one last stare to the little girl and her eyes was still asking for help. I smiled one last time before totally leaving them.

I know I can't just leave them but I have some plan to save them. I don't know but that old woman is someone dangerous to the young childrens. Also they are the only one who is healthier than the other childrens outside. It means that old woman is using the childrens to feed something. Is it a beast? No it's more dangerous than a beast, then the only thing that devours a human is a demon.

I should really start moving right now, I still have an hour to observe things in this village, before finding the demon. My instict is also telling me that the demon was hiding at the house where that old woman stayed in together with the childrens. And no childrens showed a face like that to me, a begging face to help them.

I sighed and jumped towards the roof where people cannot be seen. I sat down and started watching the villagers walking and some of them are talking to each other. They really don't know what's happening to the childrens, well even if they knew everything they will be killed. Demons is not a picky eater, they devour any human they meet.

I really feel lonely while doing this mission, I'm used in having partners. Now that Kyojuro becomes  a pillar he will be busy and also I heard that he will be a mentor to a young demon slayer girl. I'm happy he became a mentor but I feel sad that he will spent more time to her than to me. I shook my head, what am I thingking in the middle of my mission.

Giyuu is also had a solo mission, we only partner up twice but after that he always wants a solo mission. I think he will become a pillar first, but if he become the water pillar then I'm not going to become a pillar. After all one person should become a pillar, geez why am I worrying about it. I should stop thingking abou it, need to fucos on my mission.

Night already came and also all of the people already entered to their houses. Yet still I didn't sense a demon, my keen eyes can't also even catch some. All I can see is lights in the villagers house, some of them are also eating. I stand up and jumped down before walking towards the path for me to start moving again.

Night sure is peaceful to everyone, but of course not peaceful for us demon slayers. But why is the demon not showing itself, I knew they are  good at hiding but my eyes can't even find them. Did they already find out that there is a demon slayer in here, still even if I'm here that didn't stop them to hunt their prey.

I felt a strong aura making me clicked my tounge and grabbed my sword before dashing towards it. I forgot about the place where I met the old  woman together with that young  girl who is asking for help. I can sense that a demon was really staying there, when I'm near enough I didn't hesitate to break in. I stopped, I can see lights but I didn't see the childrens.

An attack suddenly went towards me making me blocked it while I got pushed away forcely. I used  my second form, both force was strong making the house explode. I back away before landing towards the ground, there I saw a lower demon girl and her  long hair was holding two girls and one of them is the girl I met earlier.

" Hmm, another human interupt me in my dinner. I told to my grandmother to not interupt, I feel sad that she died." She said while wiping the blood in her face, I then saw the old woman's body in the ground with so much blood on it. So in the end the demon killed her, and worst I'll face and lower moon one. My eyes then met the girl with tears in her eyes as she stared at me. Again she was begging for help making me stand up and sighed.

" Breath of Water, Third Form: Flowing dance."  I fastly dashed towards her and swinged my sword but my eyes widened when she suddenly disappeared. I sense her behind me making me blocked his attack and I got  pushed away again, her hair really is strong.

" They sent another weakling to me. I wonder if you will fail again like the others." She said coldly while facing me, I didn't said anything and sighed.

" Let them go." I said as I point the two childrens she is holding with her hair, she then chuckled before facing ma again.

" Don't be stupid, this two sisters had a marechi blood. I can't waste them so why not give up and go back." She said before using an attack to me, I ducked down and cut her hair before dashing towards her but I got blocked by her hair. I tried cutting them but it keep on coming towards me. I'm getting enough of her hair, I then backed away before I clench my sword.

" Breath of Water, Sixth Form: Whirlpool." I twist my body as I spin around cutting all of her hair that keep on attacking me before dashing towards her and swinging  my sword but she managed to avoid it only earning a cut on her cheeks. I whine in disappointment before backing away, I saw her lick the blood that roll down on her lips.

" Hmm, you're the only one who mananged to get through in my attack." She said and stared in my eyes making me smile and thanked her. Well like I always when I met a demon I keep on showing my kind side to them.

" I should save them." I said as I point to the two childrens and dashed towards her. The lower demon smirked and I was shocked when a strands of her hair wrapped around my body making me stop from moving.

" I'm a lower moon. I'm afraid you can't save them." She chuckled while her hair pulled the other girl near her and licked her face. I tried moving but I wince in pain when her her cuts my wrist together with some parth of my body. " I use my Demon art technique, one you move your body will be torn off."

Another troublesome technique of a demon, I should find a way to get free in here  before that demon will kill them. But everytime I move her hair cut my skin deeper, I can't even move my hands. I then heard the girl scream in pain making me look at  them, my eyes widened when the demon bite the girls arm.

" No don't kill my sister!" The girl that I saw earlier yelled while struggeling to get away. I also forcely moved my hand ignoring the pain in my wrist. The scream started to get louder making me yelled at the demon.

" No! Spare them!" I yelled earning the demon's attention but she suddenly smiled at me.

" Too late." I felt my world stop  when she bite the girl's head and started eating her body. The other girl started screaming and crying loudly. I can't move, my body just froze but I can feel my body trembling in angry. I just let a girl died infront of me without even saving her. The demon then chuckled again making me glared at her.

" I will really kill you." I felt my body boil and my body started to feel hot. Without realizing I cut the demon's hair and I didn't even feel the pain while getting free to her hair. All I can feel is anger towards me.

' Become with the sun and no one can stop you.'


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